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Michael Wooldridge presented by Kim Sang Soon

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1 Michael Wooldridge presented by 96420-039 Kim Sang Soon
Intelligent Agents Michael Wooldridge presented by Kim Sang Soon

2 1. Contents 1. What is Intelligent Agents? 2. Abstract Architectures
3. Concrete Architectures - Logic-Based Architectures - Reactive Architecture - Belief-Desire-Intention Architecure - Layered Architecture 4. Agent Programming Language

3 Intelligent Agents(1) Agents
the system that can decide for themselves what they need to do in order to satisfy their design objectives.

4 Intelligent Agents(2) Intelligent Agents
Agents that must operate robustly in rapidly changing, unpredictable, or open environments, where there is a significant possiblity that actions can fail. Computer system that is situated in some environment, and that is capable of autonomous action in this environment in order to meet its design objectives.

5 Intelligent Agents Agent Sensor input Action output Environment

6 Concrete Architectures
Logic-Based Architectures Reactive Architectures Belief-Desire-Intention Architecture Layered Architectures

7 Logic-Based Architectures
Decision making is realized through logical deduction Example In(x,y)^Dirt(x,y) -> Do(suck) In(0,0)^Facing(north) ^ ¬Dirt(0,0) -> Do(forward)

8 Reactive Architecutre
Decision making is implemented in some form of direct mapping from situation to action Rodney Brooks’ mobile robot finite state machine subsumption hierarchy

9 Belief-Desire-Intention Arch.(1)
Decision making depends upon the manipulation of data structures representing the beliefs, desires, and intentions of the agents state of a BDI agent : (B,D,I)

10 Belief-Desire-Intention Arch.(2)
Sensor input brf beliefs Generate options desires filter intentions action Action output

11 Layered Architectures
Decision making is realized via various software layers, each of which is more-or-less explicitly reasoning about the environment at different levels of abstraction Horizontal layering, Vertical layering

12 Layered Architectures(cont.)
Layer n ... Layer 2 Layer 1 Perceptual input Action output Layer n ... Layer 2 Layer 1 Perceptual input Action output Layer n ... Layer 2 Layer 1 Action output Perceptual input

13 Agent Programming Languages(1)
Agent-Oriented Programming agent : set of capabilities + set of initial beliefs +set of initial commitments(intentions) + set of commitment rules ex) AGENT0

14 Agent Programming Languages(2)
Concurrent METATEM consists of concurrently executing agents each agent is given a temporal logic Rc(ask)[give] ask(x) => give(y) give(x)^give(y) => ( x = y )

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