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Digestion and Absorption

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Presentation on theme: "Digestion and Absorption"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestion and Absorption

2 Digestive System Reduces particle size
Helps to absorb micronutrients and trace elements Sets a physical and immunologic barrier

3 Digestion Breaks down Carbohydrates (starch and sugar) → single sugar molecules Proteins → amino acids Fats → fatty acids, glycerol

4 Enzymes Proteins that break bonds

5 The Digestive System Is a long tube from the mouth to the anus

6 Peristalsis Muscular contractions that move food along throughout Digestive System

7 The Esophagus Long tube Connects pharynx to the stomach
Peristalsis, muscle contraction Lower esophageal sphincter Heartburn

8 The Stomach Lower esophageal sphincter controls entry and exit from stomach Storage capacity of ~4 cups Secretion of hydrochloric acid, and enzymes Stomach secretes about ml of gastric juice daily pH of stomach is low, 1 to 4; kills many bacteria and micro-organisms Formation of chyme

9 Stomach Acid Activates digestive enzymes
Partially digests dietary protein Assists in calcium absorption Makes dietary minerals soluble for absorption

10 The Small Intestine Folded walls with villi projections
Absorptive cells are located on the villi Increases intestinal surface area 600x Rapid cell turnover About 5-7 meters Most digestion and absorption happens here

11 Nutrient Absorption Passive diffusion: driven by concentration; fats, water, some minerals Active absorption: uses energy; glucose and amino acids

12 Absorption Digestion → small particles End products of digestion:
Carbohydrates → monosaccharides Proteins → amino acids Fats → glycerol, fatty acids

13 Absorption Through small intestine walls Absorbed into
Blood – water soluble nutrients Lymph – fat soluble nutrients Blood → liver → general circulation Liver detoxifies and repackages

14 Summary of Fat Absorption

15 The Gradual Breakdown of Large Starch Molecules

16 The Large Intestine ~3 1/2 feet in length No villi or enzymes present
Little digestion occurs Absorption of water, some minerals, vitamins Bacteria break down fiber; produce Vitamin K Formation of feces for elimination

17 Rectum Stool remains Stimulates elimination Muscle contraction
Anal sphincters Voluntary control Opens for elimination

18 Salivary Glands Saliva Works in mouth Moistens Digests starch

19 The Pancreas Produces glucagon and insulin (endocrine)
Manufactures digestive enzymes→ small intestine Secretes pancreatic juices Bicarbonate needed to neutralize chyme when it enters small intestine

20 The Gallbladder Stores bile Concentrates it
Releases to small intestine when needed

21 Digestion in the Stomach
Different nutrients leave the stomach at different rates: —Carbohydrates first, followed by protein, fat, and fibrous foods

22 Features of Digestion and Absorption
92% to 97% of the diet is absorbed Small intestine—key role in digestion and absorption Intestines: 7 meters long —Villi and microvilli/brush border

23 Lipids The major portion of fat digestion takes place in the small intestine

24 Large Intestine 5 feet long
Bacterial action to produce gases and organic acids Some vitamins formed here

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