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Telephone Charades. Your team will line up in a single file line facing away from the stage. An activity or action will be given to the team member last.

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Presentation on theme: "Telephone Charades. Your team will line up in a single file line facing away from the stage. An activity or action will be given to the team member last."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telephone Charades

2 Your team will line up in a single file line facing away from the stage. An activity or action will be given to the team member last in line. They will tap the person in front of them on the shoulder who will then turn around. Then they will act out the activity or action to them using no sounds. The second to last in line will then tap the next person and act out what they saw. This goes on until the first person in line is tapped and acted for and then they have to guess what the action or activity is.

3 Doing gymnastics 1

4 Being in a plane crash 2

5 Kicking the game winning field goal 3

6 Walking on The moon 4

7 Having a Heart attack 5

8 Singing worship music 6

9 Sinking in Quick sand 7

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