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Grammatical Development 1

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1 Grammatical Development 1

2 Recap of grammatical terms …
Syntax Adverbial Possessive Inflections Auxiliary verbs Determiners

3 Syntactic development…
This lecture on grammatical development is primarily concerned with syntax. Syntactic development = development of a child’s ability to create grammatical constructions by arranging words in an appropriate order.

4 One-word stage … 12-18 months: child speaks in single word utterances.
‘milk’ ‘mummy’ Groups of words may be used as a single unit. ‘allgone’

5 One-word stage … In many situations, the words simply serve a naming function. Holophrases: single words which convey more complex messages:

6 Holophrases … ‘juice’ ‘I want some juice’ ‘I’ve spilt some juice’
Context, gesture and intonation: enable parent/carer to understand what child means.

7 Understanding … Although the child’s utterances are limited, their understanding of syntax is (predictably) more advanced. Evidence: children at the one-word stage can respond to two-word instructions: ‘kiss mummy’.

8 Two-word stage … 18 months: two-word utterances begin to appear.
Usually: grammatically correct sequence.

9 Two-word stage … Common constructions: S+V ‘Daddy sleep’
V+O ‘Draw birdie’ S+O ‘Suzy juice’ S+C ‘Daddy busy’

10 Two-word stage … When repeating an adult, children at this stage commonly omit elements, but retain the correct order: Look, Ben’s playing in the garden. Play garden.

11 Two-word stage … Utterances focus on key words.
Grammatical function words: commonly omitted (as they carry less information).

12 Meanings of two-word utterances …
Range of complex meanings can be expressed. Possession: ‘Mummy car’ Action: ‘Paul eat’ Location: ‘Teddy bed’

13 Ambiguity … The scope for ambiguity at this stage arises because of the omission of inflectional affixes. Commonly possessive and plural ‘s’ and past tense ‘ed’ are absent.

14 Telegraphic stage … Age 2: 3 and 4-word utterances begin to be produced. Some will be grammatically complete:

15 Telegraphic stage … S+V+O ‘Lucy likes tea’ S+V+C ‘Teddy is tired’
S+V+A ‘Mummy sleeps upstairs’

16 Telegraphic stage … Other utterances will have grammatical elements missing: ‘Daddy home now’ ‘Where Josh going?’

17 Telegraphic stage … Hence the name ‘telegraphic’.
Like a telegram, they include key words, but omit elements such as: Determiners Auxiliary verbs Prepositions

18 Telegraphic stage … Wider range of structures will be used:
Questions (interrogatives) Commands (imperatives) Simple statements

19 Rapid progress … 3 years: items such as determiners begin to be used regularly. More than one clause appears Coordinating conjunctions Inflectional affixes (see next lecture) 5 years: many of most basic grammatical rules have been learned, though some (e.g. the passive) have yet to be mastered.


21 Tasks! Each team must make notes on their stage AND
Each team must reduce their stage one (or more) of the following: Less than 15 words A cartoon A mime A song or a poem Teams will present their work to the class!

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