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Jennifer Blum 281-357-3070

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Presentation on theme: "Jennifer Blum 281-357-3070"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jennifer Blum

2 Our Schedule 8:10 – go straight to cafeteria 8:30 – Rise and Shine
8:50 – Begin Language Arts 10:40 – Reading intervention / enrichment 11:05-11:35 – Lunch 11:40-12:40 Writers Workshop 12:40 – recess

3 Our Schedule 1:00-1:55- Math 1:56-2:51- Specials
Mon/Wed - PE Tue/Thur – Music 2 wks / art 2 wks Fri – rotation 3:00- Finish Math/Science 3:30-3:45 Social Stations 3:50 – dismissal

4 Computer Lab We go to the computer lab once a week on Monday.

5 Big Ideas: Math Problem solving Making 10 Mental math +/- 10
Addition: 2 or 3 addends Addition: missing addends Subtraction: numbers within 20 Place value (tens and ones) Fractions

6 Big Ideas: Math Comparing and ordering numbers
Counting / skip counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s up to 120 Non-standard measurement Telling time to the hour and ½ hour Recognize & count coins 2D & 3D Shapes

7 Math Fact Practice Starting the second quarter, students will be given timed math fact tests for a daily grade. Math fact automaticity is critical for higher order math. In order to complete word problems, we don’t want the brain “bogged down” trying to find the answer to

8 Big Ideas: Reading Identify verbs and nouns including proper nouns
Describe and retell stories (5 events) Retell a story in sequence Character Traits Establish a purpose for reading Determine the main idea of a story Identify important facts or details in a story Learn about and identify specific signs and symbols in informational and procedural text. Make connections to a fable or personal experience Reread folk/fairy tales to understand recurring phrases

9 Big Ideas: Reading Read a biography and other true stories
Be able to tell, when reading provided text, if it is true or fantasy and explain why Read and identify sensory details within a story/poem Poetry: rhythm, rhyme, alliteration Identify author’s purpose Follow written multi-step directions Ask literal questions of the text Identify clearly stated facts when read or heard

10 Big Ideas: Reading Students should enter first grade reading on a level “D” Students should be reading on a level “G” by Christmas break Students should be reading on a level “J” by the end of first grade. We reach these goals through teaching your child in guided reading groups. Please look for their reading pouch to be sent home nightly. The books inside are your child’s independent or instructional reading level and should be read nightly to reinforce what they are learning at school.

11 Reading Groups Focused on What can parents do to help? Fluency
Accuracy Comprehension Vocabulary development What can parents do to help? Read to your child Allow your child to read to you Allow your child to struggle ** This is where we make the most growth!! Ask questions Reread Be patient!

12 Big Ideas: Writing Compose texts using the writing process
Use correct conventions Write brief stories that include a beginning, middle and end Write good sentences using nouns, adjectives, verbs, proper nouns, pronouns and proper punctuation. Use sensory language in poetry or stories Use time-order transition words Research (generate a list of questions)

13 Big Ideas: Writing Letter writing Procedural text
Spell high frequency words Form upper and lower case letters legibly and using basic conventions of print Form upper and lower case letters legibly

14 Big Ideas: Word Work Alphabetize a series of words
Identify and sort words into conceptual categories Combine sounds from letters and common spelling patterns to create recognizable words Use resources to find correct spellings Use phonological knowledge to match sounds to letters to construct unknown words

15 Big Ideas: Listening Listen attentively to others
Follow, restate and give oral instructions Speaks clearly and to the point Participate productively in teams (group work)

16 Big Ideas: SS Rules Community Tomball Freedom Week Government (voting)
Anthems, Mottos & Symbols Customs (Christmas around the world) Needs and wants Good and services Technology Map skills Time (timelines)

17 Big Ideas: Science The Nature of Science Matter Energy Movement Earth
Night sky and weather Plants and animals Living things & their environments

18 Testing Spelling Tests: Friday morning (averaged together for 1 major grade) Reading level: taken as a major grade each weeks. Dictation Sentences: Friday morning (averaged together for 1 writing grade) *Starts 2nd 9 weeks Sight Words: 25 words tested at the end of each nine week grading period (daily grade) Reading Rubric Writing Rubric STAR Assessment 3 times per year

19 Grading Scale A B 80-89 C 70-75 D 74-70 F 0-69

20 Homework Spelling words were sent home. They will be tested each Friday. (If we update any list we will resend them.) Students are expected to read every night. In addition to reading, students may be asked to complete a math practice page (soon…unit at a time), read a fluency passage or complete other tasks that we feel will help them. Homework is not meant to take away from your family time, it is meant to enhance your child’s learning and keep you up to date about what we are learning in class!

21 Homework Home Book Bag- Return every Monday for new books! Books too easy? Too hard? Let me know via the log. Please have your child read every night for at least 20 minutes! Home Journal- Take home on Friday and write with your child, responding to their writing. Return Monday morning for a sticker.

22 Classroom Management & Expectations
8 Great Expectations (teaching one each week as well as during Rise and Shine) Clipboard Class Dojo Red Folder – please check nightly (no news is good news!)

23 Special Events Parent – Teacher Conferences (October)
Christmas Party (December) First Grade Field Trip (?) Valentine Party (February) (Class party only) Field Day (?) 1st Grade Program (?) End of Year Party (June)

24 Ways you can help Classroom Volunteers Home Volunteers PTO Member
Scholastic Book Orders class code – **order great books from Scholastic and our class will get free books when you use the code above

25 Stay Connected Edlio Teacher Website Email Grade book Daily binder
Wednesday Folder

26 Celebrating Success Fun Friday! Dojo Store- Make sure to register

27 Thank you for coming!!!!

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