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Chapter 6 LEARNING Section 1: Classical Conditioning

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1 Chapter 6 LEARNING Section 1: Classical Conditioning
HOLT Psychology 11/28/2018 Chapter 6 LEARNING Section 1: Classical Conditioning Section 2: Operant Conditioning Section 3: Cognitive Learning Section 4: The PQ4R Method: Learning to Learn Chapter 6

2 Question: What are the principles of classical conditioning?
Chapter 6 Section 1: Classical Conditioning Question: What are the principles of classical conditioning? PRINCIPLES OF CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Simple form of learning in which one stimulus calls forth the response that is usually called forth by another stimulus This occurs when the two stimuli have been associated with each other

3 Question: What are the principles of classical conditioning?
Chapter 6 Section 1: Classical Conditioning Question: What are the principles of classical conditioning? IMPORTANT TERMS Terms that are important in understanding classical conditioning: Unconditioned stimulus (US) – a stimulus that causes a response that is automatic, not learned Unconditioned response (UR) – the response that is automatic, not learned

4 Question: What are the principles of classical conditioning?
Chapter 6 Section 1: Classical Conditioning Question: What are the principles of classical conditioning? IMPORTANT TERMS (continued) Conditioned Response (CR) – a learned response to a stimulus that was previously neutral or meaningless Conditioned Stimulus (CS) – a previously neutral stimulus that, because of pairing with an unconditioned stimulus, now causes a conditioned response

5 Question: How are the principles of operant conditioning applied?
Chapter 6 Section 2: Operant Conditioning Question: How are the principles of operant conditioning applied? APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLES OF OPERANT CONDITIONING Offering of rewards – being positively reinforced Shaping – a way of teaching complex behaviors in which one first reinforces small steps in the right direction

6 Question: How are the principles of operant conditioning applied?
Chapter 6 Section 2: Operant Conditioning Question: How are the principles of operant conditioning applied? APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLES OF OPERANT CONDITIONING (continued) Programmed Learning – assumes that any task can be broken down into small steps that can be shaped individually and combined to form the more complicated whole Classroom discipline – using principles of learning to change classroom behavior

7 Question: What are the cognitive factors in learning?
Chapter 6 Section 3: Cognitive Factors in Learning Question: What are the cognitive factors in learning? COGNITIVE FACTORS IN LEARNING Latent learning – learning that remains hidden until it is needed Observational learning – acquiring knowledge and skills by observing and imitating others

8 Question: What are the steps of the PQ4R method of learning?
Chapter 6 Section 4: The PQ4R Method: Learning to Learn Question: What are the steps of the PQ4R method of learning? STEPS OF THE PQ4R METHOD OF LEARNING PREVIEW – getting a general picture of what is covered before reading a chapter QUESTION – something in particular that we want to learn READ – reading the material with the purpose of finding answers REFLECT – an important way to understand and remember the material read

9 Chapter 7 MEMORY Section 1: Three Kinds of Memory
HOLT Psychology 11/28/2018 Chapter 7 MEMORY Section 1: Three Kinds of Memory Section 2: Three Processes of Memory Section 3: Three Stages of Memory Section 4: Forgetting and Memory Improvement Chapter 7

10 Question: What are the three kinds of memory?
Chapter 7 Section 1: Three Kinds of Memory Question: What are the three kinds of memory? THREE KINDS OF MEMORY Episodic memory – memory of a specific event that took place in the person’s presence or through experience Semantic memory – general knowledge that people remember Implicit memory – a memory that consists of the skills and procedures one has learned

11 Question: What are the three processes of memory?
Chapter 7 Section 2: Three Processes of Memory Question: What are the three processes of memory? THREE PROCESSES OF MEMORY Encoding – the translation of information into a form in which it can be stored Storage – the second process of memory and is the maintenance of encoded information over a period of time Retrieval – third process of memory; consists of locating stored information and returning it to conscious thought

12 Question: How are the three stages of memory related to each other?
Chapter 7 Section 3: Three Stages of Memory Question: How are the three stages of memory related to each other? Some images held in sensory memory are transferred to short-term memory. Information that is repeated in short-term memory can be transferred to long-term memory.

13 Question: In what ways can memory be improved?
Chapter 7 Section 4: Forgetting and Memory Improvement Question: In what ways can memory be improved? IMPROVING MEMORY Drill and Practice – doing something over and over again (repetition) Relating to Things One Already Knows – elaborative rehearsal Forming Unusual Associations – making an unusual or humorous association with something else to help you recall the information

14 Question: In what ways can memory be improved?
Chapter 7 Section 4: Forgetting and Memory Improvement Question: In what ways can memory be improved? IMPROVING MEMORY (continued) Constructing Links – constructing a meaningful link between items Using Mnemonic Devices – systems for remembering information

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