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Note Taking and Analyzing Qualitative Data

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Presentation on theme: "Note Taking and Analyzing Qualitative Data"— Presentation transcript:

1 Note Taking and Analyzing Qualitative Data
Roxanne Ezzet-Lofstrom URBP 298A San Jose State University 11/28/2018

2 Overview Goals of note taking How to take notes
What to do with your notes Data management Analyzing qualitative data Questions about your projects 11/28/2018

3 Goals of Note Taking Adapted from material provided by Prof
Goals of Note Taking Adapted from material provided by Prof. Asha Agrawal What MIGHT your goals be? Possible goals Retrieve details from original documents Compile information if you cannot go back to originals Keep track of what your read; don’t have to hunt for it again Help understand what you’re reading Help to remember what to read again later Help you remember what you read 11/28/2018

4 How to Take Notes Various source material
Detailed evidence to support statements Note taking as part of a process Use only a portion of notes Compress the information Highlight key points 11/28/2018

5 How to Take Notes, con’t Be selective Problems with too many notes
Transcribing too much of original Being unselective in topic choice Solution to too many notes Avoid being descriptive Think more….write less Be very selective 11/28/2018

6 Note Taking Examples Interviews
Practice interview and note taking before conducting “real” ones Record interview if possible Immediately after the interview, review notes and fill in gaps Later that same day, review/type/transcribe the notes from the interview 11/28/2018

7 Note Taking Examples, con’t
Documents (e.g., zoning codes, maps, general plans) or Observations (e.g., activity in parks or plazas) List key themes to look for before reviewing documents Put “data” into a grid, matrix, spreadsheet or systematic file Examples later in today’s lecture 11/28/2018

8 What to do with all that data
Data Management Disguise participants (as appropriate) Create filing system (i.e., excel file, database) & be consistent Qualitative Data Analyses (QDA) Choices & Decisions Iterative process: reading, describing & interpreting 11/28/2018

9 Analyzing Qualitative Data
Filtering data Start with raw data (e.g., maps, field notes, interview transcripts) Codes, themes, categories Log decisions in a journal Various approaches to present/write up the data (discuss in a few minutes) 11/28/2018

10 Coding Identifying and labeling codes Begin with open codes
Write in margins After 3-4 transcripts, compile a start-list of codes Trim back code list Labels should be brief but descriptive Keep a log of decisions 11/28/2018

11 Categories & Themes Producing categories and themes
Cut & paste coded segments Can use QDA software ATLAS/ti NVivo NUD*IST Hyper RESEARCH The Ethnograph CDC EZ-Text (free download) 11/28/2018

12 Qualitative Data Presentation
Data Displays (e.g., matrix) Case Summaries 11/28/2018

13 Example, housing policies
Want to determine affordable housing policies in major cities in California Examine Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, San Diego Look for: Inclusionary zoning Density bonuses Senior housing other 11/28/2018

14 Example, inclusionary housing policies
**Fictitious results Los Angeles – in lieu fee, off-site construction, land dedication, density bonus San Francisco - in lieu fee, off-site construction, flex design standards, no density bonus San Jose –density bonus San Diego – in lieu fee, off-site construction, credit transfer, density bonus 11/28/2018

15 Example, density bonuses
**Fictitious results Los Angeles – density bonus given for developments with 50+ units San Francisco – none San Jose – density bonus given for developments with 25+ units San Diego – density bonus given for developments with 20+ units 11/28/2018

16 Housing policies, matrix
LA SF SJ SD Inclusionary zoning X Density bonus In lieu fees Off site construction 11/28/2018

17 Congestion Management, matrix
Oakland Orange County Dallas San Diego HOV lanes 3 people 2 people HOT Lanes no Yes-2 people Yes – 2 people Yes – 1 person Ramp metering yes Reversible HOV lanes 11/28/2018

18 Housing policies, case summary
Los Angeles uses many inclusionary zoning tactics such as density bonuses, in lieu fees and off site construction to meet the needs….. San Francisco does not have density bonuses but it does use….. San Jose only offers density bonuses as its approach to provide inclusionary housing…. 11/28/2018

19 In Class Exercise Survey question: What are the main problems with your local park? Responses: there are too many muggings, cars drive too fast, there are no lights so the park is very dark at night, there is a lot of criminal activity around the park 11/28/2018

20 Example, coding responses
category theme Mugging Cars go too fast Robberies Can’t see at night Feel uncomfortable No lights Too many cars Crime Very dark 11/28/2018

21 Example, creating categories
response category theme Mugging crime Cars go too fast traffic Robberies Can’t see at night lighting Feel uncomfortable No lights Too many cars Crime Very dark 11/28/2018

22 Example, creating themes
response category theme Mugging crime safety Cars go too fast traffic Robberies Can’t see at night lighting Feel uncomfortable No lights Too many cars Crime Very dark 11/28/2018

23 References Coffey, A., & Atkinson, P. (1996). Making Sense of Qualitative Data. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Padgett, D. (2008). Qualitative Methods in Social Work. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Royse, D. (2008). Research Methods in Social Work, Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole. Silverman, D. (2005). Doing Qualitative Research: A Practical Handbook, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Wolcott, H.F. (1990). Writing Up Qualitative Research, Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Wolcott, H.F. (1994). Transforming Qualitative Data, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 11/28/2018

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