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EMC Research, Inc. 436 14th Street, Suite 820 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 844-0680 EMC #11-4450 Telephone Survey of Larkspur School District Likely Voters.

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Presentation on theme: "EMC Research, Inc. 436 14th Street, Suite 820 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 844-0680 EMC #11-4450 Telephone Survey of Larkspur School District Likely Voters."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMC Research, Inc. 436 14th Street, Suite 820 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 844-0680 EMC #11-4450 Telephone Survey of Larkspur School District Likely Voters Presentation of survey findings Prepared for Larkspur School District May 2011

2 2 Methodology Telephone Survey of Larkspur School District Voters 401completed interviews Overall Margin of error ±4.9% Conducted May 13 - May 20, 2011 Interviews conducted by trained, professional interviewers As with any opinion research, the release of selected figures from this report without the analysis that explains their meaning would be damaging to EMC. Therefore, EMC reserves the right to correct any misleading release of this data in any medium through the release of correct data or analysis. Please note that due to rounding, percentages may not add up to exactly 100% As with any opinion research, the release of selected figures from this report without the analysis that explains their meaning would be damaging to EMC. Therefore, EMC reserves the right to correct any misleading release of this data in any medium through the release of correct data or analysis. Please note that due to rounding, percentages may not add up to exactly 100% Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450

3 3 Key Findings Voters in the Larkspur School District are supportive of a bond measure Voters understand the need for additional funding for capital improvements and infrastructure. Important projects include: Relieving overcrowding at Neil Cummins and Hall Middle School Upgrading fire and seismic safety Ensuring schools meet accessibility codes for students with disabilities Repairing/replacing old electrical and plumbing systems Larkspur School District is highly regarded and well thought of; particularly the overall quality of education and teachers. Voters support establishing an independent citizen oversight committee to ensure funds are being spent on projects specified in the voter approved measure. Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450

4 Issue Environment

5 5 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 Education/schools is the top issue in the community. What do you think is the most important problem facing your area today? (Open ended - ONE RESPONSE) (Q4) Response% Education/Schools24 Economy14 Budget13 Jobs8 Housing4 Taxes4 Traffic4 Environment4 Transportation3 Growth/population2 Government/Politics2 Healthcare2 Other4 No/None/Nothing3 Don't Know10 Refuse1

6 6 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 Local school districts have a strong positive rating. I'm going to read you a list of names and organizations. For each one, please tell me if you have a strongly favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or strongly unfavorable opinion of the person or organization. If you have not heard of the name or organization, just say so and we will move on. (Q6 & Q7)

7 7 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 Nearly all parents of children currently enrolled in Larkspur SD schools give the District a positive rating. (Among parents) I'm going to read you a list of names and organizations. For each one, please tell me if you have a strongly favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or strongly unfavorable opinion of the person or organization. If you have not heard of the name or organization, just say so and we will move on. (Q6 & Q7) (n=87)

8 Larkspur School District

9 9 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 Regardless of whether or not you have children currently in school, using a scale of excellent, good, only fair, or poor, please rate the following areas relating to the Larkspur School District, which is responsible for only elementary and middle schools in your area (Q7-14) The district is doing a good job educating students.

10 10 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 Regardless of whether or not you have children currently in school, using a scale of excellent, good, only fair, or poor, please rate the following areas relating to the Larkspur School District, which is responsible for only elementary and middle schools in your area (Q7-14) Parents also give high marks to teachers and the overall quality of education. However, there is concern over the condition of buildings, classrooms, libraries and play areas. (Among parents) (n=87)

11 11 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 Overall, voters believe there is at least some need for additional funding. Among parents, a majority believe there is a great need for additional funding. Would you say that the elementary and middle schools of the Larkspur School District have a great need for more money, some need, a little need or no real need for more money? (Q15)

12 Bond Measure

13 13 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 Initial support for a bond measure is 62%. Bond Measure: To provide adequate learning space for children and teachers by building new classrooms in the Larkspur School District and upgrading and modernizing existing facilities by making them safe against fire and earthquakes; improving access for the disabled; and repairing or replacing antiquated heating and ventilation systems, electrical and technology infrastructure, shall the Larkspur School District be authorized to issue twenty- five million dollars in bonds and establish a Citizens Oversight Committee to ensure all expenditures are made according to the plan?

14 14 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 Parents with children enrolled in LSD No children currently enrolled18-4950+<50 Dem<50 Rep <50 DTS/ Oth.50+ Dem50+ Rep 50+ DTS/ Oth. Corte MaderaLarkspur The highest level of support comes from younger voters, voters with children enrolled in LSD, and younger registered Democrats.

15 15 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 MaleFemale Less likely voters: 0- 3 / 6 Likely voters: 4- 5 / 6 Perfect voters: 6 / 6 Perm Absentee Voter Not Perm AbsenteeDemRepDTS/Other Supports is strong among permanent absentee voters, Democrats. Support is lower among perfect voters.

16 16 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 EmployedRetiredOtherWhiteOther Some college or less College grad Graduate/ Professio nal Own / buying Rent / Other Higher-educated voters have a higher level of support.

17 17 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 The measure contains several different components. Id like to read you some of the major projects, as there might be some you support and some you oppose. For each one, please tell me if you would vote Yes to approve or No to reject a measure that contained that component (Q17-26) Top features of the measure include accessibility for students with disabilities, fire and seismic safety improvements, establishing a citizens oversight committee and repairing/replacing old plumbing and electrical systems.

18 18 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 The measure contains several different components. Id like to read you some of the major projects, as there might be some you support and some you oppose. For each one, please tell me if you would vote Yes to approve or No to reject a measure that contained that component (Q17-26) Replacing administrative offices is the lowest-rated feature.

19 19 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 The measure contains several different components. Id like to read you some of the major projects, as there might be some you support and some you oppose. For each one, please tell me if you would vote Yes to approve or No to reject a measure that contained that component (Q17-26) Overall, a majority of voter support building a new school at San Clemente. Support increases to over 60% among parents and those that understand the need for additional classrooms.

20 20 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 Voters are more likely to support the measure to relieve overcrowding, provide funding that cannot be taken away by the state, and establish a citizens oversight committee. Now Id like to read you some things people have said about the measure. First, Ill read you some things supporters of the measure have said. For each statement, please tell me if that would make you much more likely, somewhat more likely, somewhat less likely, or much less likely to support the measure, or does it make no difference. (Q28-40)

21 21 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 Features that garner lower levels of support include recreation space, continuation of modernization work, and concerns over grade level configuration. Now Id like to read you some things people have said about the measure. First, Ill read you some things supporters of the measure have said. For each statement, please tell me if that would make you much more likely, somewhat more likely, somewhat less likely, or much less likely to support the measure, or does it make no difference. (Q28-40)

22 22 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 Support increases to 68% after hearing specific features of the measure. Bond Measure: To provide adequate learning space for children and teachers by building new classrooms in the Larkspur School District and upgrading and modernizing existing facilities by making them safe against fire and earthquakes; improving access for the disabled; and repairing or replacing antiquated heating and ventilation systems, electrical and technology infrastructure, shall the Larkspur School District be authorized to issue twenty-five million dollars in bonds and establish a Citizens Oversight Committee to ensure all expenditures are made according to the plan?

23 23 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 The top concerns among voters is the increase to their taxes. Now Id like to read you some things opponents of the measure have said. For each statement, please tell me if that would make you much more likely, somewhat more likely, somewhat less likely, or much less likely to support the measure, or if it makes no difference. (Q42-47)

24 24 Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450 Support remains above 55% after hearing messages against the measure.

25 25 Conclusions / Next Steps The Larkspur School District is viewed very favorably. Teachers in particular are seen as doing an excellent job. Parents strongly support the measure and its goals. Teacher and parent support will be critical to the measures success. Relieving overcrowding is an important issue. The more voters understand, the more they support the measure. Sufficient support for a bond measure exists Given additional information, support increases and opposition decreases. More public information needed about plans for San Clemente About half of voters support a new school at San Clemente. Support is much higher among those that are in-the-know such as parents and those that are aware of the need for additional classrooms and the current overcrowding issue. Larkspur School District - May 2011 EMC 11-4450

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