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Welcome – Pauline Walker National Assessments – Jen Menzies

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome – Pauline Walker National Assessments – Jen Menzies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome – Pauline Walker National Assessments – Jen Menzies
Dealing with anxiety and stress – Fiona Duffy SCHOLAR – Michael Cheung Study skills – The Pupil Senior Leadership Team And finally – Pauline Walker

2 Q. What are unit assessments?
Units are blocks of work that are taught throughout the year. Previously to gain a National 5 qualification, your child would have needed to pass all of the unit assessments as well as the course assessment. Your child will only need to pass the course assessment now.

3 Q. Why are unit assessments being removed?
Feedback from teachers and young people has indicated that workload has increased and that unit assessments have contributed to this increase. For example, if your child was taking six subjects, he/she would be taking around 18 unit assessments during the year.

4 Q. Why are units still available?
The units will remain available as free-standing units. Your child may be presented for the free-standing units as an alternative to a National 5 course. In addition, your child may be presented for free- standing units, for example, in RMPS core.

5 What will happen if my child is a borderline National 5?
They will complete: National 4 Added Value Unit National 5 stand-alone units for that subject Then if they sit National 5 but achieved less than 40% overall, they will be eligible for a National 4 qualification.

6 Will there be any changes to National 4?
The structure of National 4 is currently being considered. No changes will be made to National 4 during 2017/18. Pass/Fail Units Added Value Unit

7 Timeline of parental engagement
Tracking Report: Monday 2nd October Revision Classes – October

8 WG and NTG Working Grade (SQA estimate) = demonstrated attainment in all aspects of the course, including formal assessment result. Next Target Grade = aspirational prediction of the band to be achieved in the course award.

9 S4 Full Report Friday 10th November

10 S4 Assessment Period: Monday 11th December to Tuesday 19th December
This assessment period will allow pupils, where appropriate, to complete an unseen assessment with conditions similar to the external assessment. Pupils will be granted study leave from Monday 11th to Tuesday 19th December. Pupils will also gathered evidence throughout the year. For example, class tests, coursework, mock tests, unit assessments and ongoing portfolio evidence.

11 S4 Presentation Levels and Future Presentation: Monday 5th February
Revision classes in February and Easter Holidays

12 Presentation Levels and Future Presentation
Continue progressing towards full course award. Continue progressing towards N5 full course award with units. Removed from course award in 2018 and move to undertake current course over 2 years (entered for units only in 2018). Move from H/N5 to N5/N4 – (Leavers, Exceptional Circumstances).

13 S5 Course Choice A NTG of C5 or better will allow the pupil to be progress to the next level during coursing: 8th/9th February Tuesday 30 January 2018  S3-5 Senior Parents Information Evening Monday 05 February 2018  S4-6 Presentation Levels & Future Recommendations 06 February 2018  S4 Parents Evening

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