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Developing Principles from Research

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2 Developing Principles from Research
I. What is a principle? A. A principle is “A general truth or law... a settled law or rule of personal conduct” (Funk & Wagnalls)

3 B. A principle is an outstanding and abiding truth that is not limited to a moment in time.
C. A principle is a simple, concisely stated truth that is easily understood and applied to life and living.

4 II. What are keys to translating research into principles?
There are several steps in a process that will help the preacher to translate research into principles. A. Choose your text or topic.

5 B. Do the necessary research.
1. Word Studies 2. Parallel Passages 3. Commentary Study 4. Etc.

6 C. Meditate on the significance of your research in light of topic.
D. Ask God to illuminate to you the eternal truths contained in your passage.

7 E. Ask yourself the following questions:
1. How does this relate to me personally? 2. How does this relate to the people to whom I plan to speak? 3. What new light does my research throw on the meaning of this verse or this subject in general?

8 4. What truths do I see here that are relevant to the life of the believer?
5. Are the truths that I see here obvious or do I have to stretch the meaning to make it work?

9 F. Formulate key truths into the statement of principles.
G. Rework the statements into their most fundamental and basic form eliminating all unnecessary words or ideas. H. Arrange principles into a logical order as a foundation for the sermon outline (See Lesson 14, Constructing an Outline).

10 III. What do spiritual principles look like?
A. There are general guidelines to follow in the statement of principles. 1. A principle should be universally applicable. 2. A principle should be a clear statement. Eliminate any symbolic language or ambiguous term from the statement.

11 3. A principle should be a concise statement
3. A principle should be a concise statement. You should eliminate any unnecessary words. 4. A principle should be a positive statement. It should focus on what to do as opposed to what not to do. 5. A principle should be a complete sentence.

12 B. There are general guidelines to avoid in the statement of principles.
1. A principle should not use names of Bible places or characters. 2. A principle should not be in the form of a question. 3. A principle should not be in the form of an exhortation.

13 4. A principle should not be difficult to apply.


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