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1 Government

2 I will: Identify and describe examples of limited and unlimited governments such as constitutional (limited) and totalitarian (unlimited). Compare the characteristics of limited and unlimited governments. Identify reasons for limiting the power of government.

3 I) What is government? Two types of government:
Government is the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states. It is necessary to existence of civilized society. Two types of government: Limited Government (Constitutional) Unlimited Government (Totalitarian)

4 II) Limited Government
led by the citizens, everyone, including all authority figures, must obey the laws. Constitutions, statements of rights, or other laws define the limits of those in power, leaders cannot take advantage of their elected, appointed, or inherited positions. Examples include:   United States and Canada Most South American countries Most European nations Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia Israel, Turkey, Tunisia Japan, South Korea Australia, New Zealand

5 III) Unlimited Government
control is placed solely with the ruler and his/her appointees, and there are no limits imposed on his/her authority. Examples include; North Korea Saudi Arabia Qatar Cuba Russia China Laos Vietnam.

6 IV) Characteristics between Governments
Limited Government Multi party, free elections Limitations placed on rulers by laws/constitution Freedom of speech and protection of human rights Unlimited Government One-party rule, no elections or controlled elections Written laws suspended or not upheld Repression of rights Rights suspended by rulers – censorship of press, “disappearances” of opposition groups, torture, curfews Total control in hands of ruler or appointees (e.g., Cuba, North Korea, Saudi Arabia)

7 V) Reasons for Limiting the Power of the Government
Protect human rights Promote economic freedom Provide equity and opportunity for all citizens Ensure peaceful transitions of power

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