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Home You can view all Flo Fab rep order that been sold so you can easily get end user feedback Call factory for password.

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Presentation on theme: "Home You can view all Flo Fab rep order that been sold so you can easily get end user feedback Call factory for password."— Presentation transcript:

1 Home You can view all Flo Fab rep order that been sold so you can easily get end user feedback Call factory for password

2 IOM To get your instruction manual click here
To view this power point on line


4 Photo Gallery

5 Contact


7 Literature & Specs

8 Literature & Specs

9 Literature

10 Specs

11 Oil Tank

12 Oil Tank

13 partnerS Login


15 Open quotation

16 Go back to quote or create a new quote
You can search for a pump without creating a quote Or view a cataglog curve You can search for a Tank without creating a Quote Created your own search engine setting’s eg: voltage Go back to quote or create a new quote

17 See old quotes and make new
Click on link to see quote details Click to create a new quote

18 Click on link to go directly to category in quote
1st part of quote Click on link to go directly to category in quote Dates follow-up

19 When you receive a order from your client its important to change order status to
When you are ready to order you must fill in the ship to the press save and then Fax a order in to the factory (450) or via e mail stating to proceed with quote number with a copy of the approved drawing Job name must be enter then press save You can fill in the ship to notes for special instruction Copy feature is when you need to create another quote with selected items in the quote

20 2e part of quote Net Price.
You can edit the client’s customer price, only this price will be visible for the client.

21 .

22 Total for each product category in this quote
Quote summary Total for each product category in this quote

23 Insert new items You can search by the FloFab fabrication number or by the description product. It is also possible to search items by category. After you make your choice, enter the needed quantity and click on the add button


25 Insert new tanks You could select your tank by model or by specifications. } After entering specs, click on the find button. Select the tank model and the tank option (s) you need. Click here to add this tank to your quote. Enter a tag and the quantity.

26 Click on drawing to get you Autocad drawing or black and white to fax a clear copy

27 Select the type of tank you want to built
Select Pressure Select Maximum Diameter Select with Cement and insolation

28 After you select your diameter you can then enter the capacity Required or If you are replacing a existing unit you can enter the total length the the program will calculated the other missing value Enter your tag for it to appear on the submital

29 After entering all parameters the prg will create a General layout of the unit you created

30 This menu is to add connection, heater, relief valves, special paint etc to your tank that you are building When you are done click here this will drop the tank into your quote that you have been working on ADD AND REMOVE BUTTONS

31 Enter connection that will be added to your tank when saved
Selection menu

32 Click here to get submital
Connection when tank is in the quote Your net cost

33 Quote Dates Date quote was created Date quote became an official order Minimum delivery date is 8 weeks after the quote becomes an order

34 Set your client’s price.
Sales rep view Set your client’s price. Go to client’s view.

35 Click here to see quote in table view.
Client customer view Note this is the price you entered in client customer price and no other price is shown. Click here to see quote in table view.

36 } Insert new pumps 1- Choose the pump specifications
2- Select desired pump from list } 3- Enter a tag and quantity for this pump 4- Click add to quote #, to finalize and add pump to quote 1 New curves Preview To show the specification of the pump 2 3 3 4 Curve

37 Fill in job name prior to getting your data sheets
Get your Data to submit to contactor when its in a quote

38 P1

39 Curves

40 Curves 2 Job name Equipement tag

41 Drawings

42 Drawings 2

43 After building a system package you must get a validation from a FLO FAB customer service rep when your finished . Click here to created your own package

44 Enter tag number Enter quantity of this type of system See literature on the Home Page to understand model codes There are 2 types of description quote type for quick description and Standard typical specification type you can edit both text or delete one

45 When you have edit or change the above text you must click here
If you must delete description and start over click here Tools to create system

46 Menu to select items from
Items presently in Package Next Button to add Headers etc

47 Available drawing that you can select or preview
Important status button after your done with the package make sure the status is YES before closing window

48 Quote table view options
Which categories to show Which details to show Insert text here to customize your header. Tick to show client’s customer price. Select desired sequence. Click submit button.


50 Quote Table View P1

51 Quote Table View P2

52 Click Here to select a shell and tube heat exchanger

53 When you click here is will add the unit to your quote
You can change from water to steam and select tube bundle When you click here is will add the unit to your quote You can direct select any shell and tube heat exchanger with the diameter and length

54 Quick nav buttons you can create a new quote from here
Drop down box that last digits are length’s Quick nav buttons you can create a new quote from here Current quote that you are adding items to


56 For plate and frame heat exchanger selection click here of the main menu

57 Heat exchanger selection
You must follow this menu bar

58 Click design all models to get the best selection and price
You can also save on a another quote list all you phe quotes




62 Types of document


64 Quote Dates Date quote was created Date quote became an official order Minimum delivery date is 8 weeks after the quote becomes an order

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