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Vocabulary Unit 19 Harm and Criticism.

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1 Vocabulary Unit 19 Harm and Criticism

2 1. ADMONISH Verb – to criticize mildly
Brad’s father admonished the boys for playing music too loudly. to warn or advise against something B. “Don’t go outside without your umbrella,” admonished Mom.

3 2. ALIENATE Verb---to cause a person to become distant, unfriendly, or hostile; to lose the friendship or support of someone Constant showing off or bragging tends to alienate people.

4 3. CENSURE verb—an expression of HARSH criticism
The United Nations censured the violence against civilians in Sudan.

5 4. DETRIMENT Noun---damage; harm; something that causes damage or harm
A criminal record is a detriment to anyone seeking public office.

6 5. IMPERIL Verb---to endanger
The oil spill imperiled local marine life.

7 6. INCAPACITATE Verb---to disable; to deprive of power or ability
The backup electrical systems of hospitals ensure that a loss of power will not incapacitate any hospital functions.

8 7. INJURIOUS Adjective---causing injury or damage
Eating large quantities of sweets is usually injurious to your teeth.

9 8. MALIGN A. Verb---to speak evil of ; to slander
A. How dare you malign my reputation by calling me a thief! Adjective---evil; harmful B. The evil adviser was a malign influence on the king.

10 9. SCOFF Verb---to make fun of; to mock; to ridicule
Mrs. Rowe loves to scoff at Mr. Jackson and call him a groundhog!

11 10. SUBVERT Verb---to undermine, weaken, or destroy an established institution Despite the rebel’s attempts to subvert the country’s elections, by blocking routes to the polls, citizens participated in voting!

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