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Vocabulary Construction – Unit 18

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1 Vocabulary Construction – Unit 18
Review: Units 15, 16 & 17 by Marcia Timmel Art by Phillip Martin

2 1. indicate 1. (v) to point to something; to show what someone thinks or intends

3 (v) to refuse to consider something; to end an activity for someone
2. dismiss (v) to refuse to consider something; to end an activity for someone

4 3. (v) to disagree with; to show to be wrong
3. contradict 3. (v) to disagree with; to show to be wrong

5 4. mission 4. (n) an assigned task; a person’s calling

6 5. (v) to send or give out something; to make a sound
5. emit 5. (v) to send or give out something; to make a sound

7 6. dictate 6. (v) to rule or control other people; (n) a governing principal or command.

8 7. (v) to send something; to communicate information or a signal
7. transmit 7. (v) to send something; to communicate information or a signal

9 8. (n) something that is produced or given out
8. emission 8. (n) something that is produced or given out

10 9. dictator 9. (n) a powerful, controlling person

11 10. (v) to say what will happen
10. predict 10. (v) to say what will happen

12 11. projector 11. (n) equipment for putting images on a screen

13 12. (v) to interrupt with a comment
12. interject 12. (v) to interrupt with a comment

14 13. dejected 13. (adj) very unhappy

15 14. structure 14. (n) something built or assembled

16 15. injection 15. (n) a dose of drug put in the body with a syringe; adding something

17 16. (v) to build or create something.
16. construct 16. (v) to build or create something.

18 17. (v) to block something; to slow down
17. obstruct 17. (v) to block something; to slow down

19 18. (v) to train or direct someone
18. instruct 18. (v) to train or direct someone

20 19. eject 19. (v) to push something out with force

21 20. (adj) meant to damage or hurt
20. destructive 20. (adj) meant to damage or hurt

22 21. (v) agree to do something; (n) a formal agreement
21. contract 21. (v) agree to do something; (n) a formal agreement

23 22.(adj) examining your own feelings
22. introspective 22.(adj) examining your own feelings

24 23. (n) somebody who watches
23. spectator 23. (n) somebody who watches

25 24. (adj) considering all consequences before acting
24. circumspect 24. (adj) considering all consequences before acting

26 25. (n) an official examiner
25. inspector 25. (n) an official examiner

27 26. (v) to take something back
26. retract 26. (v) to take something back

28 27. (v) to draw somebody’s attention; appeal to people
27. attract 27. (v) to draw somebody’s attention; appeal to people

29 28. (v) to pull something out; (n) a passage from a text
28. extract 28. (v) to pull something out; (n) a passage from a text

30 29. tractable 29. (adj) easy to control or persuade

31 30. (adj) morally above criticism
30. respectable 30. (adj) morally above criticism

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