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1 Research Strategic Plan: 2015-2020
Inclusion of Team Science in Promotion and Tenure Guidelines James Tomasek, PhD OUHSC Vice President for Research February 1, 2018

2 Overview of Today’s Meeting
Rationale for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines Best Practices for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines Mechanism and Timeline for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines

3 Rationale for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
   What is Team Science? Team science is a collaborative effort Although traditional single-investigator driven approaches are ideal for many scientific endeavors, coordinated teams of investigators with diverse skills and knowledge may be especially helpful for studies of complex biomedical problems with multiple causes Cross-disciplinary science in which team members with training and expertise in different fields work together to combine or integrate their perspectives in a single research endeavor Identified as a means to engage in expansive studies that address a broad array of complex and interacting variables Taken from the National Cancer Institute Team Science Toolkit

4 Rationale for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
   “The need for a transdisciplinary approach to the study of health and disease is critically needed because the traditional silo approach to these issues clearly is not adequate to the challenges we face…..A new paradigm is needed.” S. Leonard Syme, PhD, The Science of Team Science: Assessing the Value of Transdisciplinary Research, Am J Prev Med 2008;35(2S):S94-95 “Institutions, journals, the NIH, and other research sponsors should take steps to facilitate appropriate academic recognition of translational and clinical scientists for their contributions to collaborative research” Promoting Translational and Clinical Science: The Critical Role of Medical Schools and Teaching Hospitals: Report of the AAMC’s Task Force II on Clinical Research – Recommendation 6

5 HSC Research Strategic Plan: 2015-2020 Executive Summary
GOAL1 Provide an environment to advance excellence in discovery, creativity, and technology development GOAL 2 Advance team-based research GOAL 3 Accelerate translational research GOAL 4 Expand research in thematic areas

6 Goal 2: Advance Team-Based Research
Subgoal 2.1 Incentivize team-based research through targeted funding and other methods Subgoal 2.2 Recognize team-based research through promotion/tenure and awards Subgoal 2.3 Partner with peer institutions through faculty recruitment, capital investment, joint funding opportunities, and trans-institutional collaboration

7 Subgoal 2.2: Recognize Team-Based Research Through Promotion/Tenure And Awards
Key Strategies/Tactics Update Promotion & Tenure guidelines to recognize team science. Repurpose existing awards and/or develop new awards for team science. Increase joint recruitment and coordination to enhance building of teams.

8 Best Practices for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
Excellence in Team Science Activity will Equally Contribute to Promotion and Tenure Each college has their own expectation for what constitutes the level of activity expected to be excellent in Research and Scholarly Activity for Promotion and Tenure The is goal is NOT to change the level of activity expected to be excellent in Research and Scholarly Activity The goal is to be able to evaluate team science activities to determine whether they meet the level of activity expected for excellence in Research and Scholarly Activity for Promotion and for Tenure A candidate with a mixed portfolio of individual and team science research would be expected to meet the level of activity expected for excellence in individual or team science research or some combination of the two

9 Best Practices for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
 College Agrees Team Science is Valuable Must see team science as valuable to advancing biomedical science and patient care Must be willing to equate same value for team science activities as for other types of research activity, such as independent research Must develop methods of evaluating team science activities to determine the value of these activities towards excellence in Research and Scholarly Activity relatively easy to put a value on independent research more difficult to put value on contribution of team science member to research project

10 Best Practices for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
College Should Articulate “Aspirational Statement” as Part of Promotion and Tenure Guidelines Support for team science as essential for advancing biomedical science and patient care Importance of evaluating team science activities for Promotion and Tenure Example of statement supporting team science (adapted from Jefferson Medical School): “…encourages interdisciplinary and inter-institutional collaborative research as it considers this team-based research to be essential to advancing biomedical science and patient care. As such, in the evaluation of a candidate for faculty appointment or promotion, the participation of the faculty member in interdisciplinary and inter-institutional collaborative basic, translational, or clinical research, where the faculty member has a significant leadership role that is integral to the project, this effort will be considered equivalent to that of a principal investigator in an independent research project."

11 Best Practices for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
Team Science Research Different than Independent Investigator Initiated Research and will Require Different Ways to Evaluate Activities of Team Science Members Evaluation of Research and Scholarly Activity traditionally focused on a candidate’s individual achievements First and senior authorships Funding as principal investigator on grant awards Invitations to make presentations on national and international forums Evaluation of team science researcher will need to focus on Substantial and critical scholastic involvement of candidate to team science project Candidate’s contribution to interdisciplinary teamwork, including: Originality Creativity Indispensability Unique abilities

12 Best Practices for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
It is the candidate’s responsibility to include in their narrative for their Research and Scholarly Activity dossier: Description of their role in the overall activities of the team Role as part of the team in funded team science grants Role as part of the team in publications resulting from team science projects Growth as an investigator in focused research activities as evidenced by a key collaborative role in one or more research programs

13 Best Practices for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
Publications – Team Science Team science publication – may be middle author, not be first or senior author Documentation of substantial and critical scholastic involvement as a significant collaborating author for team science project Team Science publications could include peer-reviewed Scientific manuscripts Monographs Reviews Reports to administrative agencies Book chapters Clinical case studies Policy briefs

14 Best Practices for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
Funding – Team Science Team science grant – multiple investigators required to address complex biomedical issue Documentation of substantial and critical scholastic involvement as significant investigator on team science funded project The research team should demonstrate the ability to compete for external peer-reviewed funding Team science grants (examples) Investigator on Multi-PI grant Investigator on Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams Investigator on large network clinical trial (such as NCI’s National Clinical Trials Network)

15 Best Practices for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
Role of Chair in Documentation of Substantial and Critical Scholastic Involvement of Candidate to Team Science Project Solicitation of information regarding the candidate from Director of the research project Senior investigators on the research project Others who have first-hand knowledge that would clarify the candidate’s role in the overall team project Chair’s letter should Describe the collaboration in detail Describe the candidate’s substantial and critical scholastic involvement in the team activities Collect appropriate letters of evaluation

16 Best Practices for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
Internal and external letters of evaluation should address, where relevant, The candidate’s role in the team-based research project Substantial and critical scholastic involvement as an investigator on team science project Growth as an investigator in focused team science research activities as evidenced by a key collaborative role in one or more research programs Value of the candidate to the work of the team Substantial and critical scholastic involvement in funded team science projects Substantial and critical scholastic involvement in team science publications

17 Best Practices for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
Educate College’s Promotion and Tenure Committee on Team Science Guidelines The candidate’s role in the team-based research project Support for team science as essential for advancing biomedical science and patient care Importance of evaluating team science activities for Promotion and Tenure Understand how to evaluate team science activities to determine whether they meet the level of activity expected for excellence in Research and Scholarly Activity for Promotion and for Tenure

18 Mechanism and Timeline for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines Activities done or planned to assist Colleges with incorporating team science activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines Office of the Vice President for Research to assist Committees with incorporating team science into College’s Promotion and Tenure Guidelines Changes made to Faculty Handbook to incorporate team science activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines (revised September 13, 2017) College Deans approved at December 13, Deans’ Council to incorporate team science activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines Each College Dean has identified committee to work on incorporating team science into College’s Promotion and Tenure Guidelines

19 Mechanism and Timeline for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines Timeline for incorporating team science activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines Sept 2017 Dec 2017 Feb 2018 Feb – March April September 2017 Revise Faculty Handbook December 2017 Deans’ Council approves incorporating team science into College’s Promotion and Tenure Guidelines February 1 and Office of Vice President for Research meets with College committees to discuss team science February – March 2018 College committees work on incorporating team science into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines April 2018 College committees report on work incorporating team science into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines

20 Mechanism and Timeline for Incorporating Team Science Activities into Promotion and Tenure Guidelines REFERENCES Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science, Chapter 8-Institutional and Organizational Support for Team Science, National Research Council, The National Academies Press, Mazumadar et al, Evaluating Academic Scientists Collaborating in Team-Based Research: A Proposed Framework, Academic Medicine, Merits and Promotion in a Team Science Environment-Work in Progress at one medical school – 2012 AAMC Annual Meeting National Cancer Institute, Team Science Toolkit, Promoting Team Science at the University of Colorado Denver, Prepared by the Leadership for Innovation in Team Science, April 5, Team Science Promotion and Tenure Process – Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine University of Virginia School of Medicine, Faculty Affairs and Development, Team Science    

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