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Published bySilke Kaufman Modified over 6 years ago
Tutorial on Web-Based Collaborative Tools Introduction
18 January HEAT Center Aberdeen Md. Geoffrey Fox, Ahmet Uyar Florida State University Department of Computer Science and CSIT (School of Computational Science and Information Technology) 400 Dirac Science Library Tallahassee Florida 11/28/2018
Topics to be Covered I 1. Introduction: What is a Collaboratory and Collaboration Technology; Tools, Standards, Portals 2. Web Conferencing Tools (Centra, WebEx, PlaceWare, Latitude) + demos of Centra and PlaceWare 3. Learning Management Systems (Blackboard and WebCT) + demos of Blackboard and WebCT using WebEx. 4. Shared display in WebEx and VNC 5 Management Tools: TMD (Training Management Database) and Virtual Classroom Manager (“NPAC Grading System”) 6. Learning Object standards: IMS and ADL 11/28/2018
Topics to be Covered II 7. Authoring and Authoring Standards from Macromedia, Adobe, .. Flash, SVG, VML, 8. HearMe Voice over IP including demo 9. Access Grid high end audio-video conferencing 10. Instant Messengers (Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Jabber) 11. Calendars and Schedulers 12. Palmtop Interfaces and Comments on Palmtop Technology 13. Portals for education and computing. 11/28/2018
What are we Trying to do I?
Build web-based support for people to interact with each other and with other resources: computers, documents, instruments This was originally called a Collaboratory by Bill Wulf in a famous Science article in volume 261, 13 Aug 1993 We must do this while technology is rapidly changing and while we are not certain what collaborative tools, scientists will actually use i.e. requirements are not known We will find a set of successful capabilities where some consensus exists as to what they do and how they look to users – these are typically (now) commercialized There are some clearly useful technologies and standards on which to build – we will mention these en passant Need to identify those areas where there is a potential requirement and Industry will not provide (or render our solution invalid) in next year or so 11/28/2018
What are we Trying to do II?
Object Web technology suggests how systems ought to built today Program in Java Data Structures in XML Use multi tier architecture There are some important internet trends which suggest where systems will go – Bandwidth and latency of networks (Gilder’s law) growing use of Palmtop devices Advising you as to what systems work and how to support them Discussing differences and similarities between support of training, administration and research 11/28/2018
Collaboratory Applications
Distance Education including advanced seminars and training Help Desk including Microsoft helping user debug problem on home PC (connected to Internet) MSRC consulting staff interacting over distance in real time with a user with a program bug Yahoo staff asking in depth questions from users browsing either their knowledge or Shopping sites Scientists brainstorming difficult research issues in distributed locations Virtual communities around the world from children chatting to each other or integration of distributed organizations (like ARL) Indian Nation remaining in their homeland but participating electronically in modern economy ( Implementing next round of PET activities Crisis Management and Command and Control for Military 11/28/2018
Basic Principles in Building Systems
Everything electronic is by definition an Object Some objects are easier to deal with than others All (systems) software will be written in Java As it has best software engineering properties All Object (meta)data and data streams will be defined in XML Whether you use COM, CORBA, Jini/RMI, SOAP, HLA Object Model All Systems built in multi-tier fashion so front end rendering and back end functionality are disassociated Object 1 Object 2 XML Datastream XML Interfaces 11/28/2018
Object Web Portals think of things as objects and services
System View User View Rendering Engine CORBA or Java Broker or Server Objects XML Request for service followed by return of XML result XML Browser (HTML) Rendering Engine Universal Interfaces IDL or XML “Computing Portals” portalML Interface “Grid Forum” resourceML Interface 11/28/2018
Use of Object Technology in Computing I
Basic Principle: Use object technology wherever possible This will give you a more productive development environment which are easier to maintain Objects can be used at different granularities Fine and Very Fine Grain The computational kernel The linkage of different kernels as different routines Characterized by low latency (memory access or subroutine call or at worst MPI invocation) -- a few nanoseconds to a microsecond Object technologies are not essential here although eventually languages like C++ and Java will be preferred solution here Maybe you have a lot of legacy Fortran code in this category Converting to Java is probably not the best use of scientists’ time 11/28/2018
Use of Object Technology in Computing II
Coarse Grain objects characterized by modest latency ( but maybe high bandwidth) are where you use Object web technology immediately All programs, sensors, datasets, simulations are objects There are many competing object models -- Java, COM, CORBA, SOAP but doesn’t matter -- use XML to define all objects -- we can convert Data format is not 16I5 or 8F10.4 or even a Java or C++ data structure -- it is defined in XML. This ensures interoperability between sensors and programs Objects can have multiple views -- Oracle can think in rows and columns; the user as a correlated time series -- Internet technology filters convert very easily Each Science field should set these XML based coarse grain object standards for its area IMS and ADL are doing this for education and training. Thousands of other efforts 11/28/2018
Example of XML Specifying a Program as an Object
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE application SYSTEM "ApplDescV2.dtd"> <application id=”Casc2d" installable="No"> selected application <target id=""> selected host <status installed="Yes"/> <installed> <CmdLine command="/npac/home/haupt/CASC2D/casc2d" /> <input> <inFile Path="/npac/home/haupt/CASC2D/lms/" Name=""/> <source Host="" Path="C:\LMS\fromEdys\" Name="" > </input> <output> <outFile Path="/npac/home/haupt/CASC2D/lms/" Name="sed.out"/> <dest Host="" Path="C:\LMS\toEdys\" Name="sed.out" > </output> <stdout Host="" Path="/npac/home/haupt/CASC2D/history/" Name="job2001.out" > <stderr Host="" Path="/tmp/" Name="haupt_job2001.err" > </installed> </target> </application> how to run it it expects this input file it generates this output file Actual location of the file store it permanently here save stdout and stderr 11/28/2018
Aspects of Collaboration
Collaboration means Sharing and we identify three classes of capability Share the people: Audio/Video Conferencing Basic Tools: , Instant Messenger, Bulletin Boards, White board Shared resources i.e. shared objects (Basic tools are special case where object is a text message or simple drawing) Objects can be shared in several ways Shared display Shared export Shared event Which trade off ease of use versus flexibility versus ease of implementation If we share objects and we have a lot of them, then we must have management capabilities so we can store and retrieve them Management issues have special needs in some areas e.g. store grades and homework in learning systems 11/28/2018
Collaborative Visualization
Object Filter Map Transform Broker Event Adapter Input Output A B Shared Display C W3C Custom Master User B Collaborators A and C Shared “events” Consider a computer program (object above) and then its output and input wend their way through multiple filters (tiers) until they are finally rendered on some sort of device: CAVE through PDA. One can share “object” at any stage in pipeline 11/28/2018
Architecture of Collaboration I
The web is full of objects – web pages sitting on web servers – and these support asynchronous collaboration You post a web page and I later look at it in my own time Replacing web document by a “CGI script” or servlet (web interface to program, database etc.) gives general multi-tier object sharing This is Publish/Subscribe mechanism If add some mechanism (automatic or word of mouth) to tell viewing client when new information is posted We use JMS (Java Message Service) as Industry standard for publish/subscribe systems Synchronous Collaboration provides “real-time” notification and automatic update of changed objects 11/28/2018
Architecture of Collaboration II
All forms of Collaboration are Event based Different modes: Display, Export, “Event” correspond to events generated at different places in object rendering pipeline Shared Display – Events contain updates to frame buffer Shared “Event” – Events contain updates to state of either original or transformed object Shared Export – Convert (rendering of) object to some standard form that is more flexible than bitmap of Shared Display. Build a custom sharing for this exported form WebeX uses “patented sharing of virtual printer” which is equivalent to sharing export to PDF I like shared HTML (web pages) or SVG described later 11/28/2018
Architecture of Collaboration III
Pub/Sub Server Receive events on subscribed channels Post Events Subscribe Exported Object Subscribing Object II Subscribing Object I Objects are all “copies” of each other with events maintaining state Result can be identical or different renderings – e.g. one can choose on subscribing client to resize rendering to a larger (so can see) or smaller (as PDA) size 11/28/2018
Architecture of Collaboration IV
This is replicated between each collaborating client. It is “frame buffer”, “original object”, Web/SVG/PDF/.. Export for Shared display, event and export models Original Object Exported Export Render For each collaborative model, we are sharing and replicating an object We just need to choose which version of original object to use 11/28/2018
Requirements of Collaboration I
We have learnt a lot from our own experiments (systems called Tango (synchronous) and WebWisdom/Virtual Classroom Manager (asynchronous)) and from study of commercial models WebeX Centra and Placeware (and others) have evolved to more or less identical synchronous models Yahoo, Excite, NetCenter are asynchronous information portals WebCT and Blackboard are asynchronous education portals There are technology trends of importance Abstract some lessons and requirements for (future) systems 11/28/2018
Technology Trends and Principles
All performance and capability measures of infrastructure continue to improve Gilder’s law says that network bandwidth increases 3 times faster than CPU Performance (Moore’s Law) The Telecosm eclipses the Microcosm …. George Gilder Telecosm : How Infinite Bandwidth Will Revolutionize Our World (September 2000, Free Press; ISBN: , #146 in Amazon Sales Jan ) 11/28/2018
Small Devices Increasing in Importance
There is growing interest in wireless portable displays in the confluence of cell phone and personal digital assistant markets By 2005, 60 million internet ready cell phones sold each year 65% of all Broadband Internet accesses via non desktop appliances CM5 11/28/2018
Palm Tops help define Client Model
One needs to design web systems so they can be accessed from either a PDA or a PC or a Powerwall This implies that only code in browser should be that immediately needed to relay events between user and web system – all “logic” (state) should be outside browser. Supports Server based Computing model with clients “just” for rendering 11/28/2018
Requirements of Collaboration II
Need to support both synchronous and asynchronous models in an integrated fashion Some think asynchronous web based education will replace conventional methods Maybe role of synchronous (teacher-student interaction) shifts from lecturing to mentoring Implies need to archive synchronous sessions for later replay Implies build collaborative portals Need to support PDA and PC seamlessly Define content in XML and use style-sheets or other transformation tools to map into HTML (PC) or WML (PDA) This is part of portalML Collaboration implies sharing objects – the better object structure exposed, the better sharing is possible So define everything you can in XML (ResourceML) We can share Word/PowerPoint best in Web or SVG form as this is universal export. Could build a custom office sharing tool but hard 11/28/2018
Requirements of Collaboration III
Predict that future will see higher quality web pages as Web allows more competition (e.g. between education providers) So need to understand how to share pages written with Macromedia Flash and other high end authoring tools Need to migrate to evolving standards whether “sure things” like SMIL (multimedia) or W3C Universal Access or possibles like OpenOffice or WML Must assume all commercial and indeed academic products will evolve (rapidly) and so generic collaboration framework strongly preferred Special requirements of Science and HPCC Share Mathematics (MathML) and other science symbols (e.g. molecules) in scientific whiteboard etc. Share Computing (submit jobs, visualization etc.) 11/28/2018
Summary of Architecture
Multi-tier with resourceML to define Objects and portalML to define client server interface and dissociate Object and its rendering Server side logic to allow range of clients and exploit increasing network bandwidth Automatically gives universal archiving Publish/Subscribe can be used as universal mechanism for synchronous and asynchronous collaboration “only” need latencies of fractions of a second as this built already due to browser update time, long distance transmission time etc. (JMS latencies around 0.1 second for modest size message going from publisher to subscriber) Will need multicast (not in JMS) to scale to lots of clients Naturally supported by event based model of computing with all transactions expressed as time stamped messages (events) which are archived and forwarded by middle tier 11/28/2018
myPET Portal Interface
Yahoo Messenger is an interesting model for the myPET or more generally myProfessor (Education) or myHPCC (general computing) interface “Small” Application that invokes browser Runs on PC or Palmtop and “only” contains summary information suitable for Palms – can we use Java (J2ME) Has services like file manipulation, send a message and set of custom buttons Access News, Weather, Stocks etc. Develop myPET with computers, papers, programs and sensors instead of news and stocks Develop myProfessor with school events, classes etc. 11/28/2018
Typical Virtual Class(Meeting)room
Invoke this from myACES or myProfessor See Centra, Placeware, WebEx…. Control buttons for Audio/Video/Floor Control etc. Lecture Page Annotations (student, teacher) Pointers etc. index Alert/ Raise Hands Invoke Quiz Chat Room 11/28/2018
Typical MyProfessor Interface
Messages will give you access to , instant messenger, voice messages, alerts etc. Agents scan for useful resources you requested e.g. news about Enterprise Javabeans Calendar and Scheduler supports CDIS, CAP and CIP data Interchange, access and Interoperability standards (see iPlanet Calendar Server 2.1) 2 alerts 6 new msgs My Professor Log Out Edit Intro To Java Next Class: Thursday, 9/14/2000, 4 pm Message: 5 new, 2 unread, 15 total Java: Swing Next Class: Thursday, 9/14/2000, 2 pm Message: 0 Total Visible Java: AWT Next Class: Tuesday, 9/12/2000, 1 pm Message: 1 new, 0 unread, 3 total Now View Announcements & News FSU announces 50 new online courses. Routine maintenance for 1:00 am Alerts & Notifications New speech recognition spanish course available. Your Java: AWT class starts in 3 min. Schedule September, 2000 My Courses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Su M Tu W Th F Sat Month Week Today Main Menu Add Del Activity Home Courses Messages Agents Schedule Preferences Profile To Do’s 11/28/2018
Synchronous Virtual Environments
Several similar systems offering shared display and shared export (for PowerPoint) Commercial: WebeX Centra Placeware Latitude NetMeeting Public Domain: VNC shared display Limited functionality in areas of archiving, export models, management and PDA support VNC designed for “different problem” – client doing administration on multiple remote machines and not optimized for one master and lots of clients Audio-Video Support limited – Centra has built in Windows audio (with Java front end). WebeX using Lipstream and perhaps HearMe Have built in shared annotation of display and chat/whiteboard tools 11/28/2018
Commercial Collaboration and Training Systems I
October : WebEx Communications, Inc. the leader in communications infrastructure for Web meetings, today announced record results for its third quarter, ending September WebEx added more than 700 new customers this quarter, bringing the total number of customers to more than 1800. During the third quarter, AT&T and Global Crossing announced the integration of WebEx services into their communications solutions, and Commerce One announced that WebEx services have been integrated into their next generation Commerce One.netTM. WebEx's list of new customers this quarter contains industry leaders in aerospace, automotive, computer software, computer hardware, consulting services, financial services, healthcare, real estate and legal services. New customers include 3-M, Aberdeen Group, Ace Hardware, Altera, Associated General Contractors (ACG), BancTec Inc., Blue Martini, Briggs & Stratton, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., CheckFree Corp., Cosine Communications, Emory University, Enron Energy Info Solutions, Fiserve, Inc., FleetBoston Financial, Forrester Research, Grubb & Ellis, Hewlett-Packard, Keystone Solutions, Kyocera Wireless Corp., Medtronic, Motorola, NEC America, Nexprise, Proxicom, Razorfish, Sunguard, Toyota Motors, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, ZDNet and Ziff-Davis among others. 11/28/2018
Commercial Collaboration and Training Systems II
Oct. 12, Centra the world's leading provider of software infrastructure and ASP services for live eLearning and Internet business collaboration, today announced results for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2000. Centra added 73 new customers in the third quarter, bringing the total customer base to 350 accounts. Some highlights include: Centra continues to grow its extensive customer base, serving more than one million users across all industry sectors and geographies. Contributions to this rapid growth in the third quarter were highlighted by: The selection of Centra by Andersen Consulting, one of the world's largest professional services firms, as the company's standard infrastructure for the delivery of live eLearning to the company's 65,000 employees. A significant initial deployment at Coca-Cola Company, the world's largest soft drink provider with over 35,000 employees, to provide eLearning delivery infrastructure for global SAP end user training and ongoing change management initiatives. Siemens AG selected Centra as the corporate eLearning and collaboration standard to support communications and planning among the company's top 1,500 global operations executives. In addition, Siemens, which operates in over 190 countries, will use Centra to support their extensive SAP rollout through hands-on end user training over the Internet. 11/28/2018
Learning Management Systems
Learning Object standards ADL and IMS from DoD and education community Most education and training stresses asynchronous or web support for conventional delivery WebCT Blackboard Lotus(IBM) and others offer LMS systems with limited synchronous capability Support typical educational needs like grading, quizzes, homework, glossaries, group Varying database backend and Varying authoring support Popular with colleges as supports not so expert faculty DoD use less clear as don’t need homework etc. No built in support for areas like “programming labs” (VPL from NPAC did this) 11/28/2018
Learning Management Tools
“Integrated solutions” have problem that cannot compete well in any one area E.g. Blackboard (initially) did not support Java applets in curriculum pages Quizzes do not support (yet) CAPA capabilities to personalize them ( We mention two projects built at NPAC with focused capabilities TMD supports training at ASC Virtual Classroom Manager (Mehmet Sen Thesis) which was used for several years in PET to support classes for homework and grading with very simple quizzes Instant Messenger and Calendar/Schedulers are other generic tools which can be used if you adopt modular approach 11/28/2018
Learning Objects Given changing technology, need standards to protect investment in authoring and administrative data generated and stored in databases Educational Environment Educause set up IMS – Instructional Management System with selection of companies and universities IMS focus was changed to drop implementation work and is now “Global Learning Consortium” Inc. Department of Defense (which has huge training needs) set up ADL Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative whose links section includes all other useful URL’s IEEE (Computing Community) set up P1484 Learning Technology Standards Committee LTSC 11/28/2018
LMS Model used by ADL Critical Interchange Capability Server Client
Content Server(s) External systems: HR, E-Commerce, ERP... Migration Adapter Learning Server API Application Browser Server Side Client Side HTML+ Services or Adapter Course Interchange: Structure Format (CSF), Metadata Runtime Environment: Launch, API, Data Model “Learning Management System” LMS Learning Server Critical Interchange Capability Server Client 11/28/2018
Areas (Object Properties) Covered
Metadata from IEEE and IMS Roughly Properties of educational objects thought of as “documents” (author, title …) Course Packaging from SCORM and IMS How to form bigger units of instruction from smaller units Called Content Packaging by IMS and Course Structure Format (CSF) by SCORM which goes in greater depth than IMS Tests and Quizzes from IMS Specialized CSF descriptors from SCORM (via CMI) Such as objectives, prerequisites, completion requirements LMS Runtime API from SCORM – I am doubtful about value Enterprise Properties from IMS Link to people and organization databases (rather incomplete at present but must be important as probably can agree) 11/28/2018
Audio-Video Conferencing
In Tango training, audio-video conferencing was always problematical Video may or may not be necessary – Internet only supports “postage stamp” talking heads Audio only requires a few kilobits per second but quality of service critical and not likely to be supported on current Internet HearMe desktop audio: Support general mix of internet and “ordinary” phone lines which have: Quality of service and good echo canceling etc. on high-end phones Should work with modem (28.8 kilobits per second) Access-Grid community audio/video: Supports multiple high-quality audio and video streams Each client client needs 20 megabits per second 11/28/2018
Authoring Authoring on the Web can include
Basic HTML Macromedia/Adobe/etc. packages like Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Illustrator PowerPoint and Word exported Also can include RealNetworks or Microsoft or .. Format Multimedia Note Streaming multimedia formats have larger buffers than A/V conferencing formats Pressure to improve web quality Training and Education need a lot of material and so custom editing of each page not practical Using XML to specify content and include this in beautiful framework seems best SVG and SMIL are 2D vector graphics and multimedia standards HTML does not give reproducible pages Flash can be thought of as “proprietary SVG” 11/28/2018
Hand Held Internet Grid on the Go Meeting April 2001
So we will have convenient hand-held devices linked to the “wireless internet” Wireless Internet is basically the same as conventional Internet except that content is optimized for size and communication limitations of wireless systems Current bandwidth is around 14.4 kbaud – “poor modem” Maybe WAN Cellphone bandwidth will be limited for near future “Bluetooth” standard should give hand-held devices megabit per second communication bandwidth for LAN Two positives for the wireless hand-held device Cheaper than a PC (relevant for students) More portable and more pervasively useable than a PC Grid on the Go Meeting April 2001 11/28/2018
Collaborative Palm Tops
Shared Display: Share pixels between clients Shared Event: Share URL between clients – in general have different versions (WAP for Palm-top, HTML/HTTP for PC’s) of display controlled by same XML content Collaboration Server URL or (scaled) frame buffer …………….. HTTP-HTML WAP Web Server 11/28/2018
Hand Held devices and Wireless
Ubiquitous access to resources from palm-top devices will new access modes from simple job submission through visualization of results Control large screen displays – Banks and Erlebacher Control active walls of Flat Panel screens (Sunray) Support in Gateway for job submittal Collaborative client in research or training Shared display or Shared web-page with different modes for each type of device 11/28/2018
Two Hand Held Prototypes
Latest release of VNC (public domain shared display) for Palm tops is quite impressive – fast and includes server side resizing for reducing “shared display” for smaller hand held display We have a prototype of a Java client in a Palm controlling 3D object on PowerWall through a wireless connection PalmVNC 11/28/2018
Real Time Collaborative Systems
Real time situations demand immediate response from anywhere expert spacecraft reports unexpected problem IMT test surprise Commanders or field personnel in Crisis Management Scientific analysis during aftershocks of Earthquake Collaboration (must bring in special expert) and support of diverse displays – maybe critical person only has Palmtop – are particularly important in these application Synchronous and asynchronous 11/28/2018
Caltech JPL USGS JPL JPL JPL Boulder JPL disp page ALARM
WAKE UP! quake location, size -- page WAKE UP! disp disloc JPL sorted station potential -- modem USGS Dial Stations(and database) station raw files -- page JPL GIPSY/auto_p WAKE UP! station motions -- JPL simplex disloc JPL single-fault model --maps for civil authorities multi-fault model Virtual_California Boulder (University of Colorado) web simplex JPL --graphics --refined fault model collaboration --graphics --hazard model 11/28/2018
Shared map of faults/sensors
Shared Browser of Simulation Results Will become myACES Chatroom Shared map of faults/sensors SCEC Demo (Sept 99)Collaboration in GEM Earthquake Analysis System Conferencing 11/28/2018
Collaborative Portal Collaborative myACES Data base Real Time control
Persistent Store of Earthquake Data Data base Collaborative Portal Simulations Real Time control And sensor data ResourceML Asynchronous Access Store Collaborative myACES Real time Share Synchronous Distributed Science Personal Server PortalML “Client” Web Page HTML WML/WAP Rendering Standards 11/28/2018
What is a Web Portal? It is a “just” a web-based application
Commodity Portal is Web-based Information Source (Yahoo) or Shop (Amazon) Enterprise Information Portal is “Lotus Notes done right” Education Portal is a Web-based University Computing Portal is a “Problem Solving Environment” Well defined Interfaces based on Grid Forum -- Computing IMS/ADL/IEEE LTSC -- Education And a set of Services and Tools 11/28/2018
Commodity Portals are Web Interfaces for Consumers
Yahoo, NetCenter,, etc. are portals for e-commerce, news etc. 11/28/2018
Portals in Computing and Education
Merrill Lynch predicts that Enterprise Information portal market will be $15B by 2002 Unfortunately it is not trivial to re-use some key commodity systems as they do not provide the right level of interfaces to add capabilities like collaboration and security We must adopt architecture that maximizes chance that can use new commercial capabilities when they become available Multi-media, Handheld infrastructure are areas where industry ahead of academia Hardest Problem Wish to re-use components between Education and Computing 11/28/2018
Hierarchy of Portals and Their Technology
Portal Building Tools and Frameworks (XUL, Ninja, iPlanet, E-Speak, Portlets, WebSphere, Generic Portals Collaboration Universal Access Security ……. Generic Services User customization, component libraries, fixed channels Information Services Databases ……. Enterprise Portals Quizzes Grading ... Education Services Compute Services Grid Services Visualization ... Education and Training Portals MathML etc Science Portals ……... ……... K-12 University Biology GEM 11/28/2018
GEM Computational Environment Multi-Tier Architecture
Seismic Sensors Field Data Geophysical “Web” Info Backend Services Databases (HPCC) Computers General “Web” Info Middleware Bunch of Web Servers and Object Brokers Collaboration Security Lookup Registration Agents/Brokers Application Integration Visualization Server Seamless Access (Java) Interactive Analysis Client Visualization Clients GEM Computational Environment Multi-Tier Architecture 11/28/2018
PET Computing Portal: Driving Requirements
Goal is to maximize productivity of (Super)computer center user Provide in a single web interface “myPET”, all resources needed for HPCMO and DoD Research and Computing Display Sensor results Initiate and visualize simulations Necessary information -- from program documentation to latest technical reports Contact colleagues in real-time (audio/video conferencing) or asynchronously ( etc.) Support access from hand-held (Palm) devices Allow customization of choice and arrangement of material 11/28/2018
Services in Computing Portals
Security Fault Tolerance Object Lookup and Registration Object Persistence and Database support (as in EIP’s) Event and Transaction Services Collaboration among scientists around world Job Status as in HotPage (NPACI) and myGrid (NCSA) File Services (as in NPACI Storage Resource Broker) Support (XML based) computational science specific metadata like MathML, XSIL Visualization Programming Application Integration (chaining services viewed as backend compute filters) “Seamless Access” and integration of resources between different users/application domains Parameter Specification Service (get data from Web form into Fortran program wrapped as backend object) Any Portal 11/28/2018
Gateway Portal Supports Kerberos Security for DoD
Supported by DoD HPCMO: ASC and ARL Involves work by Furmanski (Syracuse) and Haupt (MSU) Browser ORB HPC Resources, Mass Storage, DBs HTTP SECIOP WebFlow Servers Apache Tomcat PSE krsh, krcp Charon PortalML ResourceML 11/28/2018
Current Generic Gateway Interface
Select Code to Run “Wrapped Codes” Use Caltech XSIL for XML specification
One could interface via Globus
One could interface via Globus. Sufficient to submit to ASC Job scheduler
Review Previous Runs
A Sample Collaboratory
Here is a sample collaboratory designed for “HallD” – a proposed experiment at DoE’s Jefferson Laboratory HallD produces 1015 data or simulation objects per year HallD involves hundreds of scientists around the country collaborating in taking data, processing it and analyzing it to find nifty science breakthroughs One first would establish HallD Digital Object Standard covering everything from LED on experimental apparatus, data produced in each part of apparatus, plots and other analysis artifacts, presentations and papers 11/28/2018
MyHallD Collaborative Portal
MyHallD is the portal door to the Virtual HallD Experiment Control Room Virtual HallD Monte Carlo Farm Virtual HallD DST Factory Virtual HallD Physics Engine Virtual HallD Board Room HallD Education and Outreach Area These share access to HallD digital objects but access (and make) them in different ways and are optimized in different ways They share certain features and services All actions are logged (in XML) and archived Common security infrastructure Access can be from PC or Hand Held device 11/28/2018
Features of MyHallD and it’s HallD Virtual Places
MyHallD would have: “Handles” to open 6 Community Virtual Places as well as ability to open private virtual rooms HallD/Jefferson/HEP Calendar, Phone lists etc. News Items with browser links Experiment Status etc. Invoke basic Collaboration Tools – Internet Phone; Local and remote cameras; Chat; Whiteboard Automatic Update (to myHallD) Feature Indicator as to which places you are in and who else is active there. To do list for you in HallD Gentle and Crass ways of getting people’s attention 11/28/2018
Features of Virtual MyHallD Places
HallD Board room can be done today for some capabilities using WebEx Placeware or Centra DST Factory and Monte Carlo Farm do not require significant synchronous collaboration; build computing portals for standard Physics packages Need strong management functions HallD Physics Engine could benefit from innovative user interfaces and collaboration in analysis of results Here is where difficult decisions made (how to run Minuit optimization program) and distributed experts could be useful Share analysis results and choice of parameters for future large analysis (which partial waves to include) HallD Education and Outreach can use Virtual Classroom model being developed by several vendors 11/28/2018
Features of Virtual MyHallD Places
Virtual Experiment Control Room could be a big win as (unexpected) real-time decisions need “experts-on-demand” Similar model with DoD and IMT experiments or NASA for remote spacecraft mission control and real-time scientific analysis of earthquakes Needs to evaluate collaborative decision making (vote?) and planning tools Needs to allow shared streaming data as well as shared read-outs of experimental monitors (output of all devices must be distributed objects which can be shared) Needs to support experts caught on their sailboat with poor connectivity or in their car with just a cell phone and a PDA 11/28/2018
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