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Exchange Network (EN) Grant: Drinking Water Watch (DWW) Modernization

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1 Exchange Network (EN) Grant: Drinking Water Watch (DWW) Modernization
Data Management Users Conference July 11, 2018

2 Drinking Water Watch Indiana has been using DWW since 2003
Initially developed through EN grant It was designed to make our Drinking Water data available to the public With Prime – need to modernize back-end structure as well as front-end 2) I’m told…but over time updates were made without the help of this grant

3 Previous EN Grant Cycle - Unsuccessful
January 2003 Previous EN Grant Cycle - Unsuccessful Full points on nearly all sections Staff turnover – proposal was rushed and failed to include the section outlining roles Poor reporting on other grants When not selected, grant reviewers go over the details of your application and the points you got/missed. 1) Particularly strong with goal of the proposal aligning with the EN grant priorities

4 DWW EN Grant – Take 2 More time Check on other grants
Attended EN grant webinars Make it a multi-state grant 1) We had people start working on the grant proposal as soon as possible and spent a lot more time checking over the sections 2) We made sure other grants were being managed properly so we wouldn’t get dinged on those

5 Gathering States Used list of DWW users on ASDWA’s website
Some states’ data managers were on board, but upper management said no 4 States Indiana Louisiana New Mexico North Dakota 1) Outdated, but a good starting point. We started with states using a similar version to ours.

6 Grant Proposal: Modernize DWW
Indiana taking lead – other state involvement up to those states Modernized DWW back-end to use Prime web services/APIs Modernize DWW front-end More reporting capabilities (FOIA) Internal & external versions Mobile-friendly Deployment of new DWW into each partner state’s environment Identify functional needs, test, input on visuals, etc. Data Mart will hopefully just be a short-term fix to keep DWW going States have not met yet to determine the focus of the front-end updates, some possibilities could be… Limit # partner states

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