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Presentation on theme: "Suspense."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suspense

2 Suspense The uncertainty or anxiety we feel about what is going to happen next in a story. Page-turning pace that keeps readers awake just to turn the next page.

3 Characteristics of Suspense
Reader wonders what will happen next. Reader wonders when the next plot surprise will spring out at them. Reader wonders how the character will resolve their conflicts.

4 Ways to build suspense There are three main ways in which an author builds suspense. Pacing Dangerous Action Foreshadowing

5 Pacing Advancing or developing something at a particular rate or tempo. You see this often when an author or director slows down the action in order to build to something big. The author might also speed something up to bring you to a moment of action. What are some examples?

6 Dangerous Action This is exactly what it sounds like. When the author adds dangerous actions that we know have serious consequences. We as the audience know that certain actions have certain consequences thus causing suspense in the reader. Examples of dangerous action.

7 Foreshadowing A literary device in which the author gives clues as to what will happen later. We see this very often in stories and novels as well as movies. Foreshadowing gives hints to the reader. Some examples of foreshadowing?

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