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Building a Nation 1840-1867.

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1 Building a Nation

2 Government in the Canadas
Remember, after the Durham Report the British Government decided to join Upper Canada and Lower Canada. The Act of Union in 1840 Upper Canada and Lower Canada joined together in 1841 to become the Province of Canada. It was divided into Canada East and Canada West. But, did not get responsible government – yet!


4 Government in the Canadas after the Act of Union, 1840
Governor Legislative Council Executive Council Legislative Assembly Same # of representatives voting against each other. Can you see any problems with this system? 100 100 Canada East Canada West

5 Government in the Canadas
The Governor was appointed by Britain. The Legislative Assembly was elected by the voters. Members of the Legislative Assembly appointed the members of the Legislative Council and the Executive Council.

6 Economic Growth and Change That is Coming to Canada
To Industry From Farm

7 What was happening in the British North America Economy?
Rapid social and technological change produced a fast growing economy. Immigration and population growth was increasing, thus a growing demand for goods. Railway construction was developing, opening new areas of Canada to more people.

8 Railways = Economic Prosperity


10 Railways—a significant change
Could pull heavy trains of goods and passengers at steady speeds. The journey from Montreal to Toronto that used to take explorers weeks of hard travel now took less than one day! Opened up new areas of the country to farming and other types of industry - new communities were created. Railways and telegraph lines improved communication and the economy.

11 Mercantilism Mercantilism:
An economic system based on colonialism. The home country (Britain) takes raw materials (like lumber) from its colonies (Canada) and manufactures goods (like beds) , which it sells for profit. This system means that industry does not develop in the colonies. This was about to change.

12 End of Mercantilism Britain repealed the Corn Laws in 1846.
The Corn Laws had given trading privileges to British Colonies. This meant that grain had been sold to Britain with low taxes. This helped wheat and flour production in Upper Canada. As a result of the repeal Canada’s economy went into a depression.

13 Free Trade Britain wanted free trade.
It wanted to buy goods at the lowest price from any country and therefore did not want to give Canada a break.

14 Lord Elgin and Responsible Government
James Bruce, the 8th Earl of Elgin known as Lord Elgin. Became Governor of the Canadas in 1847. Lord Durham’s son-in-law. He was in charge of putting responsible government into operation in the Canadas. The Canadas were to become an economic partner of Britain and were no longer to be Britain’s responsibility.

15 Responsible Government
Britain saw giving the Canadas responsible government as an advantage. It was expensive to govern, defend and financially support the colonies. By giving the Canadas responsible government, the Canadas were in charge of all of these things.

16 The Rebellion Losses Bill
The Government of Canada passed the Rebellion Losses Bill which gave financial compensation to anyone ($), including the rebels who had lost property during the rebellions. Anti-rebel forces were outraged. They saw this as treason. A riot followed and the parliament buildings were burned.


18 Annexation with the United States?
A group of anti-rebels published an Annexation Manifesto A plan for the United States to take over Canada.

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