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Improving Question Evaluation for Federal Surveys: The Beginning

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1 Improving Question Evaluation for Federal Surveys: The Beginning
Jennifer H. Madans, Ph.D Associate Director for Science National Center for Health Statistics

2 FCSM Question Evaluation Subcommittee
2006: OMB Standards and Guidelines for Statistical Surveys Stipulate that new survey questions should be tested “using methods such as cognitive testing, focus groups, and usability testing” that the results should be “incorporated” into the final design. No discussion how to conduct such tests what the test results should look like how they should be incorporated.  2009: Workshop on Question Evaluation Methods held at NCHS

3 Conclusions from NCHS Conference
Agreement that evaluation of data collection instruments is important and more work needs to be done Agreement that standards and evaluation criteria for the valuations need to be developed and adopted Agreement that the results of evaluations need to be documented Agreement that results need to be available outside of the sponsors/conductors of data collection – both to advance the field but also to inform data users Proposal to set up an FCSM subcommittee to move forward on these agreements

4 FCSM Question Evaluation Subcommittee
Proposal for an FCSM Subcommittee on Question Evaluation Methodology  Produce an inventory of methods (and variations within those methods) used across agencies.   Identify best practices for cognitive interviewing and topics for further research based on the inventory and a review of the existing literature.   Assess the feasibility of developing best practices for other question evaluation methods based on the results of 1 and 2.  First meeting – February 2012

5 Subcommittee Membership
OMB reached out to statistical agencies represented on the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy (ICSP) and on the FCSM to nominate representatives of their agencies to participate in this subcommittee Membership varied over the course of the work, but efforts were made to ensure findings were representative of the statistical agencies

6 Subcommittee Process Work groups Group review and revisions
Agency Inventory Cognitive Interview Guidelines Group review and revisions Worked towards consensus Settled for majority when necessary

7 FCSM Question Evaluation Subcommittee
Not an easy task Challenges of language and differences in agency traditions Translation of the charter into action was not immediately obvious Extensive discussions often revisiting key points – this is a group very interested in wording and meaning Perseverance paid off!!

8 Methods Inventory Useful compilation of methods currently in use with set of references for additional information Could serve as a blueprint for additional standards development for some or all of the methods listed Highlighted a key ‘philosophical issue’ – the distinction between design and evaluation methods While the process is iterative, should there be a clearer differentiation among the methods set? Released: Jan FCSM Statistical Policy Working Papers page, under the Question Evaluation and Data Collection heading

9 Standards and Guidelines for Conducting Cognitive Interviewing Studies
Follows OMB Standards and Guidelines for Statistical Surveys Intent was to address the ‘validity’ side of information quality – perhaps the hardest component  Cognitive interview evaluations that purport to address validity are powerful and therefore we should be the most critical of the results and require standards and guidelines for conducting this type of work

10 Standards and Guidelines for Conducting Cognitive Interviewing Studies
Subcommittee strove for consensus – this was not always possible but the content of the resulting document represents high levels of agreement Some tension in determining where the field of cognitive interviewing is in its development Need for more research into best practices Consensus on the current content of the standards and guidelines Need to build on what has been done – a beginning rather than an end Released: October 2016 as Addendum to 2006 Standards

11 Accomplishment Advances the credibility of federal statistics
Sets standards for determining data quality Enhances transparency by requiring documentation Impetus to further advance the field of question evaluation Enhanced collaboration across the federal statistical system

12 FCSM Question Evaluation Subcommittee
Thanks to all who contributed to the work Benjamin Bridgeman, BEA Rebecca Morrison, NSF Lionel Deang, SSA Kathy Ott, NASS Jennifer Edgar, BLS Cleo Redline, NCES Scott Fricker, BLS Paul Scanlon, NCHS Patricia Goerman, Census Kristin Stettler, Census Joanne Hsu, FRB Diane Willimack, Census Kashka Kubzdela, NCES Stephanie Wilson, NCHS Jaki McCarthy, NASS Mark Xu, BEA Kristen Miller, NCHS

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