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From Middle to High school

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1 From Middle to High school
Vertical Teaming From Middle to High school

2 Agenda: Critical Question Discussion Academic and Behavioral National Concerns Student Perspectives on Graduation Requirements Vertical Teaming to Increase Student Outcomes Map Out Student Skills

3 Critical Question: Imagine that it is the last week for 8th grade and 12th grade students… What are your greatest academic and/or behavioral concerns about the students you are sending on? Take three minutes and identify three concerns

4 National Perspectives
Share Out: What are academic or behavioral concerns you have about the students you are sending on? National Perspectives Willingness to solve problems‐independence Reading comprehension Attitude toward reading Essay writing Vocabulary development Ability/desire to ask questions Organization Study skills Persistence Motivation/Understanding what it takes to achieve Middle and High School Teachers Top 10 Concerns About Student’s Progression

5 “A student’s middle school experience strongly impacts
the odds of graduating from high school.” (2009) Balfanz, R. Putting Middle Grade Students on the Graduation Path : A policy and Practice Brief Students who come every day, exhibit positive behavior, and get good grades graduate in high numbers. YES: 93% of 7th and 8th graders surveyed said there is “no chance” they will drop out of high school and not graduate. BUT: 83% of 7th and 8th graders surveyed know little or nothing about the classes they need to take to graduate from high school

6 The Long and Short of it . . . Middle School students have high goals and aspirations, but limited or unrealistic ideas about what they need to do to succeed in high school and prepare for college. How can vertical teaming increase special education student success? Take two minutes to discuss how vertical teaming could increase student success

7 Vertical alignment skills
Map out student skills necessary to increase success from Middle to High School *Focus on embedding skills and dispositions that lead to academic success for all special education students

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