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Preventative measure to keep you safe

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1 Preventative measure to keep you safe
Learning Goals 1. I am learning to apply coping skills and problem-solving skills to identify procedures for responding to dangerous situations.

2 Minds on-  brainstorm two safety precautions You could take to avoid an accident or injury while in each of the situations listed above Swimming in a Lake Going on a Camping Trip Hunting Ice Fishing Riding Public Transportation

3 Alphabet Safety Brainstorm and write or draw examples of safety practices and appropriate procedures for responding to dangerous situations for as many different letters of the alphabet as possible. A- Always swim with a buddy B- Buckle up in a car, Basic First Aid

4 Internet Safety
Internet Safety Pre Quiz

5 Internet Safety- Keeping yourself safe online
Cyber-bullying means using computers, mobile phones, or other technology to hurt, scare, or embarrass other people. Cyber-bullying gets people in serious trouble at school and also with the law. In a growing number of places, certain forms of cyber-bullying are illegal. Being mean is being mean, no matter how you do it. Don’t ask if it’s funny. Ask if it will make someone unhappy. Even if you think someone was mean to you, being mean back is not a safe way to handle the problem. Instead, get help from an adult you trust. Have the courage to speak up if you notice anyone cyber-bullying. Say that this is wrong and that you are not going to keep it a secret. Use privacy settings, but never post anything in social medial or send anything out electronically that you don’t want the world to see. If you get an upsetting message or see something that is attacking you: Do not reply. Do not delete. Save the message, get a screen shot, print it if you can and get help from an adult you trust. If one adult does not help you, keep asking until you get the help you need

6 Exit Card What are 3 ways you can keep yourself safe online?

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