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G063 - Data flow diagrams.

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1 G063 - Data flow diagrams

2 Learning Objectives: By the end of this topic you should be able to:
describe, interpret and create data flow diagrams

3 Data Flow Diagrams show how data moves through a system
show the processes that transform inputs into outputs Utilises: external entities represent people, organisations …. processes transforms input data into output data data stores database file, a paper form, folder in a filing cabinet flow of data direction of flow of data in the system

4 Data Flow Diagrams DFD levels level 0 (L0) = summary of the system
does not show processes or data stores detail level 1 (L1) = overview of what is happening within the system represented in the L0 diagram by central process box

5 Data Flow Diagrams Symbols used:

6 Data Flow Diagrams

7 Data Flow Diagrams

8 Data Flow Diagrams

9 Data Flow Diagrams

10 Data Flow Diagrams

11 Data Flow Diagrams

12 Data Flow Diagrams

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