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English III - Vocabulary Lesson 7

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1 English III - Vocabulary Lesson 7
bumptious rudiment cite sanction consonant satiate gibe subservient repartee vivacious

2 bumptious adjective Conceited and arrogant; crudely and unpleasantly forward

3 cite verb To quote; to mention by way of example or proof; to commend for bravery in an official report; to summon before a court

4 consonant Adjective - In agreement, accord, harmony
Noun – any letter of the alphabet that is not a vowel

5 gibe Verb – to make mocking remarks; to jeer; to scoff at
Noun – a derisive remark; a taunt

6 repartee Noun A quick, witty reply or retort; skill in making clever, witty replies

7 rudiment(s) Noun A fundamental principle, rule, or step (usually used in the plural); an early or undeveloped form or stage

8 sanction Noun - Authorized permission or approval; a step taken by a country to force another country to obey international law Verb – to confirm, approve, or permit officially

9 satiate verb To satisfy an appetite fully; to provide with more than enough; to glut

10 subservient Adjective
Submissive; obedient; useful or of service, especially as a subordinate

11 vivacious Adjective Animated; lively; spirited; sprightly

12 English III - Vocabulary Lesson 8
comely irascible decadence miscreant erroneous ostentatious flaunt pretentious hypercritical stereotype

13 comely adjective Having a pleasant appearance; attractive; suitable

14 decadence noun A process, condition, or period of decline or decay; deterioration; moral decay

15 erroneous Adjective False; mistaken; incorrect

16 flaunt verb To show off; to display oneself proudly or conspicuously

17 hypercritical adjective Too severe in judgment (judgmental)

18 irascible adjective Easily angered; given to outburst of temper; irritable

19 miscreant Noun - A villain; an evildoer Adjective – criminal; evil

20 ostentatious adjective
Too showy; done in an overly elaborate way to attract attention

21 pretentious Adjective
Claiming an undeserved distinction; affectedly grand; showy

22 stereotype Noun A generalized, oversimplified view or opinion that members of a group rigidly apply to a thing, an idea, or another group

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