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Presentation on theme: "Vaccines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vaccines

2 Overview What are vaccines Concept of drug and vaccines
Vaccination and immunization concept Imunity and its types Immune responses produced by vaccines Vaccines timeline Vaccine production methods Vaccine types and Diseases preventable by vaccines Vaccine modifications Routes of administration Reverse vaccinology Safety concerns about vaccination

3 Overview Vaccine trials Potential Shortcomings of Vaccines
Vaccine effectiveness and failures Vaccine approval

4 What are vaccines? stimulate the immune system VACCINOLOGY

5 Concept of drug and vaccines

6 Concept of drug and vaccines
Kill invaders or foreign pathogens Inhibit the growth of pathogens Patients therapeutic

7 Concept of drug and vaccines
Concept of Vaccine Generate memory cells Prophylactic or therapeutic

8 Vaccination and immunization

9 Immunity Adaptive Immunity Natural Passive (maternal) Active (infection) Artificial (antibody transfer) (immunization) Innate Immunity

10 ACTIVE VACCINE Stimulates Humoral Immune Response,
Cellular Immune Response or Both the aim of protecting against or eliminating a pathogen

11 Humoral


13 Vaccines timeline 18th century Edward Jenner 1796----- observed
introduced the practice of vaccinations First vaccine ever developed

14 Vaccines timeline 19th century 1853---- vaccination act UK
Compulsory childhood vaccination First vaccines for cholera, rabies, tetanus, typhoid fever, bubonic plague

15 Vaccines timeline 20th century diphtheria, tuberculosis,
whooping cough,  yellow fever, typhus, influenza, Japanese encephalitis, anthrax, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, pneumonia (Streptococcus pneumoniae), meningitis (Neisseria meningitidis), hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b (HiB),  hepatitis A, Lyme disease

16 1950 1967 1969 Vaccines timeline Inactivated polio vaccine
Mumps vaccine 1967 Rubella vaccine 1969

17 Vaccines timeline Last indigenous case of smallpox (Somalia). 1977 Smallpox declared eradicated from the world. 1980

18 Vaccines timeline Hepatitis B vaccine becomes available The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act established

19 Vaccines timeline Worldwide Polio Eradication Initiative launched; supported by WHO, UNICEF, CDC and others.

20 Vaccines timeline The Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS), a national program monitoring the safety of vaccines established.

21 Vaccines timeline Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) polysaccharide conjugate vaccine licensed for infants Hepatitis B vaccine was recommended for all infants

22 Vaccines timeline Polio elimination certified in the USA Vaccines for Children(VFC) program established to provide access to free vaccines for eligible children at the site of their usual source of care Hepatitis A vaccine licensed

23 Vaccines timeline First rotavirus vaccine licensed Rotavirus vaccine withdrawn from the market as a result of adverse events FDA recommends removing mercury from all products, including vaccines

24 Vaccines timeline 21st century
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine recommended for all young children. Worldwide measles initiative launched

25 Vaccines timeline September 11 results in increased concern of bioterrorism.

26 Vaccines timeline Measles declared no longer endemic in the USA. First live attenuated influenza vaccine licensed Inactivated influenza vaccine recommended Rubella declared no longer endemic in the United States.

27 Thank You

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