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“The Stories Julian Tells: Our Garden”

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1 “The Stories Julian Tells: Our Garden”

2 Day 2: Do Now Write the sentence.

3 Day 2: Do Now Write the sentence.

4 Words to Know “Our Garden”
figs genuine ancients harvest rustling

5 I can provide a recounting of key plot details.
Essential Question: How do a character’s motivations, feelings, and actions affect events and other people? How can sharing stories build relationships?

6 Prior Knowledge and Purpose “Our Garden"
I can recount the plot details in a text. Prior Knowledge and Purpose “Our Garden" What is a garden? What do you want to know? What is your reason for reading “Our Garden”? To show mastery, using Graphic Organizer and evidence from text, keep track of important details about the plot. What will you be doing?

7 I can recount the plot details in a text.
What is PLOT? Plot is what happens in the beginning, middle, and end of a fiction book. Beginning: Characters and setting are introduced and the problem starts to be evident. Middle: The story climaxes and the problem is at its peak. End: The solution is presented.

8 I can recount the plot details in a text.
I do: Read pages 31-33 1.What were the two special things that Julian and Huey picked out of the catalog? 2.How dirty does Julian and Huey’s mother say they are after they plant the garden?

9 I can recount the plot details in a text. Close
I Do We Do Ticket Out the Door Write the Beginning: Characters, Setting, Introduction to the problem on the graphic organizer. Julian In the garden Father said he wasn’t sure if he wanted a flower house or giant corn, Julian and Huey did. Father said ok if you take care of it all summer.

10 I can recount the plot details in a text.
I do: Read pages 34-36 3.What does Julian do instead of going to bed the night they plant the garden? Why do you think he does that? 4. How long did it take before the seeds started to grow? 5. Huey probably made what first?

11 I can recount the plot details in a text. Close
We Do They Do Ticket Out the Door Write the Middle: the steps to the climax of the problem the to the chapter. Julian In the garden Father said he wasn’t sure if he wanted a flower house or giant corn, Julian and Huey did. Father said ok if you take care of it all summer. Julian went out that same night to see if the seeds had grown. They had not.

12 I can recount the plot details in a text. Close
You Do I can recount the plot details in a text. Close Ticket Out the Door Write the Ending/Solution to the chapter. Julian In the garden Father said he wasn’t sure if he wanted a flower house or giant corn, Julian and Huey did. Father said ok if you take care of it all summer. Julian went out that same night to see if the seeds had grown. They had not. The seeds started to grow like they said they would and Huey and Julian had vegetables all summer.

13 Stations: I can recount the plot details in a text. Teacher
Computer: Writing Listening Comprehension Library Word Study Vocabulary

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