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Special Effects in Film and Television Vocabulary

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1 Special Effects in Film and Television Vocabulary
Fifth Grade Unit 4 Week 1

2 Words to Know background prehistoric landscape reassembled miniature

3 From a long time ago, before history was written down
prehistoric background landscape miniature prehistoric reassembled explosions From a long time ago, before history was written down

4 a view of scenery on land
landscape background landscape miniature prehistoric reassembled explosions a view of scenery on land

5 A small version of something that is normally larger
miniature background landscape miniature prehistoric reassembled explosions A small version of something that is normally larger

6 explosion violent bursts background landscape miniature prehistoric
reassembled explosions violent bursts

7 background background landscape miniature prehistoric reassembled
explosions background the part of a picture or sound that is toward the back, not the main focus

8 put back together again
reassembled background landscape miniature prehistoric reassembled explosions put back together again

9 We thought we heard explosions.
violent bursts flashing lights

10 I have a miniature Statue of Liberty on the shelf.
sturdy small

11 before written history
I love reading what scientists think happened in prehistoric times. recent history before written history

12 Put back together again
Samantha reassembled the trampoline in her new yard after they had moved. Unpacked carefully Put back together again

13 The ranger showed us the best spot to view the landscape.
view of scenery on land mountain range

14 what is seen behind the main part
My friend Kate could be seen in the background of the movie filmed in her neighborhood. The main part of a scene what is seen behind the main part

15 You’ve got it!

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