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Three-Phase Inverters

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Presentation on theme: "Three-Phase Inverters"— Presentation transcript:

1 Three-Phase Inverters
Consider three single-phase inverters in parallel, driven 120° apart.

2 Three-Phase Inverter (continued)
Three single-phase full bridge inverters 12 transistors, 12 diodes, 3 transformers Could it be simpler?

3 Alternative (Preferred) Configuration
6 transistors, 6 diodes conduction for 120° or 180°

4 180° Conduction Three transistors ON at a time

5 Summary Table

6 Waveforms for 180 Conduction

7 Phase Voltages for 180 Conduction

8 Waveforms for 180 Conduction

9 Summary Table

10 Mode 1 Operation

11 Mode 1 Operation Q1, Q5, Q6 conduct

12 Summary Table

13 Mode 2 Operation

14 Mode 2 Operation Q1, Q2, Q6 conduct

15 Summary Table

16 Mode 3 Operation

17 Mode 3 Operation Q1, Q2, Q3 conduct

18 Phase Voltages for 180 Conduction

19 Fourier Series for Line-to-Line Voltages

20 For the other Line-to-Line Voltages

21 Line-to-Line rms Voltage

22 rms value of the nth Component
Fundamental Component

23 Line-to-Neutral Voltages

24 Phase Voltages (Y-connected load)

25 Line Current for an RL load

26 DC Supply Current IL=√3Io is the rms load line current
Vo1= fundamental rms output line voltage Io is the rms load phase current Θ1 = the load impedance angle at the fundamental frequency

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