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Week Two Comments Images, why use them, keeping legal and safe Picture of Learning. Class poem, what are we like, bio poem.

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4 Week Two Comments Images, why use them, keeping legal and safe
Picture of Learning. Class poem, what are we like, bio poem

5 Sharing Information Safe or unsafe

6 Comments Comments allow your blogs's readers to have a discussion with you and each other. Think even more carefully about comments before you click submit. You cannot change a comment on someone else’s site.









15 Week Two Why Use Images

16 A picture is worth a thousand words
Image credits: HikingArtist Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike






22 Week Two What Images? Where to get them? Which image to use?

23 Attribution Looking for images for your blog leads you into a potential minefield of copyright. There are many images on the internet that you can use but that come with certain conditions. These conditions may include things like you can use but not edit, or that you must attribute.

24 Attribution Attribution is quite tricky, it means that you must give credit to the photographer and also respect the rest of their conditions.

25 Attribution In the example about, I’ve not edited the picture (NoDerivs), I am not making money on this blog(NonCommercial) and I am attributing and linking back to the owner. This is pretty difficult for adults and more so for younger pupils.

26 Attribution You have three choices:
Use only your own images. This gives lots of opportunities for creative photography. Use images that do not need attribution, public domain ones. Use creative commons and similarly licensed photos and learn to attribute.

27 Blogging Challenges Blog photos of ‘a picture of learning’
What does learning look like in your class? Write a bio-poem, let your readers know what you are like. You can do this as an individual or a class.



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