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Balanced System® “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts”

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1 Balanced System® “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts”
The Balanced System® is a licenced product that provides a range of information and tools that can be used to implement the structure and framework provided by this way of detailing outcomes relevant to meeting SLCN through whole systems of support (not just SLT inputs). SEN Therapies Oct 2016

2 Kent Wide SLCN Project Update
Examples of local good practice (understand needs profiles across 12 districts and whole system provisions that are already in place) Draft Service specification Scheme for Schools accreditation scheme progress Action Plans for all involved in implementing consistency The draft service specification for SLT only should be the result of different versions created by Better Communication, KCC and key NHS commissioners. The draft specification cannot be agreed without significant negotiation from and between commissioners, those in commissioning roles i.e. schools or SEN and those providers involved if other staff are to be required to deliver whole system support. Top – down is the use of the Balanced System® commissioning of SLT services based on outcomes desired for the children and young people with SLCN. i.e. Service specification. Bottom up - Mapping and understand phase information can inform and create opportunities to devise ways to achieve outcomes for children , with or without additional investment or business case requirements SEN Therapies Oct 2016

3 Balanced System® Online Tool
This is what the online tools look like to reflect the 5 strands and 3 levels to input mapping data of SLCN provision support and also to map on gaps should they be evident SEN Therapies Oct 2016

4 Examples of good practice
This is a summary of data analysis of mapping data that focused on key word occurrences. This data is very raw and the numbers refer to footnotes from BC’s analysis that show just how variable inputs were, due to the spread of people using the system. so it is very important to use this data with caution as a lack of a tick might mean that there is a provision in place, but that it just wasn’t described in the mapping. Red - Not at all, Amber – partially, Yellow - mostly, Green - completely. SEN Therapies Oct 2016

5 Draft Service Specification
Jointly being constructed with partners Based on the Balanced System® Outcome based approach to delivering integrated services for young people and children This service spec, whilst it has implications for other services e.g. pre schools, schools etc. is for the delivery of Speech and language therapy. KCC and CCGs are working towards draft spec with idea that service delivery will quickly move towards outcomes focussed approach. SEN Therapies Oct 2016

6 Outcome framework quantity quality effort effect Level 1 Input Level 3
How much did we do? Traditional measures of activity and inputs Level 3 Implementation How well did we do it? Measuring whether the inputs were of a high quality Level 2 Reach Is anyone better off? Measuring access to the inputs delivered Level 4 Impact Did it make a difference? For the individual? For a group? For a population effort effect After Freidman, 2005 and “Turning the Curve” (DCSF, 2008) SEN Therapies Oct 2016 ©M.T.Gascoigne, 2014

7 Service Specification Example - Parents
TARGETED AND SPECIALIST OFFER Level 1: Input Level 2: Reach Level 3: Quality Implementation Level4: Impact Parents of children with identified SLCN to receive specific additional support in order to ensure their confidence in their role as key communication partners for their child Evidence of high quality materials being developed or commissioned and information widely available Number of specific specialist areas of SLCN for parents per year Evidence that this material is reaching x percentage of parents and carers over a y time period Satisfaction evaluation for SLT inputs- settings and service users Case studies illustrating impact of advice and training for parents on their effectiveness as primary communicative partners for their children Example of an outcome based framework for family support strand SEN Therapies Oct 2016

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