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Year 11 into 12 Philosophy and Ethics Bridging Project - Philosophy -

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1 Year 11 into 12 Philosophy and Ethics Bridging Project - Philosophy -
Key thinkers for Philosophy : 1. This course covers the philosophy of many key people, and it is important that we know who they are, and when/where they are relevant. Create a detailed timeline of the following thinkers: Socrates Plato Aristotle Saint Irenaeus St. Augustine St. Anselm of Canterbury Gaunilo of Marmoutiers St. Thomas Aquinas Rene Descartes Immanuel Kant Bertrand Russell William Paley David Hume William James Try to add a sentence or two for each thinker to Show which topic they feature in. 2. Research and write a response (with a minimum of 250 words): How is the life of Socrates comparable to the life of Jesus? St. Augustine 13th November 354 AD-28th August 430 AD Augustine of Hippo was an early Christian theologian and philosopher whose writings influenced the development of Western Christianity and Western philosophy. Bring your project, printed and ready to hand in, to the first Philosophy and Ethics lesson you have with Ms Cannon in September. Make sure you come and ask for help beforehand if you are stuck. Good Luck!

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