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CARAP-FREPA at the National Board of Education

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1 CARAP-FREPA at the National Board of Education 29.-30.1.2015
The ECML, the Project FREPA/CARAP, Finland and Oulu! Paula Mattila, Finnish Member of the ECML Governing Board and Bureau


3 The European Centre for Modern Languages, ECML,
situated in Graz, Austria (est. 1994), is subordinate to the Council of Europe’s Language Policy Unit Underpinning the values of CoE, works for the promotion of quality language learning (ie. equality, equity and diversity in all LL incl languages of schooling) 32 member states (CoE partial agreement) functions through four-year programmes 2012 – 2015 Learning through Languages 2016 – 2019 Languages at the Heart of Learning Outcomes: projects, workshops, publications, great website, networks! And Training & consultancy for member states like right now in Helsinki!

4 Beautiful Graz, Capital of the Province of Styria, Austria

5 ECML & Finland Finland is one of the founding members (MinEd → FNBE)
For our membership fee €/yr we get a lot! governing board member for Finland (2008-) is Paula Mattila, also serving at the ECML bureau 2014 – 2015; and functioning as the Nominating Authority ie. nominating participants to workshops NCP / National Contact Point is Anu Halvari Terhi Seinä is contact for the EDL All KIPPO group involved 19 March: welcome to FNBE to learn about the ECML Call for the new program period! (12 – 16)

6 What brought us here!? Key idea in the FNBE – ECML collaboration: to help develop language policies (both ways!) FREPA /CARAP was one of the most outstanding ECML projects in ; FNBE saw its potential in developing the languages curricula for basic and upper secondary general education 2012 onwards: We wanted to place more emphasis on teaching /learning about cultural diversity as part of all subjects but – we also needed a more palatable version of the rather complex original version; Oulu knowing about FREPA was ready to work on a Finnish adaptation – and here we are to test it!

7 Summing up for Thursday
Collaboration at a new level; ECML – CARAP/FREPA – FNBE – City of Oulu – We are talking about burning issues here, the dialogue on how to define culture and how to teach about cultural issues proves that This is a question at the heart of the ECML’s new program and Finland’s new curricula It’s all about finding viable and appealing tools to teach/learn about cultural identity/ies Such tools will be found – in hybrid teams combining administrative, research, practical and networked expertise – and laymans’ opinions. All we miss here are students

8 What was special yesterday
The people who answered our invitation, where have you been some of you before fascinating discussions – share them pls The clear link to our curriculum work How amazingly close what Finland is striving for in language education, is to that of the CoE/ECML (which was first?)

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