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Geonovum Wideke Boersma 48th MIG-T meeting, April 2018

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1 Geonovum Wideke Boersma 48th MIG-T meeting, 11-12 April 2018
Spatial data on the web - Datasets vs distributions / Publishing datasets in INSPIRE  Geonovum Wideke Boersma 48th MIG-T meeting, April 2018

2 Publishing datasets in INSPIRE (4.2.4 report)
The INSPIRE Regulation on metadata does not make explicit use of the concept of distributions. INSPIRE metadata includes the relationship between a dataset and its distributions (the download and view services), but it is the distributions that reference the dataset, not the other way round. In the Netherlands we make a reference in the metadata of the dataset to the distribution. So is it possible to do it the other way?

3 TG metadata (version 2.0) Version 2.0 of the Technical Guidelines for metadata that one of the following resource locators is used (TG Recommendation 1.8): direct access for downloading the described data set, a service metadata (capabilities) document of a Spatial Data Service used for providing this data set, a service WSDL document of a Spatial Data Service used for providing this data set (if SOAP binding is available), a client application that directly accesses the described data set, or a web page with further instructions for accessing the described data set.

4 1 dataset: more distributions
DCAT 1 dataset: more distributions wmts wms wfs atom

5 Wms Access points GetCapabilities WMS End points GetMap
Protocol: Access points Protocol: &VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetMap&FORMAT=image/png &LAYERS=rce:ArcheologicalMonuments&CRS=EPSG:28992 &WIDTH=1650&HEIGHT=830&BBOX=-16020,396426,161387,485667 End points WMS GetMap

6 Codelist access point

7 Codelist endpoint


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