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Civil Air Patrol Health Services Support to E.S. Lt Col Tom “Disco” Janisko Senior Program Manager Health Services and CISM Rank is normally abbreviated.

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Air Patrol Health Services Support to E.S. Lt Col Tom “Disco” Janisko Senior Program Manager Health Services and CISM Rank is normally abbreviated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Air Patrol Health Services Support to E.S. Lt Col Tom “Disco” Janisko Senior Program Manager Health Services and CISM Rank is normally abbreviated Use of your nickname is optional in quotes between your first and last name Title is normally the full written title, not the office symbol, but take the lead from other briefings The date is the date the briefing is to be given Thursday 23 AUG 2018 One Civil Air Patrol, excelling in service to our nation and our members!

2 Presenter - Background
Army Corps of Engineers – Command Surgeon; Joint Staff / Joint Staff Surgeon’s staff; Army Flight Surgeon, NOAA Diving Medical Officer, K-9 Med, and Army War College; Federal Deployments: Haiti (earthquake); PR (Maria) Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom); Liberia (Ebola response); CVN-77 USS GEORGE H.W. BUSH; National Capitol Region (tactical medicine); CAP: NESA, GTL, former Mitchell Cadet, Grover-Loening, CISM & HSO, National Staff. If rules of engagement are necessary or an introduction of other briefers, suggest adding those ahead of the ideas.

3 Overview How Health Services is changing to support CAP
Defining Health Services Support Lessons Learned from the Total Force Best Practices Questions I have no financial disclosures and the information presented in this lecture does not represent the official U.S. Government policy or position. If rules of engagement are necessary or an introduction of other briefers, suggest adding those ahead of the ideas.

4 Health Services Changes
In OCT 2018, All HSOs will review the new “CAP Introduction to being a Health Services Officer” lecture with their Unit Commander to realign mission sets and expectations. Transitions role to medical planner, educator, and mentor for healthy lifestyles. The HSO website will have vetted lectures to enable the transition. 4

5 Mission Enabler HSO CP AE PD Safety ES Health Promotion for Cadet ages
Cadet Physical Fitness Mentoring HSO CP AE PD Safety ES Medical Planning Flight Crew Annual Brief ICS 206 (Medical Plan) Fit for Flying Lectures First-Aid Instruction BMI / Weight optimization Qualified in General ES Required Prof. Dev. advancement Qualified CAP Safety Officer Toxic Leadership Lectures Works as Safety extender Health Promotion - Senior Ages

6 Health Services Support
Creating a proactive plan for responding to injuries and illnesses: Complete a Medical Plan (ICS 206) to create “chain of care”; Ensure CAP first-aid members are assigned to each team; Communicate with EMS to pre-identify rally points; Distribute health promotion messages to the teams. Best health advice to ICs (with Safety Colleagues) Honest broker providing candid/private advice to ICs on the health of the assigned force; Informal Command Climate; Reasonable accommodation recommendations to ICs Recommend keeping bullets brief, not paragraphs. Generally we try to follow the rule. Quite simply, this “Rule” says that each PowerPoint slide should have one main idea, a maximum of six bullet points, and a maximum of six words per bullet point. Obviously that rule is trumped by being able to truly get the thought and point across. Consider who will be briefing and receiving this information and how. If personnel will be reviewing independently, more may be needed on the slide itself, or details provided in the notes. Consider using pictures, charts or images, but be sure that we have the rights to use them before including them, and if data is perishable or dated, mark it accordingly.

7 Health Services Support
CONSULT MEDICAL PLAN MESSAGES Recommend keeping bullets brief, not paragraphs. Generally we try to follow the rule. Quite simply, this “Rule” says that each PowerPoint slide should have one main idea, a maximum of six bullet points, and a maximum of six words per bullet point. Obviously that rule is trumped by being able to truly get the thought and point across. Consider who will be briefing and receiving this information and how. If personnel will be reviewing independently, more may be needed on the slide itself, or details provided in the notes. Consider using pictures, charts or images, but be sure that we have the rights to use them before including them, and if data is perishable or dated, mark it accordingly. CREATE FIRST-AID CAPABLE TEAMS COMMUNICATE

8 Health Services Support
Medical Plan & EMS Liaising Prevention Messages Early CAP First-Aid Care Early EMS Care Early Hospital Care Recommend keeping bullets brief, not paragraphs. Generally we try to follow the rule. Quite simply, this “Rule” says that each PowerPoint slide should have one main idea, a maximum of six bullet points, and a maximum of six words per bullet point. Obviously that rule is trumped by being able to truly get the thought and point across. Consider who will be briefing and receiving this information and how. If personnel will be reviewing independently, more may be needed on the slide itself, or details provided in the notes. Consider using pictures, charts or images, but be sure that we have the rights to use them before including them, and if data is perishable or dated, mark it accordingly. Prevention Incident Response Consultation

9 Incident Command System (ICS)
Ops Plans Logs Med Unit Safety For Privacy Concerns Formal ICS Reporting Chain For Safety Consultation For Medical Plan (ICS 206)

10 Ground Search Example Search Area Meadow Mtn.
2 Ground Teams; 1 aircrew Ensure First-Aid members assigned to each team. Liaise with EMS to identify a pre-determined rally point: Campground at State Park Road at east side. Plan: Example - If unable to move victim, a CAP team will meet and escort EMS to the scene. Recommend keeping bullets brief, not paragraphs. Generally we try to follow the rule. Quite simply, this “Rule” says that each PowerPoint slide should have one main idea, a maximum of six bullet points, and a maximum of six words per bullet point. Obviously that rule is trumped by being able to truly get the thought and point across. Consider who will be briefing and receiving this information and how. If personnel will be reviewing independently, more may be needed on the slide itself, or details provided in the notes. Consider using pictures, charts or images, but be sure that we have the rights to use them before including them, and if data is perishable or dated, mark it accordingly.

11 Lessons Learned-Ground
Remind Teams to do dynamic warmup / “range of motion exercises” before work.¹ head rolls, arm circles, trunk rolls, leg swings, slow kicking, and fast walking. Consider warmup “jogging in place” for vigorous activities.² Remind Teams to stretch mid-day during non-exercise times. Do not stretch before exercise. This improves flexibility and lengthens muscles; Flexibility is a key part of fitness because it reduces injury;³ Recommend keeping bullets brief, not paragraphs. Generally we try to follow the rule. Quite simply, this “Rule” says that each PowerPoint slide should have one main idea, a maximum of six bullet points, and a maximum of six words per bullet point. Obviously that rule is trumped by being able to truly get the thought and point across. Consider who will be briefing and receiving this information and how. If personnel will be reviewing independently, more may be needed on the slide itself, or details provided in the notes. Consider using pictures, charts or images, but be sure that we have the rights to use them before including them, and if data is perishable or dated, mark it accordingly. ¹ ² ³

12 Improving Movement in CAP
Daily walking for 30-minutes most days can help in loosing weight, reducing blood pressure and reducing chronic diseases, and improve mood.¹ ¹ Graphic:

13 Lesson Learned - Food It is impossible to exercise away poor eating habits; Fruits and vegetables – half the plate; Lean proteins – 20% fish, lean poultry, beans/soy/nuts; Limit red meat and processed meats; Eat low-fat dairy options; Eat whole grains (look for 100% whole wheat). *Studies have shown a Mediterranean Diet – eating plant-based foods with healthy fats, low salt, and limiting red meat is highly heart healthy

14 Lessons Learned-Hydration
Hydration is about water, salts, and carbs; Strenuous work >90 minutes - drink water, salts, and carbs (e.g., fruit sports drink, commercial sports bar, gel shot etc.) ¹ * Strenuous work <90 minutes - drink water. Slowly drink 2 cups before work; ¹ * Slowly drink ½ to 1 cup every minutes*; *Caution: too much/little fluid can lead to death. Drink prior to feeling thirsty, when thirsty, and your normal amount considering the level of activity. Recommend keeping bullets brief, not paragraphs. Generally we try to follow the rule. Quite simply, this “Rule” says that each PowerPoint slide should have one main idea, a maximum of six bullet points, and a maximum of six words per bullet point. Obviously that rule is trumped by being able to truly get the thought and point across. Consider who will be briefing and receiving this information and how. If personnel will be reviewing independently, more may be needed on the slide itself, or details provided in the notes. Consider using pictures, charts or images, but be sure that we have the rights to use them before including them, and if data is perishable or dated, mark it accordingly.

15 Lessons Learned-Hydration
High intensity activities may want to consider weighing their Adult CAP members and providing 2 cups of fluid for every pound of lost weight. Drink water regularly and frequently, before the signs of thirst appear.

16 Lessons Learned-Sanitation
Consider bringing bottled water so you have a confirmed clean water source. Use non-dominant hand while using buffet utensils Everyone touches the utensils; use your non-eating hand. Have sufficient supply of soap in restrooms Health Services / Safety team should procure soap. Large events – sanitize doorknobs/railings daily. Recommend keeping bullets brief, not paragraphs. Generally we try to follow the rule. Quite simply, this “Rule” says that each PowerPoint slide should have one main idea, a maximum of six bullet points, and a maximum of six words per bullet point. Obviously that rule is trumped by being able to truly get the thought and point across. Consider who will be briefing and receiving this information and how. If personnel will be reviewing independently, more may be needed on the slide itself, or details provided in the notes. Consider using pictures, charts or images, but be sure that we have the rights to use them before including them, and if data is perishable or dated, mark it accordingly.

17 Mil. Lessons Learned - Aircrew
Allow aircrews time to relax prior to a mission;¹ A quiet “ready room” with defined “mission go” times can preserve an aircrew’s stamina. Wear sunscreen while flying (↑ risk of skin cancer);² Have Health Services provide aircrews a resource to check medication side effects: Recommend keeping bullets brief, not paragraphs. Generally we try to follow the rule. Quite simply, this “Rule” says that each PowerPoint slide should have one main idea, a maximum of six bullet points, and a maximum of six words per bullet point. Obviously that rule is trumped by being able to truly get the thought and point across. Consider who will be briefing and receiving this information and how. If personnel will be reviewing independently, more may be needed on the slide itself, or details provided in the notes. Consider using pictures, charts or images, but be sure that we have the rights to use them before including them, and if data is perishable or dated, mark it accordingly. ¹ ²

18 Returning Home Well Making sure that our members return in the same condition they started in. Distribute the CAP Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Resiliency Pamphlet so our members have resources to support their emotional health. Recommend keeping bullets brief, not paragraphs. Generally we try to follow the rule. Quite simply, this “Rule” says that each PowerPoint slide should have one main idea, a maximum of six bullet points, and a maximum of six words per bullet point. Obviously that rule is trumped by being able to truly get the thought and point across. Consider who will be briefing and receiving this information and how. If personnel will be reviewing independently, more may be needed on the slide itself, or details provided in the notes. Consider using pictures, charts or images, but be sure that we have the rights to use them before including them, and if data is perishable or dated, mark it accordingly.

19 <<Ask a volunteer to read each section on their worksheet or this slide>>

20 <<Ask a volunteer to read each section on their worksheet or this slide>>
Remember, you can use this tool anytime, not just when you’re having a serious distress reaction. If you need to, you can use this when you’re providing PFA to your wingman, to remind them what tools they have at their disposal to get back to wellness, whatever that means for them.

21 CAP (CISM) Team A confidential CAP team that assists CAP in crisis.
It uses the idea that after a crisis most people will fully recover with education on typical crisis reactions and through helping members meet needs. It uses professional level PFA and other crisis intervention techniques. Any squadron, group, activity, or tasked incident commander may request a wing commander to activate a CAP CISM Team. You don’t need to tell anyone why you are activating the team. <<Ask a volunteer to read this slide>> If you need to, you can call for more support from the CAP CISM Team.

22 Best Practices Allowing a Health Services Officer to be used in the functionality of a ICS Medical Unit will ensure that the mission is completed while the people are taken care of. Starting October 2018, Health Service Officers will start supporting E.S. Recommend keeping bullets brief, not paragraphs. Generally we try to follow the rule. Quite simply, this “Rule” says that each PowerPoint slide should have one main idea, a maximum of six bullet points, and a maximum of six words per bullet point. Obviously that rule is trumped by being able to truly get the thought and point across. Consider who will be briefing and receiving this information and how. If personnel will be reviewing independently, more may be needed on the slide itself, or details provided in the notes. Consider using pictures, charts or images, but be sure that we have the rights to use them before including them, and if data is perishable or dated, mark it accordingly.

23 Questions? Lt Col Tom Janisko Senior Program Manager for Health Services and CISM Adding in your mailing address and telephone numbers are optional. Suggest that you use your cap address if you have one since briefings are often times posted publicly One Civil Air Patrol, excelling in service to our nation and our members!

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