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FY Proposed Final General Fund Budget March 15, 2016

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1 FY 2016-2017 Proposed Final General Fund Budget March 15, 2016
11/28/2018 FY Proposed Final General Fund Budget March 15, 2016 11/28/2018

2 GENERAL FUND REVENUE EXETER TOWNSHIP SCHOOL DISTRICT - GENERAL FUND REVENUE FY 14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 16-17 Proposed Final Budget to Estimate Actual Final Adopted Budget Estimate Proposed Final Budget FY vs FY 15-16 % of Total Revenue Comment - Proposed Final Budget Local Sources $ 47,822,922 $ 47,618,363 $ ,645,947 $ ,622,285 $ (23,662) 68.7% RE Tax Coll Rate 97.25%; Delinquent Collections reflects current experience State Sources $ 18,779,555 $ 19,965,960 $ ,992,107 $ ,677,885 $ ,777 29.8% No Increase reflected BEF, SEF. Social Security & Retirement Reimb. Increase based on Wage Increase & Retirement Contribution Rate (from 25.84% to 30.03%) Federal Sources $ ,434 $ ,874 $ ,551 $ ,766 $ (2,785) 0.9% Other Sources $ ,500 $ ,500 $ ,500 $ ,000 0.6% Extended Term Financing - Laptop Replacement Total Revenue $ 67,242,411 $ 68,253,697 $ ,306,106 $ ,344,436 $ 1,038,330 100% % Change 3.2% 1.5% 1.6% 11/28/2018

REAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT DATA Year School Fiscal Year Assessed Value % Increase in Assessed Value 2001 $ 1,112,580,700 3.64% 2002 02-03 $ 1,159,022,700 4.17% 2003 03-04 $ 1,204,082,600 3.89% 2004 04-05 $ 1,255,245,100 4.25% 2005 05-06 $ 1,297,807,500 3.39% 2006 06-07 $ 1,320,526,700 1.75% 2007 07-08 $ 1,340,594,300 1.52% 2008 08-09 $ 1,366,991,700 1.97% 2009 09-10 $ 1,373,937,000 0.51% 2010 10-11 $ 1,401,439,300 2.00% 2011 11-12 $ 1,399,596,200 -0.13% 2012 12-13 $ 1,392,813,700 -0.48% 2013 13-14 $ 1,391,265,990 -0.11% 2014 14-15 $ 1,396,326,100 0.36% 2015 15-16 $ 1,400,289,210 0.28% 2016 16-17 $ 1,402,029,700 0.12% 11/28/2018

4 11/28/2018

Collection rate 97.25% Duplicate 2/15/16 - Provided by County Assessment Office $ ,398,623,700 January and Est. April Interims $ ,406,000 Total Assessed Value $ ,402,029,700 Current millage 31.25 Tax Levy w/o homestead exclusion $ ,813,428 Collection rate 97.25% Real Estate Tax Number Budget $ ,608,559 Senior Citizen Volunteer program cost $ ,226 Revenue to Berks County Industrial Development Authority $ ,000 Real Estate Tax Number Budget before State Property Tax Reduction $ ,331,333 Estimate of State Property Tax Reduction $ ,359,813 Real Estate Tax Net of Property Tax Reduction $ ,971,520 11/28/2018

6 11/28/2018

7 11/28/2018

8 11/28/2018 March 15, 2016 More Info PASBO Legislative Update
With the House and Senate back in Harrisburg this week, there is suddenly a flurry of budget-related activity you should be aware of. In an attempt to finalize the outstanding state budget as soon as possible, the general assembly is working towards sending the governor a budget bill by the end of the day tomorrow. At this point, we understand that the proposed budget that will be considered in the Senate today will provide for a $200 million increase for BEF ($50 million more than was in the budget sent to the governor in December). The proposed budget will include no additional revenue for While the PlanCon borrowing language will be included in the accompanying legislation, it is unclear at this point if they will run the PlanCon language separately in a Fiscal Code bill or as part of an omnibus School Code bill that will include other policy changes, such as charter school reform. The tentative plan is to have the Senate load the budget bill and other related legislation today, and send it to the House for a final vote tomorrow. If that plan comes to fruition, the bill could be on the governor's desk by tomorrow afternoon. At this point, it is unclear whether the governor will approve or veto this budget bill. This is a developing issue that is changing on an hourly basis, so stay tuned for more information! 11/28/2018

9 The Governor’s Budget includes a Basic Education Funding Appropriation Increase of $200 million or a 3.28% increase over the base amount for BEF Prorata Distribution School District County Proposed BEF Proposed BEF Dollar Increase Percent Increase Exeter Township SD Berks $9,260,511 $8,992,996 $267,515 2.97% 11/28/2018

10 Special Education Funding The Governor’s Budget for includes a $50,000,000 appropriation increase (4.56 percent) over the total proposed appropriation for School District County Proposed SEF Dollar Increase Percent Increase Proposed $50M Exeter Township SD Berks $2,118,665 $141,502 7.16% $1,977,163 11/28/2018

11 Committed/Assigned Fund Balance as of 6/30/15
Commitment of General Fund Balance for PSERS Employer Contribution Rate Increases Budget Year Actual Actual Estimate Budget Projected Projected Projected Wages $ ,708,572 $ 28,906,863 $ 29,696,255 $ 30,427,695 $ 31,644,803 $ 32,594,147 $ 33,571,971 PSERS Employer Contribution Rate 16.93% 21.40% 25.84% 30.03% 32.04% 33.27% 34.20% Employer Contribution - Gross $ ,793,622 $ ,187,929 $ 7,673,512 $ 9,106,786 $ 9,724,316 $ 10,402,984 $ 11,034,394 Net Contribution Rate after Reimbursement 7.957% 10.058% 12.145% 14.114% 15.059% 15.637% 16.074% State Reimbursement $ ,585,609 $ ,361,880 $ 4,173,736 $ 4,917,664 $ 4,958,988 $ 5,306,270 $ 5,638,035 Net Employer Retirement Expense $ ,208,013 $ ,826,049 $ 3,499,776 $ 4,189,122 $ 4,765,328 $ 5,096,714 $ 5,396,359 Increase in Net Emplr Retr Exp $ ,071 $ ,036 $ ,727 $ ,346 $ ,206 $ ,387 $ ,645 Committed/Assigned Fund Balance as of 6/30/15 $ ,078,709 $ 1,896,583 11/28/2018

12 11/28/2018

13 Federal Sources of Revenue 2016-17
12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 Inc/ Actual Estimate Profinal 16-17 Profinal Budget to Estimate (Dec) FEDERAL SOURCES: NCLB TITLE I IMPRV ACAD ACH 360,874 380,499 444,384 395,043 392,614 -2,429 -0.61% NCLB TITLE II PREP/TRNG/RECRUIT 72,269 57,387 67,520 66,349 65,993 -356 -0.54% NCLB TITLE III 17,864 3,719 8,708 10,066 - 8810 MEDICAL ASSISTANCE ACCESS 60,890 11,233 92,406 175,093 Total Federal Revenue 513,415 452,838 613,019 646,551 643,766 -2,785 -0.43% 11/28/2018

14 16-17 Profinal Budget to 15-16 Estimate
Other Sources of Revenue Proceeds from Extended Term Financing – Capital Lease 340 Laptops- Asset Value $378,000; Est.Prin. & Interest Payment $134,920/yr; 3 Yrs. 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 Inc/ Actual Estimate Profinal 16-17 Profinal Budget to Estimate (Dec) OTHER SOURCES: 9400 SALE OF FIXED ASSETS 296,746 67,846 22,500 21,500 1,000 4.65% 9200 PROCEEDS FR EXTENDED FINANCE 259,800 378,000 100.00% 9300 INSURANCE PROCEEDS 37,801 - Total Other Revenue 327,646 60,301 400,500 379,000 1763% 11/28/2018

15 Expenditure Changes Since Adoption of Preliminary GF Budget
Reduction in new staff requests ($438,182) Retirements/resignations/contract adj ($296,532) Building/Dept budget review ($338,555) Technology-Defer Telephone System to 17-18; Junior High Chromebooks – Rent vs. purchase ($398,750) BCTC reduction in tuition-decline in avg enrollment ( $43,055) Private Placement tuition (under review) $145,000 Laptop Capital Lease Prin. & Int. $134,921 Professional Services – BVA, Nurse Services $ 94,500 Athletic Helmets, Therapy Tub $ 61,200 Net Change in Expenditures ($1,080,000) 11/28/2018

16 Expenditure Comparison by Function

17 Expenditure Comparison by Object
15-16 16-17 Major Object / Description Budget Estimate Profinal Budget 16-17 ProFinal vs Estimate % change 100 - Employee Wages $29,696,255 $30,427,695 $731,440 2% 200 - Employee Benefits $17,939,354 $19,971,914 $2,032,560 11% Professional & Technical Serv. $2,182,908 $1,973,539 -$209,369 -10% 400 - Purchased Property Services $1,721,929 $1,763,384 $41,455 500 - Other Purchased Services $5,082,541 $5,387,487 $304,946 6% 600 - Supplies, Books, Heat/AC, Fuel $2,136,540 $2,195,872 $59,332 3% 700 - Property $632,106 $1,301,079 $668,973 106% 800 - Dues, Interest, Claims $5,034,702 $5,070,805 $36,103 1% 900 - Principal Payment, Fund Transfers, Reserve $3,997,953 $4,169,735 $171,782 4% Total Expenditures Excluding Major Maint & Improv. $68,424,288 $72,261,510 $3,837,222 750/760 - Major Improvements $643,003 $480,500 -$162,503 -25% Total General Fund Expenditures $69,067,291 $72,742,010 $3,674,719 5% 11/28/2018

18 Regular Instruction – Expenditure Comparison by Function/Object
Actual Revised Budget Estimate CHANGE Proposed Final Budget % Change COMMENTS ON CHANGES 1000 INSTRUCTION 1100 REGULAR PROGRAMS 100 SALARIES $ ,717,987 $ ,410,116 $ ,263,526 $ ,687 $ ,739,213 3% Increases driven by anticipated contract increase; Sub Teacher for Reading Coach $44k 200 BENEFIT $ ,206,545 $ ,348,093 $ ,234,746 $ ,182,343 $ ,417,089 13% PSERs Increase from % to 30.03% of wages; Healthcare Premium Increase 9% 300 PROF. SERVICES $ ,899 $ ,932 $ ,352 $ (12,220) $ ,132 -33% 400 PROPERTY SERVICES $ ,609 $ ,336 $ ,319 $ ,022.45 $ ,341 22% JH Chromebook rental $57,750 500 OTHER PURCH.SVCS $ ,575 $ ,355 $ (154,050) $ ,305 -16% Fewer Regular Ed Cyber Charter Students 600 SUPPLIES, BOOKS $ ,204 $ ,168 $ ,600 $ ,755 $ ,355 JH ELA Course Text- $62k; SH Geometry & Algebra Text $99k (LA Texts for 9th & 10th purch in 15.16 700 PROPERTY $ ,584 $ ,494 $ ,683 $ ,269 $ ,952 423% Teacher Laptop Repl $378k; STEM JH & Reiff $187k; Network Infrastructure Update 800 OTHER OBJECTS $ ,444 $ ,145 $ ,480 $ ,625 17% TOTALS $ ,065,847 $ ,902,639 $ ,567,726 $ ,252,286 $ ,820,012 8% 1.77% 7.05% -1.20% 11/28/2018

19 Special Education – Expenditure Comparison by Function/Object
Actual Revised Budget Estimate CHANGE Proposed Final Budget % Change COMMENTS ON CHANGES 1000 INSTRUCTION 1200 SPECIAL EDUCATION 100 SALARIES $ ,105,795 $ ,258,812 $ ,083,894 $ ,130 $ ,089,024 0% 1 Retirement; 1 Resignation - Teaching Staff to be filled by current staff; Savings $147k 200 BENEFIT $ ,808,543 $ ,233,969 $ ,207,093 $ ,629 $ ,318,722 3% PSERs Increase from % to 30.03% of wages; Healthcare Premium Increase 9% 300 PROF. SERVICES $ ,473,060 $ ,289,455 $ ,112,605 $ ,143 $ ,138,748 2% Contracted Services 400 PROPERTY SERVICES $ $ ,000 $ ,000 500 OTHER PURCH.SVCS $ ,011,610 $ ,872,790 $ ,930,397 $ ,648 $ ,411,045 25% More Special Ed Cyber Charter Students; Private Placement Tuition 600 SUPPLIES $ ,776 $ ,996 $ (34,871) $ ,125 -35% Reduction in Supplies 700 PROPERTY $ ,223 $ ,840 $ ,710 $ ,550 12% 800 OTHER OBJECTS $ TOTALS $ ,511,007 $ ,771,863 $ ,450,826 $ ,389 $ ,041,214 6% 11/28/2018

20 Charter School Tuition Projection 16
Charter School Tuition Projection Spec 74 Reg 11/28/2018

21 Vocational/Business Education – Expenditure Comparison by Function/Object
Actual Revised Budget Estimate CHANGE Proposed Final Budget % Change COMMENTS ON CHANGES 1000 INSTRUCTION 1300 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 100 SALARIES $ ,135 $ ,465 $ ,177 $ ,642 8% 200 BENEFIT $ ,802 $ ,816 $ ,550 $ ,366 50% 300 PROF. SERVICES $ 0% 400 PROPERTY SERVICES 500 OTHER PURCH.SVCS $ ,356,012 $ ,366,471 $ (25,234) $ ,341,237 -2% BCTC - Decrease in Avg Enrollment 600 SUPPLIES $ $ $ ,500 $ ,000 1700% Entrepreneurship, Sports & Entertainment, Marketing, and Accounting books 700 PROPERTY $ ,000 $ ,000 Interactive WhiteBoard W204 800 OTHER OBJECTS TOTALS $ ,514,371 $ ,460,252 $ ,993 $ ,468,245 0.5% -1.93% -3.57% 0.00% 11/28/2018

22 Instructional Program Expenditures Comparison by Function
Actual Revised Budget Estimate CHANGE Proposed Final Budget % Change COMMENTS ON CHANGES TOTAL INSTRUCTION $ ,235,524 $ ,249,088 $ ,593,138 $ ,823,229 $ ,416,367 7% Increase in Instruction Expense: Benefit Cost $1.3 million; Wages $550k ; STEM and Laptop Replc. $622k ; Tuition & Prof. Service $323k; Books & Supplies $59k; JH Chrome Book rental $57k 2.54% 5.27% -1.63% 7.13% 11/28/2018

23 Pupil Services – Expenditure Comparison by Function/Object
Actual Revised Budget Estimate CHANGE Proposed Final Budget % Change COMMENTS ON CHANGES 2.54% 5.27% -1.63% 7.13% 2000 SUPPORT SERVICES 2100 PUPIL PERSONNEL 100 SALARIES $ ,224,918 $ ,283,598 $ ,218,598 $ (33,089) $ ,185,509 -3% Impact of Psychologist Retirement 200 BENEFIT $ ,194 $ ,554 $ ,136 $ ,690 5% PSERs Increase from % to 30.03% of wages; Healthcare Premium Increase 9% 300 PROF. SERVICES $ ,518 $ ,438 $ (55,782) $ ,656 -31% 400 PROPERTY SERVICES $ $ $ (100) $ 0% 500 OTHER PURCH.SVCS $ $ ,940 $ (4,240) $ ,700 -1212% 600 SUPPLIES $ ,764 $ ,315 $ (7,565) $ ,750 -27% 700 PROPERTY $ $ 82% 800 OTHER OBJECTS $ $ (800) TOTALS $ ,129,352 $ ,257,745 $ ,192,745 $ (63,940) $ ,128,805 2.18% 6.03% -2.88% 11/28/2018

24 Instructional Support Expenditure Comparison by Function/Object
Actual Revised Budget Estimate CHANGE Proposed Final Budget % Change COMMENTS ON CHANGES 2.54% 5.27% -1.63% 7.13% 2000 SUPPORT SERVICES 2200 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT 100 SALARIES $ ,205,404 $ ,335,280 $ ,335,941 $ ,032 $ ,371,973 3% Increases driven by anticipated contract increase 200 BENEFIT $ ,563 $ ,532 $ ,526 $ ,058 23% PSERs Increase from % to 30.03% of wages; Healthcare Premium Increase 9% 300 PROF. SERVICES $ ,333 $ ,520 $ (1,497) $ ,023 -2% 400 PROPERTY SERVICES $ ,189 $ ,633 $ ,497 $ ,130 41% 500 OTHER PURCH.SVCS $ ,071 $ ,483 $ ,132 $ ,615 13% STEM Training $18k 600 SUPPLIES $ ,094 $ ,133 $ $ ,315 0% 700 PROPERTY $ ,424 $ ,878 $ ,772 $ ,650 49% Interactive whiteboard lifecycle replacement 800 OTHER OBJECTS $ ,096 $ ,850 $ $ ,350 18% TOTALS $ ,064,173 $ ,322,309 $ ,322,970 $ ,144 $ ,538,114 9% 12.89% 12.51% 0.03% 11/28/2018

25 Administration Services – Expenditure Comparison by Function/Object
Actual Revised Budget Estimate CHANGE Proposed Final Budget % Change 2.54% 5.27% -1.63% 7.13% 2000 SUPPORT SERVICES 2300 ADMINISTRATION 100 SALARIES $ ,777,985 $ ,769,912 $ ,800,445 $ ,255 $ ,905,700 6% 200 BENEFIT $ ,316 $ ,099,769 $ ,342 $ ,268,111 15% 300 PROF. SERVICES $ ,086 $ ,050 $ ,575 $ (151,925) $ ,650 -32% 400 PROPERTY SERVICES $ ,634 $ ,450 $ (590) $ ,860 -17% 500 OTHER PURCH.SVCS $ ,019 $ ,416 $ $ ,771 1% 600 SUPPLIES $ ,947 $ ,942 $ $ ,600 2% 700 PROPERTY $ $ $ (879) $ -100% 800 OTHER OBJECTS $ ,517 $ ,590 $ (960) $ ,630 -3% TOTALS $ ,195,505 $ ,370,008 $ ,506,066 $ ,256 $ ,626,322 3% 11/28/2018

26 Pupil Health Services – Expenditure Comparison by Function/Object
Actual Revised Budget Estimate CHANGE Proposed Final Budget % Change COMMENTS ON CHANGES 2.54% 5.27% -1.63% 7.13% 2000 SUPPORT SERVICES 2400 PUPIL HEALTH SERVICES 100 SALARIES $ ,138 $ ,493 $ ,137 $ ,088 $ ,225 4% Increases driven by anticipated contract increase 200 BENEFIT $ ,216 $ ,427 $ ,362 $ ,789 20% PSERs Increase from % to 30.03% of wages; Healthcare Premium Increase 9% 300 PROF. SERVICES $ ,164 $ ,000 $ ,200 $ ,200 1344% Nurse Services for elementary student; Private Insurance suspended coverage 400 PROPERTY SERVICES $ $ ,000 $ $ ,000 0% 500 OTHER PURCH.SVCS $ ,969 $ ,000 $ ,000 600 SUPPLIES $ ,442 $ ,000 $ (2,000) $ ,000 -17% 700 PROPERTY $ ,805 $ ,000 100% 800 OTHER OBJECTS TOTALS $ ,034 $ ,920 $ ,564 $ ,650 $ ,214 22% 3.22% 1.77% 3.11% 11/28/2018

27 Business Services Expenditure Comparison by Function/Object
Actual Revised Budget Estimate CHANGE Proposed Final Budget % Change COMMENTS ON CHANGES 2.54% 5.27% -1.63% 7.13% 2000 SUPPORT SERVICES 2500 BUSINESS OFFICE 100 SALARIES $ ,015 $ ,095 $ ,955 $ ,050 6% Increases driven by anticipated contract increase 200 BENEFIT $ ,334 $ ,954 $ ,819 $ ,773 13% PSERs Increase from % to 30.03% of wages; Healthcare Premium Increase 9% 300 PROF. SERVICES $ $ ,900 $ (11,700) $ ,200 -91% 400 PROPERTY SERVICES $ ,182 $ ,278 $ (4,318) $ ,960 -15% 500 OTHER PURCH.SVCS $ ,988 $ ,900 $ (220) $ ,680 -8% 600 SUPPLIES $ ,007 $ ,522 $ $ ,200 15% 700 PROPERTY $ $ ,510 $ (66,510) $ -100% 15.16 Automated Time clock System Install 800 OTHER OBJECTS $ ,326 $ ,150 $ (75) $ ,075 -7% TOTALS $ ,776 $ ,309 $ (36,371) $ ,938 -6% 3.14% 20.49% 0.00% 11/28/2018

28 Operations & Maint. – Expenditure Comparison by Function
Actual Revised Budget Estimate CHANGE Proposed Final Budget % Change COMMENTS ON CHANGES 2.54% 5.27% -1.63% 7.13% 2000 SUPPORT SERVICES 2600 OPER/MAINT OF PLANT 100 SALARIES $ ,457,127 $ ,566,044 $ ,561,918 $ (5,115) $ ,556,803 0% Increases driven by anticipated contract increase; Electrician Position not Budgeted in 16.17 200 BENEFIT $ ,091,278 $ ,218,954 $ ,141 $ ,289,095 6% PSERs Increase from % to 30.03% of wages; Healthcare Premium Increase 9% 300 PROF. SERVICES $ ,542 $ ,000 $ (3,000) $ ,000 -12% 400 PROPERTY SERVICES $ ,217,093 $ ,354,312 $ ,365,732 $ (18,119) $ ,347,613 -1% Review for Electrical Contracted Costs 500 OTHER PURCH.SVCS $ ,178 $ ,280 $ ,484 $ ,764 8% Anticipated Property Insurance Increase -TBD 600 SUPPLIES, HEATING $ ,376 $ ,100 $ ,448 $ ,268 $ ,716 12% 700 PROPERTY $ ,642 $ ,415 $ ,665 $ (23,165) $ ,500 -26% Less Equipment being purchased 800 OTHER OBJECTS $ $ $ $ TOTALS $ ,607,467 $ ,110,885 $ ,040,777 $ ,494 $ ,150,271 2% 1.47% 10.93% -1.37% 11/28/2018

29 Transportation Service Expenditure Comparison by Object
Actual Revised Budget Estimate CHANGE Proposed Final Budget % Change COMMENTS ON CHANGES 2.54% 5.27% -1.63% 7.13% 2000 SUPPORT SERVICES 2700 TRANSPORTATION 100 SALARIES $ ,291,847 $ ,351,493 $ ,360,501 $ ,266 $ ,412,767 4% Increases driven by anticipated contract increase 200 BENEFIT $ ,850 $ ,541 $ ,907 $ ,448 18% PSERs Increase from % to 30.03% of wages; Healthcare Premium Increase 9% 300 PROF. SERVICES $ ,573 $ ,000 $ $ ,000 0% 400 PROPERTY SERVICES $ ,869 $ ,650 $ $ ,250 2% 500 OTHER PURCH.SVCS $ ,320 $ ,800 $ (16,500) $ ,300 -6% 600 SUPPLIES $ ,877 $ ,900 $ (81,800) $ ,100 -23% 700 PROPERTY $ ,700 $ ,000 $ ,750 $ ,750 10% Replace 3 Buses ; Replc Drum Dolly, 10 ton jack, diagnostic equip; bus camera 800 OTHER OBJECTS $ $ ,750 $ ,750 TOTALS $ ,797,001 $ ,863,134 $ ,872,142 $ ,223 $ ,959,365 3% 3.32% 2.36% 0.31% 11/28/2018

30 Central Support Services (Technology, HR) Expenditure Comparison by Function/Object
Actual Revised Budget Estimate CHANGE Proposed Final Budget % Change COMMENTS ON CHANGES 2.54% 5.27% -1.63% 7.13% 2000 SUPPORT SERVICES 2800 SUPPORT SERVICES-CENTRAL 100 SALARIES $ ,807 $ ,740 $ ,172 $ ,685 $ ,857 8% Increases driven by anticipated contract increase; Fill vacant positions 200 BENEFIT $ ,056 $ ,561 $ ,831 $ ,392 10% PSERs Increase from % to 30.03% of wages; Healthcare Premium Increase 9% 300 PROF. SERVICES $ ,444 $ ,000 $ ,546 $ ,954 $ ,500 3% 400 PROPERTY SERVICES $ ,740 $ ,700 $ (21,540) $ ,160 -45% 500 OTHER PURCH.SVCS $ ,675 $ ,400 $ (9,000) $ ,400 -11% 600 SUPPLIES $ ,290 $ ,380 $ ,908 $ ,218 $ ,126 23% Licensing renewals 700 PROPERTY $ ,763 $ ,000 $ ,000 $ ,000 920% Network Infrastructure Overhaul 800 OTHER OBJECTS $ ,806 $ ,500 $ (1,000) $ ,500 -15% TOTALS $ ,226,582 $ ,376,281 $ ,337,787 $ ,148 $ ,472,935 11.57% 12.20% -2.80% 11/28/2018

31 Other Support Service (BCIU) & Total Support Service Expenditures
Actual Revised Budget Estimate CHANGE Proposed Final Budget % Change COMMENTS ON CHANGES 2.54% 5.27% -1.63% 7.13% 2000 SUPPORT SERVICES 2900 OTHER SUPPORT SERVICES 500 OTHER PURCH.SVCS $ ,297 $ ,500 $ $ ,685 0% TOTALS -1.89% 2.60% 0.00% TOTAL SUPPORT SERVICES $ ,153,186 $ ,553,090 $ ,542,859 $ ,790 $ ,239,649 4% Increase in Support Expense: Wages & Bene's $890k; Reduction in Legal($150k) 5.13% 8.16% -0.06% $ ,790 11/28/2018

32 Student Activities/Athletic Expenditure Comparison by Function/Object
Actual Revised Budget Estimate CHANGE Proposed Final Budget % Change COMMENTS ON CHANGES 3000 NON-INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES 3200 STUDENT ACTIVITIES 100 SALARIES $ ,639 $ ,744 $ ,875 $ ,057 $ ,932 1% Increases driven by anticipated contract increase 200 BENEFIT $ ,394 $ ,092 $ ,393 $ ,485 24% PSERs Increase from % to 30.03% of wages; Healthcare Premium Increase 9% 300 PROF. SERVICES $ ,403 $ ,276 $ ,145 $ (27,415) $ ,730 -29% 400 PROPERTY SERVICES $ ,102 $ ,545 $ (6,475) $ ,070 -37% 500 OTHER PURCH.SVCS $ ,382 $ ,285 $ (1,300) $ ,985 -4% 600 SUPPLIES $ ,013 $ ,699 $ ,869 $ ,216 $ ,085 8% 700 PROPERTY $ ,589 $ ,652 $ ,525 $ ,177 194% Football Helmets 800 OTHER OBJECTS $ ,930 $ ,203 $ ,131 $ ,333 52% TOTALS $ ,373,453 $ ,309,495 $ ,339,665 $ ,132 $ ,458,797 9% 7.99% -4.66% 2.30% 11/28/2018

33 Facility, Financing, Reserve Expenditure Comparison by Function/Object

34 Exeter Township School District
Annual Debt Service Exeter Township School District Debt Service FY Actual FY Actual FY Actual FY Actual FY Budget FY Budget FY Scheduled Payment FY Scheduled Payment FY Scheduled Payment Principal & Interest (before reimb) $ 7,854,064 $ 8,515,446 $ 8,838,568 $ ,225,396 $ ,650,652 $ 8,701,776 $ 9,020,235 $ 9,115,446 $ 8,562,671 Year to Year Change $ (787,061) $ ,382 $ ,122 $ (613,172) $ ,256 $ ,124 $ ,459 $ ,475 $ (552,775) Refinancing Savings $ ,777 $ ,039 $ ,010 $ ,651 $ ,484 $ ,839 $ ,184 $ ,004 $ ,614 11/28/2018

35 Exeter Township School District General Fund Budget
ESTIMATE PRELIM PROPOSED FINAL Act 1 Index W/exceptions Real Estate Property Tax Rate Total Revenue $ 68,306,106 $ 68,915,684 $ 69,344,436 $ 70,664,527 $ 71,399,460 Total Expenditures $ 69,067,291 $ 73,822,463 $ 72,742,010 Revenue less Expense $ (761,185) $ (4,906,779) $ (3,397,574) $ (2,077,483) $ (1,342,550) 11/28/2018

36 Exeter Township School District General Fund Budget
ESTIMATE PRELIM PROPOSED FINAL Act 1 Index W/exceptions Real Estate Property Tax Rate Total Revenue $ 68,306,106 $ 68,915,684 $ 69,344,436 $ 70,664,527 $ 71,399,460 Total Expenditures $ 69,067,291 $ 73,822,463 $ 72,742,010 Revenue less Expense $ (761,185) $ (4,906,779) $ (3,397,574) $ (2,077,483) $ (1,342,550) Fund Balance Components : Commitments $ ,904,460 Net Assignments $ ,474,300 $ ,364,300 $ ,414,300 $ ,214,300 $ ,114,300 Unassigned $ ,848,874 $ ,096 $ ,511,300 $ ,031,392 $ ,866,324 $ 16,227,634 $ 11,320,856 $ 12,830,060 $ 14,150,152 $ 14,885,084 Unassigned Fund Balance as % of Total Expense 9.9% 0.1% 3% 7% 8% 11/28/2018

37 Fund Balance Commitments

38 MILLAGE IMPACT 11/28/2018 2/17/2016 Berks County
Total Real Estate Residential Assessment No. of Parcels Average Assessment Ave Cost per 1/10 Mill Ave Cost per 1 Mill ETSD Average $ 1,099,046,000 10,178 $ ,983 $ $ Proposed Millage Increase Scenarios Average Additional Cost Per Household Act 1 Index 0.9688 $ With Exceptions 1.5078 $ Prior Year Tax Increases Mills FY 31.25 FY 0.455 $ FY 0.6919 30.795 $ FY 0.1211 $ FY 0.358 29.982 $ FY 1.006 29.624 $ FY 0.834 28.618 $ 11/28/2018

39 Capital Projects & Fund Balances

40 11/28/2018

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