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Obj. 2.2 Discuss considerations involved before, during and after an interview To view this presentation, first, turn up your volume and second, launch.

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Presentation on theme: "Obj. 2.2 Discuss considerations involved before, during and after an interview To view this presentation, first, turn up your volume and second, launch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Obj. 2.2 Discuss considerations involved before, during and after an interview To view this presentation, first, turn up your volume and second, launch the self-running slide show.

2 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE The interview process, start to finish, is a very specific time consuming process. This must be discussed in detail for this objective. Considerations that demonstrate reflexive planning should be included in your response. General ethical considerations can also be added to this objective.

3 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Design and Development of Interview Studies for Evaluation While much of the value of qualitative interviewing lies in its flexibility and openness, it remains extremely important for the evaluation planning team to think through the process and provide the basic structure and framework which will make the study useful and worthwhile. Kvale (1996) describes in detail seven stages in designing and implementing an interview study, which we will summarize. These knowledge set can be discussed in the context of the exam question.

4 Design and Development of Interview Studies for Evaluation
1. Thematizing 2. Designing 3. Interviewing 4. Transcribing 5. Analyzing 6. Verifying 7. Reporting

5 Thematizing 1 Considerations Before
Before beginning an interview, the evaluation team needs to be clear on the purpose of the study and the topic to be investigated. The key question for planning an interview concern the why, what, and how. This process includes reviewing a wide range of literature on your topic to develop a solid foundation.Why is this particularly important in qualitative research (this should be discussed in your response). Considerations Before

6 1 Thematizing Considerations Before
What: Obtaining a preknowledge of the subject matter to be investigated. Why: Obtaining the purpose of the study. How: Acquiring a knowledge of different techniques of interviewing and analyzing, and deciding which to apply to obtain intended knowledge. Remaining reflexive throughout this process helps to add credibility to your interview. Considerations Before

7 1 Thematizing Considerations Before
What: Obtaining a preknowledge of the subject matter to be investigated. Why: Obtaining the purpose of the study. How: Acquiring a knowledge of different techniques of interviewing and analyzing, and deciding which to apply to obtain intended knowledge. Remaining reflexive throughout this process helps to add credibility to your interview. Considerations Before

8 Design 2 Considerations Before
The overall design for the study, including sampling technique and question design along with the later stages of analyzing and reporting, should be planned before the interviewing begins. For example, if there is little to no time to transcribe interviews, it may be wise to use a more structured format that will be easier to code later. Why is this important to do this before you begin the interview? (Discuss this in your response) Considerations Before

9 Design 2 Considerations Before
The overall design for the study, including sampling technique, choice of interview, question design along with the later stages of analyzing and reporting, should be planned before the interviewing begins. For example, if there is little to no time to transcribe interviews, it may be wise to use a more structured format that will be easier to code later. Why is this important to do this before you begin the interview? (Discuss this in your response) Considerations Before

10 Interviewing 3 Considerations During
Patton (1987) points out that any face-to-face interview is also an observation. The skilled interviewer is sensitive to nonverbal messages, effects of the setting on the interview, and dynamics of the interviewer/interviewee relationship. Remaining reflexive during an interview will ensure that bias and participant expectations are accounted before (this can be a consideration before and during the process) Considerations During

11 Interviewing 3 Considerations During
Since the skill of the interviewer is very important to the outcome of the interview, this is a VERY important consideration in the process. Interview considerations such as probing, making eye contact, building a rapport, noting verbal and non-verbal response to questions, and clarifying a response are essential components in establishing credibility in your research. (Discuss this in the context of the research study in your response) Considerations During

12 Interviewing 3 Considerations During
Risk assessment - It is important to consider all potential risks and include them in the informed consent process as well as during the interview. Even though "just talking" may seem inherently harmless, people who participate in open-ended interviews may experience psychological stress (this is especially true when dealing with focus groups). Considerations During

13 Transcribing 4 Considerations During
This important step prepares the material from the interview for analysis. Both Kvale (1996) and Patton (1990) provide detailed practical suggestions for this process, ranging from methods of data recording to developing a sensitivity to the linguistic differences between oral speech and written text. (Discuss scenarios that provide justification for this consideration). Considerations During

14 Transcribing 4 Considerations During
Transcribing appears to be a straightforward technical task, but in fact it involves judgments about what level of detail to choose (e.g. omitting non-verbal dimensions of interaction), data interpretation (e.g. distinguishing ‘I don't, no’ from ‘I don't know’) and data representation (e.g. representing the verbalization of cultural slang). Considerations During

15 Transcribing 4 Considerations During 3rd Party Transcription:
Many researchers use professional transcribers because of the amount of time that goes into the process of turning interview dialogue into text. To ensure credibility, many qualitative researchers transcribe interviews verbatim. Considerations During

16 Analyzing 5 Considerations After
Data analysis is an issue that should be considered before and during the process of a qualitative study. Interview transcripts produce a large volume of material which must be condensed, categorized and made meaningful, and this may turn out to be one of the most costly and time-consuming aspects of the evaluation. Considerations After

17 Analyzing 5 Considerations After
The most appropriate method of analysis for any given study will depend on the purpose of your evaluation and the nature of the material, as well as the time and resources available for this part of the process. Some methods attempt to be more objective, while others depend more heavily on subjective judgments and insights of the researcher (which is usually the case for qualitative interviews). Considerations After

18 Analyzing 5 Considerations After
Inductive content analysis is usually the most ideal method for analyzing interview data. A major consideration after the interview process is “who will analyze the data”. Will 3rd party analyzers be used to ensure credibility? Remaining reflexive in the process ensures that proper steps are taken to alleviate researcher bias. Considerations After

19 Verifying 6 Considerations After
Verifying is the process of ensuring that conclusions presented by the researcher corroborate with participant’s response. One important way of verifying findings or establishing credibility is to actually take transcripts or analyzed results back to some of the interview participants, and ask them to confirm your findings. Be prepared to talk about this in the context of a specific research study. Considerations After

20 Verifying 6 Considerations After
Debriefing can also take place during the verification stage. This entails informing the participant about the research and reminding the participant of the freedom to withdraw their data from the study. Considerations After

21 Reporting 7 Considerations After
An appropriate balance needs to be found between including endless quotations informative synthesis of material. Why is it important to adequately and accurately report your findings? (Discuss this in your response). Considerations After

22 Questions?

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