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Who wants to be a Millionaire?

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Presentation on theme: "Who wants to be a Millionaire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who wants to be a Millionaire?
Hosted by YWCA CAPP

2 1. How to play! 2. Score! 3. Steals!

3 Lifelines “Hint…it’s not…” Ask Educator

4 $100 The term STD stands for? D – Sexually Transmitted Disease
A – Species Transmitted Disorder B – Sexually Transmitted Deficiency C – Specific Transmitted Disease D – Sexually Transmitted Disease

5 $200 HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV stands for?
C – Human Immunodeficiency Virus A – Human Infectious Virus B – Human Immune Virus C – Human Immunodeficiency Virus D – Human Immunodamaging Virus

6 $300 AIDS is a progressed deadly syndrome caused by HIV. What does the term AIDS stand for? B – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome A – Active Immune Deficiency Syndrome B – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome C – Acquired Identity Deficient Syndrome D – Attained Immune D Syndrome

7 $500 How is HIV different from AIDS? C – ALL of the above
A – People generally look and feel healthy during the HIV phase, then start to notice symptoms when HIV transitions to the AIDS syndrome B - HIV is a virus that destroys the immune system, and AIDS is the disease that develops as a result of the HIV damage. C –ALL of the above

8 How does HIV effect the Immune System?
$1,000 How does HIV effect the Immune System? A – Deceases white blood cells A – Decreases white blood cells B – Decreases red blood cells C – Increases white blood cells D – Increases red blood cells

9 $2,000 Which protein in the blood is tested during an HIV test?
C - antibodies A - Elastin B - Collagen C - Antibodies D - Keratin

10 $4,000 What are the three most common ways people get HIV/AIDS? (Choose best Answer) D – Sex, Sharing Needles, Mother to baby A – Sex, French kissing, toilet seats B – Mosquito bites, fluid exchange, hugging C – Both A and B D – Sex, sharing needles, mother to baby

11 What four body fluids transmit HIV/AIDS?
$8,000 What four body fluids transmit HIV/AIDS? B – Blood, Semen, Vaginal Secretions, Breast Milk A – Saliva, sweat, mucous, tears B – Blood, Semen, Vaginal Secretions, Breast Milk C – Fecal matter, fluid from sores, urine, nasal discharge D – Both A and B

12 $16,000 Which sexual practice can transmit HIV/AIDS.
D – ALL of the Above A – Vaginal Intercourse B – Oral Intercourse C – Anal Intercourse D – All of the above

13 $32,000 How is HIV not transmitted? D – Both A and C
A – Mosquito Bites, toilet seats, touching B – Blood bros and sis, tattoos, piercings C – Sharing food, doorknobs, massages D – Both A and C

14 $64,000 Which method below can help to protect someone from getting HIV/AIDS? A – Latex Condoms A – Latex Condoms B – Animal Skin Condoms C – Birth Control Pills D – Spermicide Gel

15 $125,000 Which barrier will help to stop the spread of HIV during oral sex? D – Both A and C A – Male Latex condom B – Male Lamb Skin Condom C – Dental Dams D – Both A and C

16 $250,000 Beyond using Condoms and Dental Dams, what else can people do to prevent the spread of STI’s and HIV? D – All the Above A – Practice Abstinence B – Limit sexual partners C – Get tested D – All the Above

17 $1,000,000 What is the only 100% guaranteed way to not transmit STI’s or become pregnant D - Abstinence A - Condoms B - Outercourse C – Condoms + Birth Control D - Abstinence

18 Winner! Winner! Winner! Winner! Winner! Winner! Winner! Winner! Winner!

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