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Published byCora Blankenship Modified over 6 years ago
DISCLAIMER This is an educational resource developed by the NHS Sustainable Development Unit ( for NHS Organisation’s General Staff Awareness Sessions. This is not to be used by other than NHS staff; and should not be used in any way in a commercial setting. It was produced in August Please note that the SDU cannot continue to revise the resource after this date. This slide set was developed by the NHS Sustainable Development Unit (SDU). It is a resource for raising awareness about sustainability, health and the NHS, amongst health care staff. It should be used together with the Facilitator’s Guide. For more information or for help with giving this presentation, please contact the NHS SDU ( 1
Sustainability, health and the NHS
Saving Lives, Saving Money, Securing the Future Sustainability, health and the NHS Slide 2: Title Instructions: The basic presentation should be delivered in 30 minutes. Below each slide, there are Facilitator’s notes, which: Outline the key points – suggesting what you can say about each slide Provide tips to help you present the slide Some of the slides have extra information/quotes/activities that help to expand on the main points The important thing is to get across the key points – only include some of the extra points when you have enough time If you get any questions during the session you cannot answer direct people to the NHS Sustainable Development Unit Website ( Here they should find the information they need or find the details of one of the SDU team to contact. Tips for the Facilitator: It is important to involve the audience from the beginning, so that they feel comfortable participating and asking questions. In this opening slide, you could ask, ‘where and when do you think this photograph was taken?’ This photograph: Car in rural flooding: Car drives into verge in 3ft of water, 43 mm of rain in one day, 20th July 2007, Oxfordshire, England. Climate projections for the UK predict that flooding will become more frequent as global temperatures rise (people who are interested in the technical/scientific basis for this assumption can be directed to visit the UK Climate Impacts Programme website 2
Today we will be exploring…
What is sustainability? Why is it important? What can I do to make a difference - at home and at work? Slide 3: Aims of today Key Points: The key aims of the session are: 1) It is often quite difficult to define ‘sustainability’. We will be looking at what it is and how it is different from environmentalism. 2) We will explore the 3 key reasons why health care staff need to take sustainability seriously. 3) It is really important to think about what you can do to make a difference. Tips for the Facilitator: 3) is important. People want and need to know how they can take action. 3
What is Sustainability?
“Meeting our needs today without compromising the ability of others to meet their needs tomorrow…” Slide 4: Sustainability Definition Tips for the facilitator: Ask participants to turn to the person next to them and try and define sustainability [1 minute]. After one minute reveal the quote. Note: This slide has custom animation – practice it beforehand to see what pops up when you click. Key Points: Notice that the quote talks about ‘needs’. It does not talk about “the environment”, “being green” nor “saving the planet”. Sustainability is not about being ‘idealistic’ - it is about common sense – using resources sensibly so there are enough left for others in the world (today) and our children (tomorrow). Essentially we need food, energy, space, homes, money, safety etc and our children, and their children and their children will need the same. Sustainability is how we ensure we achieve balance whether it is social, environmental and/or economic - to make sure we live within our means. 4
Sustainability – Striking the Balance
Slide 5: Sustainability is about balance Key Points: Sustainability includes three key areas: ‘Economic Sustainability’, ‘Social Sustainability’ and ‘Environmental Sustainability’ we often talk about carbon reduction and environmental sustainability – but sustainability for the NHS is much broader than this – it is about how we deliver care, how we create a healthier happier population, how we ensure we can afford to continue to deliver care in the future etc. It is about striking the right balance between these three. If we just focus on getting one circle right and do not think about how they effect each other we will not find the spot in the middle and will not create a sustainable health service Additional Info: To explain this, ask the audience to imagine a world where humans are not allowed to build anything: what problems might this cause? Answer: not building anything may be good for environmental sustainability but society would probably not be able to function (Where would people live? What would happen to our sewage? How would we generate energy etc.) and economic systems would break down. As another example, you could ask the audience to imagine a world where we build on all of our land (What would people eat? Where would we get enough materials? What would we do with our pollution? Would you like to live somewhere like this? etc) The point is that neither scenario meets all 3 needs without compromising our ability to meet these needs in the future – sustainability is about getting the balance right. Good Quotes: The problem of achieving sustainability and balance arises because: “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need but not every man’s greed” [Mahatma Gandhi] Venn Diagram: Barbier, E.,1987. The Concept of Sustainable Economic Development. Environmental Conservation, 14(2): Barbier, 1987 5
Did you know? If everyone on the planet had the same wasteful lifestyles and used as much energy as we do in the UK we would need THREE EARTHS to provide enough resources. We are living way beyond our means Slide 6: Did you know? Key Points: What right do we have to say to the developing world that they cannot have the same lifestyles as we have? Using such large amounts of the earth’s limited resources, like we do in the UK and other ’developed’ countries, is unequal and unfair. This is a really important point. If everyone on the planet wanted a car, a modest house, a fridge, a television, a computer, and perhaps a mobile phone or an ipod, WE WOULD NEED THREE PLANET EARTHS to provide the resources. Pose the question ‘Do you think that all people are equal?’ and if so ‘Do we have the right to say that people in developing countries cannot have the things that we are lucky enough to have? The problem is, even if we had the money to let everyone have the same as we do the environment cannot handle it. As we saw in the previous slide it is important to get the balance right and think about how we can share and use the Earth’s resources more sensibly – We all know it that bingeing on the earth’s resources is not sustainable in the long term. 6
What can I do? Turn it off! If every Trust cut their energy bill by 5% the NHS in England would save around £20 million per year. Slide 7: What can I do? Key Points: Turn off lights, computers, appliances, TVs, heaters, coolers whenever you can. Interesting facts: Lighting: It is a myth that leaving fluorescent lights on uses less energy than turning them off – ALWAYS SWITCH LIGHTS OFF (UCLH) Computers: Two thirds of the energy used by a computer is used by the screen – turn it off when it is not in use (UCLH) A TV on standby setting uses 24% of the energy of when it is fully on (UCLH) Heating and cooling: It costs over 4 times more to heat a room using electricity compared with gas (UCLH) When you left your house this morning did you leave the taps running and the lights and TV on? 7
Why is sustainability important…?
1) It improves Health 2) It saves Money 3) The NHS can Make a Difference Slide 8: The case for sustainability Tips for the Facilitator: Before you reveal the three points, ask the group to guess the three main ‘answers’ (they might think of some other answers, too!). Don’t wait to long if nobody is guessing the answers on the slide and try to link the answers that they come up with, to the 3 points. Key Points: 1) There are two reasons why sustainability improves health: A changing climate threatens health (directly and indirectly – this will be explained in slides 11 and 12) A low carbon lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle: Eating better (more fruit and vegetables, less red meat, less processed foods, more local produce etc), more walking and cycling etc. are both good for health and good for the environment. 2) Sustainability can save money through: reducing waste, using resources more efficiently and by being less dependent on resources that are running out. 3) The NHS is in the business of health. According to The Lancet (a well respected medical journal) climate change is: the “biggest global health threat of the 21st Century”. The values of the NHS to protect health and well-being mean we must take the lead. As an enormous organisation with millions of staff and huge buying power, we should be able to do this. Source: UCL Health Commission/Lancet: Managing the Health effects of Climate Change. May 2009 8 8
How will you help deliver this?
Did you know? The NHS has to reduce its carbon emissions by 10% by 2015 to help meet the Climate Change Act (2008) target of 80% by 2050. How will you help deliver this? Slide 9: Did you know? The Climate Change Act (which is a law that was brought in by the UK Government in 2008) legally requires the NHS to reduce carbon emissions by 80% (on 1990 levels) by 2050. The NHS has an interim target of a 10% reduction (on 2007 levels) by 2015. 9
Is that face to face meeting really necessary?
What can I do? Reduce travel! If teleconferencing replaced 5% of business miles travelled, the NHS (England) would save over £13.9 million each year Slide 10: What can I do? Key points: Is that face to face meeting really necessary? Think about the business miles you travel each month…. Could you work from home one or two days each week? Could you go home earlier and do your e-learning at home? Could you tele, video and web-conference more? > Less travel saves time, money and carbon! If you do have to travel: Get on your bike! (or walk, or catch the bus/train)! - Active travel (walking and cycling) are good for health and good for the planet - Cars cause traffic congestion, air and noise pollution, pedestrian deaths, and high car use is associated with obesity and therefore heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes… etc. Interesting facts: 1 in 20 road journeys in England are on NHS business (CRS) Travel makes up 17% of the NHS’s carbon footprint (CRS Update) Is that face to face meeting really necessary? 10
Health Although climate change can cause illness and death directly...
Slide 11: The direct health effects of climate change Key Points: The health effects of climate change include (in the order in which the pictures appear) increased risk of: food poisoning, cataracts, vector borne disease (e.g. malaria), skin cancer, flooding and heat waves. Tips for the Facilitator: You could ask the audience what they think the health effects of climate change are before bringing up the pictures. You could ask the audience why these effects might be a problem for the NHS and what impact it will have on families, and their children? Note: This slide has animation – practice it beforehand to see what pops up when you click. 11 11
…there are MUCH greater health risks through…
Slide 12: The serious risks to health are… Key Points: The bigger health risks are through (in the order in which they appear): drought, crop failure, economic collapse, mass migration, civil unrest and … Easter Island! These might seem like problems for the rest of the world. However, in a globalised world these things will quickly affect the UK. We have already experienced food scarcity where food prices rose dramatically and a global financial crisis. Wars over increasingly scarce resources (e.g. water) are already happening in some parts of the world today, and mass migration is a real threat as extreme weather events drive people to move elsewhere. Tips for Facilitator: This slide has animation that fades the pictures in one after another – practice it beforehand to see what appears when you click. You could ask the audience whether anyone knows the story of Easter Island and if so whether they could explain briefly what it teaches us to the group? The story of Easter island – Easter Island is an isolated island in the Pacific Ocean. There is evidence that Easter Island society collapsed due to environmental damage. The story goes that the island’s population grew quickly and they stretched the island’s natural resources beyond breaking point leading to ecological collapse. Because they were so isolated they were unable to move elsewhere and the population simply died out. You would think there must have been a point where saw that their resources were running out but they didn’t do anything… why?? In the globalised times we live in we could substitute Easter Island for planet Earth, an isolated island in the vast sea of the Universe. We are the first generation of humans to receive a warning that our approach is unsustainable and therefore we have a fantastic opportunity to take action now. If we fail to take responsibility the next warning will involve far greater loss of life and human suffering through the sort of things suggested in the pictures on the slide. The decisions will not become easier as time goes on, in fact they will get harder if we just let it be. Do you think our children will be better equipped to take these tough decisions? 12 12
Health Health co-benefits: What is good for health is good for the environment… Slide 13: What is good for health is good for the environment Key Points: ‘Health co-benefits’ means that: a low carbon lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle. For example: walking, cycling, eating locally grown fruit and vegetables, eating less red meat etc. are both good for health and good for the environment. Less car use would mean: less road fatalities, less air pollution, less noise pollution, less obesity, less traffic congestion and a more pleasant environment to live and work in. Tips for Facilitator: You could ask the audience at the start what they understand by health co-benefits and what examples they can think of? 13 13
Did you know? The Government’s Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) scheme requires many NHS organisations to participate in an “energy league”. Good performers will get a bonus while poor performers will lose money. Slide 14: Did you know? Key Points: Under the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Energy Efficiency Scheme, many NHS organisations must report, monitor and reduce their energy use. If people want more information on the CRC direct them to the NHS Sustainable Development Unit website ( Saving carbon will save the Trust money that can be reinvested in delivering services! 14
NHS carbon footprint1 17% Building energy use 24% Procurement 59%
travel 17% NHS carbon footprint1 Building energy use 24% 21 million tonnes CO2e Procurement 59% Slide 15: The NHS Carbon footprint Key Points: Ask the audience to guess what they think the NHS carbon footprint is: The answer is 21million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (based on 2007 data). The average person in the UK has a carbon footprint of 9 tonnes per year. In China the average is 3 tonnes per year and in India only 1 tonne per year. The average American has a footprint of 20 tonnes per year (based on 2005 data). As we saw on slide 6 earlier we are using an unfair amount of the world’s resources. The NHS footprint is made up of: 17% travel (e.g. patient, staff and visitor travel) 24% building energy use (e.g. heating, cooling, lighting) 59% procurement (buying of goods and services e.g. drugs, food, furniture, hospital supplies, medical equipment etc.) Tips for the Facilitator: You might like to ask if anyone knows what their own carbon footprint is, and then explain that you can also measure the carbon footprints of organisations or businesses. This slide has custom animation so you may want to practice it - You could announce each of the areas (travel comes up on the first click, energy use on the second and procurement on the third) before bringing it up on the screen and ask the audience to guess what percentage each area makes up. They should be able to work the last one out! Note: CO2e means ‘Carbon dioxide equivalent’ - As we mentioned earlier, there are six main greenhouse gases which cause climate change. Each gas has a different global warming potential. For simplicity, the mass of each gas emitted is commonly translated into a carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) amount so that the total impact from all sources can be added up to give one figure. Source: NHS Carbon Reduction Strategy Update, NHS Sustainable Development Unit, 2010 15 1 England. NHS Sustainable Development Unit 2010
Reduce, reuse and recycle!
What can I do? Reduce, reuse and recycle! The NHS spends £20 billion every year on buying goods and services Slide 16: What can I do? Key points: As we saw on the last slide - Procurement (buying goods and services) makes up 59% of the NHS’s carbon footprint (CRS Update) By using resources wisely there is huge scope to save money: Reduce the amount that we buy and use Re-use items wherever possible Recycle Examples: paper (only print documents if absolutely necessary, print double-sided and 2 sheets to a page), hospital and office equipment, water Interesting facts about water: Water and sewage cost some/ one trust more than £11,000 each week. On average each person in the UK uses 140 litres (31 gallons) of water EVERY DAY. (UCLH) A shower uses only 40% of the hot water needed for a bath. What you can do: report dripping taps, leaks Don’t’ use more water than you need, avoid overfilling kettles, use a sink plug or bowl when washing dishes. Think about everything you use in your job and the amount of things you throw away: which of them could be used better, reused or recycled? 16
Can we make a difference? True or False?
21 million tonnes of CO2e is the same as some medium sized countries (e.g. Northern Ireland and Portugal) TRUE 2) The biggest chunk of procurement emissions is the manufacture of medical devices FALSE 3) The NHS is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in Europe 4) 1 in 20 journeys on UK roads are health related Slide 17: The NHS can make a difference… Tip for the Facilitator: Ask participants to guess whether the statements are true or false. Key Points: 2) The biggest chunk of procurement (good and services) carbon emissions is actually drugs (pharmaceuticals) Due to its size the NHS and the people who work in it are in a position to make a huge difference. The NHS… Is the biggest employer in Europe Is the centre of many communities Touches many people’s lives: 1 million patient contacts every 36 hours Has massive buying power Must set an example: NHS staff are well respected So….people often think their individual actions cannot make a difference. However, being part of something as big as the NHS means that if we, acting together, choose to we can make a difference. In fact as a health organisation we have a responsibility to take action. Good Quote: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” (Margaret Mead – American cultural anthropologist) 17
Others have been there before you…
Others have been there before you…. When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills (Chinese proverb) Slide 18: The future is in our hands… Key Points: Are you going to build a wall or help us to build windmills…or should that be wind turbines! 18 18 18
You may like to include slides with:
Making the presentation specific to your Organisation You may like to include slides with: Your Organisation’s sustainability statement Who the SD Champions are in the Organisation Who the Board level sponsor is for Sustainable Development work Specific information and data from your Organisation (e.g. amount Organisation spends on energy, how much water the Organisation uses etc) Information about staff events promoting sustainability The key actions you want people to take in the Organisation to help improve sustainability and reduce carbon Slide 19: Adding Organisation specific slides to the presentation… Instructions: The basic presentation could be supplemented with slides that provide information about sustainability in the Organisation and how people can get involved in taking this forward. 19
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