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Archetypes Meghan Katie Gail.

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1 Archetypes Meghan Katie Gail

2 What is an Archetype? Repeating images that reflect basic patterns or universal themes common to everyone. They are in the present time. Images exist outside of space and time. (Carl Jung Summary)

3 Where it started? The main proponent of the theory was Carl Jung in the 20th century. Considered to be the first person to view human psyche as "by nature religious" and make it the focus of exploration. (Wikipedia: Carl Jung)

4 Pros to Archetype Theory
Can help in understanding works in which characters have psychological issues. Knowing some background on a authors psychological “make up” can give insight into the authors work. Identifies a reason why some works of literature survive through time and others don’t.

5 Cons to Archetype Theory
The approach of using archetypes may ignore the “art” of literature. Critics can some times diagnose dead authors based on their writing and not on their psychology.

6 Blood The title of the Middle Eastern poem shows and Archetype. It is a symbol that shows what the author is going through but it is not a direct symbol. When her father repeatedly says “a true Arab…” it is Archetype because it is a pattern taking place in the poem. Also the last three lines of the poem. They relate to all humans not only the Arabs she is talking about, so it is a theme outside of space and time.

7 Work Cited Herring, David. "Northrop Frye's Theory of Archetypes." Educational Technology - Redirect. 10 Aug Web. 05 Dec < "Carl Jung Summary." Sonoma State University. Web. 05 Dec < Burris, Skylar Hamilton. “The Basics of Some Critical Approaches.” Skylar Hamilton Burris web. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. "Carl Jung." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 05 Dec Web. 05 Dec <

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