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Presentation on theme: "Water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water

2 What are the key points? Debate over selling H2O
How to supply more drinking H2O New sources Reusing supplies Need pro-investment policies

3 Selling H2O Great Lakes H2O sales debate US now uses less water- Why?
Anti-sale Pro-sale Hypocrisy about sanctity US now uses less water- Why? Industrial usage ↓ Drip irrigation Recycle wastewater

4 Generating New Supplies
Desalination Distillation Reverse osmosis Icebergs Capillary condensation LifeStraw WaterMill PlayPump Astroids Other creative, yet practical solutions: Peruvian billboard water WarkaWater tower Lifesaver filter

5 Reusing Existing Supplies
Toilet-to-tap Current system very inefficient Grey H2O Update infrastructure ↑ reliance on natural capital NYC source H2O subsidies Discourages investment

6 Water Demands ↑ population Agricultural, industrial usage
↑ demand for food, meat ↑ demand for stuff= Industrial use Agricultural, industrial usage Biggest drain Grow food in dry places Avocados Tap aquifers for free Climate change H2O cycle Deluges, droughts Less snow

7 Tackling Poor Management
Eliminate subsidies Expensive, unreliable access in GS Properly price H2O Consumers waste it Investors lack investment incentives Est. ownership and extraction rights

8 Recap Need to address H2O demand issues
Poorest people pay the most for H2O Require better domestic management Require int’l cooperation Battle bt. local, owned resource and common good

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