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Relative noun النسبة.

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1 Relative noun النسبة

2 How to relate to a country
General Rule : To relate your self to a country you will add the sound (Yee ي ( to the end of the country name: And ?? 1- if your country name has ” ا “ or ”ة“ at the end of it . In “ أمريكا “ America you would replace the alif “ ا “ and with “ ي “ to relate to America Changed to ” أمريكي ”American Ex:” سوريا “ is Syria ___ “سوري “ is Syrian

3 How to relate to a country
2- If your country name starts with “ال “ , you would omit the “ال “ and still add “ ي “ In the country name “العراق “ Iraq To relate to Iraq ” عراقي “ Iraqi Kuwait is “الكويت “ Kuwaiti is “ ” كويتي

4 اليمن الهند سوريا ليبيا قطر السعودية فرنسا الأردن
Change the following country names to a nationality( relative noun ) form اليمن الهند سوريا ليبيا قطر السعودية فرنسا الأردن

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