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Semester I – Final Review

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Presentation on theme: "Semester I – Final Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Semester I – Final Review
Set H Semester I – Final Review

2 This fresco was part of a larger group which was commissioned for what reason?

3 The person who commissioned this work ruled over what area?

4 Who commissioned this work?
What do the following symbols mean? Wheat Shoe Harp

5 This gothic style home represents what social change in Europe?

6 What biblical story is told here?

7 What style of church is this?

8 What is encaustic?

9 This figure is from what larger work
This figure is from what larger work? What are the symbols identify this as Christ?

10 This building was commissioned by Justinian to be the greatest church in Christendom. Who were the architects?

11 This figure is said to be alive because . . .

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