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Week 18: 1/23/18 Start of 2nd Semester! 1.) Grab agenda

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1 Week 18: 1/23/18 Start of 2nd Semester! 1.) Grab agenda
2.) Hold on to ALL poems. We will share later. 3.) *If you are waiting, grab a book of poems to look at! Week 18: 1/23/18 Writing prompt Sharing “Just to Say…” Where I’m From workshop Concrete poems! Line breaks

2 Writing prompt: List specific actions you perform in your daily life:
brushing teeth swimming the 50 arranging binder and pencil on desk Watching world go by outside car window Eating cereal, or lunch in cafeteria Playing scales on flute before band Now choose a hobby, action, or extra-curricular activity that you invest a lot of time in. List objects related to that activity. Band class: flute, case, flute cubby, folder, tattered music, gum on band room floor, conductor’s baton, cleaning rag, etc

3 sharing poems: “This is just to say…”
1.) Share one AWESOME thing about poem! Surprised by, laughed about, crisp image, etc… 2.) One way that you see writer’s poem imitating WCW’s.

4 “Where I’m from” workshop
Take a moment to write on the back of the page. How did you go about writing this poem? Did you use your own observations for structure? Did you use classmates’? Did you use the outline I provided? Which did you depend on most?

5 Break What are alternate uses for toothpaste?

6 Concrete poems You are officially entering a new poemosphere!
The invitation stands: read, notice, observe.

7 What do we notice? Topic choice: Clever ideas on how to make it work:

8 Poetry books: Party chatter
What book are you reading? What’s one surprising thing, or really cool thing you’ve seen in your book so far? What’s awesome about this book?

9 Line breaks What do they do?

10 Line breaks: What do we notice? Ideas? Effect of line breaks?

11 Poems Novels & stories Simpler Shorter
Can have different points of view Less complex plot About one thing/setting Sums up story Hidden meaning Versatile Idea or story To the point More emotions You have to figure it out

12 Extra credit option: 5 pts extra credit. Read another book of poems
Extra credit option: 5 pts extra credit. Read another book of poems!! YOUR CHOICE!! me… Title. Author. What was interesting to you in this book of poems? In what way(s) was new in this book of poems? In what way was it different from the first you read? If you were going to borrow, steal, or imitate something you saw in this book of poems, what would it be? Why?

13 Writing Prompt: list poem
“A Frog, A Stick” A frog, a stick a shell, a stone a paper clip, a chicken bone. a feather quill a piece of string a lady bug, a beetle wing a greenish wad of bubble gum assorted keys and cookie crumbs. a maple leaf, a candy bar, a rubber band a model car. potato chips, and soggy fries plus something I can't recognize. a broken watch a plastic cow... that's what's inside my pockets now. - Jack Prelutsky What do we notice? Where is the punch line?

14 Writing Prompt: List poem
Things found In backpack, locker On cafeteria tray, in serving line At favorite store in mall At Starbucks, 7/11 Can be silly or serious. OR Write a list poem for a character- Star Wars, Nemo, free-reading book A list poem of things Liyana misses, or left behind in the move A list poem of things that annoy Liyana and Rafik about each other. Or things they love about each other. Or things you can buy in Jerusalem. List poem about place you did Habibi project on

15 Elements of poetry practice with books. Assign acrostics for homework
Concrete poems. What do we observe? What are they about? Do they benefit from titles or not? Generate text: Freewrite 10 mins on 2 separate topics. Then begin shaping, bending into found poem. These do NOT have to be typed. Handwritten on a nice sheet of paper is fine. Elements of poetry practice with books. Assign acrostics for homework Introduce POETRY PORTFOLIO assignment Guided Poem Imitation homework.

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