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HOLT Psychology Section 1: Three Kinds of Memory

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1 HOLT Psychology Section 1: Three Kinds of Memory
11/28/2018 Chapter 7 MEMORY Section 1: Three Kinds of Memory Chapter 7

2 Chapter 7 Section 1: Three Kinds of Memory What is Memory? Memory is the process by which we recollect prior experiences and information and skills learned in the past. One way to classify memory is according to the different kinds of information it contains: events, general knowledge, and skills.

3 Question: What are the three kinds of memory?
Chapter 7 Section 1: Three Kinds of Memory Question: What are the three kinds of memory? THREE KINDS OF MEMORY Episodic memory – memory of a specific event that took place in the person’s presence or through experience Semantic memory – general knowledge that people remember Implicit memory – a memory that consists of the skills and procedures one has learned

4 Chapter 7 Episodic Memory
Section 1: Three Kinds of Memory Episodic Memory Episodic Memory is memory of a specific event Flashbulb memories--Events so important that it seems as if a flashbulb goes off and we photograph it in every detail. There are several reasons why certain memories become etched in our minds when the “flashbulb” goes off. Sometimes places or events make an impression on us because they are connected to other events that are important at the time, such as a major disaster or tragedy.

5 Semantic memory – general knowledge that people remember
Chapter 7 Section 1: Three Kinds of Memory Semantic Memory Semantic memory – general knowledge that people remember We usually do not remember when we acquired the information in our semantic memory. Examples of semantic memory You remember the alphabet, you so not remember where, when or how you learned it. Most of what you have learned in your classes at school has become part of your semantic memory. Episodic and semantic memories are both examples of explicit memory.

6 Things that are implicit are implied or not clearly stated
Chapter 7 Section 1: Three Kinds of Memory Implicit Memory The opposite of explicit is implicit and another kind of memory is implicit memory Implicit memory – a memory that consists of the skills and procedures one has learned Things that are implicit are implied or not clearly stated Memories consist of the skills or procedures you have learned—throwing a ball, jumping rope, typing, using a computer, playing a musical instrument. Once skills have been learned, they tend to stay remembered for many years perhaps even a lifetime.

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