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School Community Council

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1 School Community Council
February 23, 2017

2 Luncheon with Speaker Greg Hughes

3 Parent Communication

4 Teacher of the Year

5 February 28: Nomination window closes
March 3: PTA leaders select up to 3 nominees to forward to School Selection Panel March 7: School Selection Panel (Principal, SCC member, ESP employee) weighs all employee and PTA nominations, selects Teacher of the Year  March 10: Send an to your School Performance Director about your Teacher of the Year March 29-31: Announcement April 25:  Recognitions ceremony 

6 Positive Behavior Interventions & Support

7 PBIS data

8 CSIP goal for PBIS Problem Statement: Performance Goal: Budget
Instructional minutes are lessened due to tardiness. Performance Goal: By the end of the school year skyward data for tardies will decrease by 20% through increasing resources for teachers, classroom support, stakeholder training, accessibility to data, and explicit instruction of expectations. Budget Rewards for students $2000 Student Body General funds

9 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan

10 CSIP goal for Math Problem Statement: Performance Goal: Budget:
SAGE math results for show 63% of all students are proficient on math and only 10% of special education students are proficient on math. Performance Goal: Currently 63% of all students are scoring proficient on the SAGE math. By the end of the year, 68% of students will be proficient on the SAGE assessment. Progress toward this goal will be measured through formative assessments (SMI) 3 times throughout the year. Math lab for Tier 2 intervention will be continued at all grade levels and students will be selected by using the following criteria; SAGE proficiency, SMI, and teacher recommendation. Common pacing will be consistent within 1-2 days in the regular and co-taught classrooms. This will support common administration of CFA (within 0-2 days), comparison of data weekly, and Intervention will be provided during class time at least once a week. Daily Tier 1 instruction will include grouping and strengthened explicit instruction with emphasis on "we do" & "y'all do". Budget: Substitutes for peer observations $ Landtrust Substitutes for data analysis $ Landtrust Purchase 3 more mobile labs for math including carts $20,000 Landtrust

11 CSIP goal for Science Problem Statement: Performance Goal: Budget:
In science only 34% of our Special Education students were proficient on SAGE ( ). (The science curriculum is changing for next year.) Performance Goal: Currently 76% of DPMS students are proficient on SAGE Science, scoring a 3 or 4. However, only 34% of our Special Education students are proficient on SAGE Science. Our goal is that 77% of our overall student body will achieve proficiency on SAGE in science, while increasing proficiency of Special Education students to 40% in the school year. Progress will be measured by classroom unit summative assessment data. Teachers will reteach concepts in small groups after each assessment to students who score below 80%. Additionally, all new content vocabulary will be taught explicitly as per best teaching practices. Teachers will also use daily starters to spiral instruction of curriculum. Budget: Substitutes for data analysis $5000 Landtrust Three 17-hour aides to assist in classrooms with special education students $21,000 Landtrust

12 CSIP goal for Literacy (ELA & Social Studies)
Problem Statement: SAGE ELA Data from indicates that Writing is the lowest reporting category for DPMS. Performance Goal: 62% of our students are proficient, scoring a level 3 or 4, on the ELA portion of SAGE ( ). Our goal is that at least 68% students will be proficient on the ELA SAGE in A strategy for improvement is to provide targeted instruction in ELA and Social Studies classes in statement of purpose, utilization of evidence, and elaboration on evidence in student writing. 1) Scaffolding- Common sentence frames, graphic organizers, rubrics, academic vocabulary, mentor texts with examples and non-examples 2) Explicit Instruction Model- Including modeling and guided practice Budget: Summer Meeting to help ELA create vertical alignment $ Landtrust SS Meeting to create/refine Common Formative Assessments AFTER receiving vertical alignment information from ELA teachers PD led by ELA and SS teachers $2000 for substitutes Landtrust

13 March 16: Work on Landtrust
Feb. 21: Data Work Day - Math and Science in the morning - English and Social Studies in the afternoon March 16: Work on Landtrust Sign Landtrust participation page March 20: CSIP & Landtrust due What data would you like me to bring to our March 16th meeting?

14 Upcoming SCC Meetings March 16 April 20 May 18

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