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HACT Round Table Discussion

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1 HACT Round Table Discussion
Where has the housing sector got to in measuring its social impact and what approaches are being taken? David Mullins and Vanessa Wilkes, TSRC, University of Birmingham Housing providers: evidencing their social impact HACT Round Table Discussion 10:00am pm on 7 June 2012, London

2 Social Impact – A Continuing agenda for housing sector
Investing for Social Purpose in C19– Remember Peabody, Guinness? – implicit social enterprise model Social Investors of the 1920s – COPEC & Miss Fenter’s CI (financial inclusion and youth diversionary) activities! 1960s Cathy Come Home – housing as social movement – homelessness and neighbourhood renewal 1997 Giddens/Blair Social investment state – HAs as Social Investment Agencies – ‘from housing plus-CI’ 2002 In Business for Neighbourhoods – sector rebranding - CI symbol of independent social purpose 2000s Government promotion of social enterprise & SROI across third sector Never forget the impact of secure affordable homes!!

3 Social Impact measurement in housing sector – research evidence
2008 First NHF Neighbourhood Audit – first picture of extent of CI (actually quite marginal to housing investment & management in most organisations but £435 million invested across sector, £272m from own resources) 2010 TSA Study – Community investment performance management toolkit for housing organisations - no golden bullet – wide range of tools - make or buy? 2011 Second NHF Neighbourhood Audit – important high level indication of change - but still mainly inputs & outputs PhD Study – from inputs & outputs to outcomes and impacts - Understanding why and how housing associations measure the social impact of their community investment activities (supported by NHF and engaging with HACT)

4 TSA Study 2010 Anglo-Dutch trawl of approaches to measurement– 17 tools identified to plan, manage & measure CI activities G15 Roundtables – scope and plans for measurement 8 case studies – 4 internal tools, 4 off-shelf Approach influenced by scale, type & organisation of CI & level (individual, project, programme, corporate, sector) Towards Impact - Considerable interest in moving from inputs/outputs to outcomes/impacts No established practice - Adaptation and use of wide range of tools – choices often a condition of grant funding NHF Audit – led to common scoping & classification activities across sector – but significant differences in range of activities and ambitions of different HAs Launch of Community Impact Tracker as sector tool – would this standardise – enable benchmarking?

5 TSA Study 2010– Approaches & Gaps
‘need more than a good story now to fund CI’. Projects – main focus, moving to harder quantitative approach alongside case studies Programmes – external accountability to funders, some strategies & theming – common reporting. Some move to standardisation & KPIs Corporate Overview – weakly developed – CI not on balanced scorecards – BITC, SROI, Social Audit being explored by a few Collaborative planning – weakly developed – organisational measures a barrier to collaboration? –credit claiming – going it alone Area Based – not much progress- floor standards, neighbourhood profiles looking dated- difference between nationals & community based HAs Ex-ante – Dutch focus on planning and goal setting – independent SEs? Ex-post – English focus on monitoring – regulatory mindset? Toolkit – no single tool meets all the aims – distance travelled tools for individual impacts – project management tools– corporate & sector indicators – collaborative planning tools (such as Outcomes Arena)

6 Outcomes arena – setting priorities together with partners

7 So what’s really changing?
‘Fences coming down’ – need for self-steering (more of a Dutch approach needed?) CI mainstreamed Economic crisis – need to harness the local £ HAs as SEs and as incubators of community and tenant based SEs Welfare Reforms – urgency of financial inclusion work ASB – recognition of CI investment in ‘diversionary activity’ (remember Miss Fenter) to include in cost benefit analysis of ASB responses (HouseMark) from ‘CSR extra’ to ‘core business’

8 What Drives your Community Investment work?

9 What kind of CI – what kind of measurement
‘making sure people enjoy the projects’. Society led – responsive & consultative (measures set with residents and communities) Partnership led – LSPs & community commissioning (measures set with LA and community partners) Strategy led – strategic themes set priorities = synergies with core business - (measures set corporately) Market led – the commissioning game – Supply chains and all that)- often based on individuals rather than neighbourhoods –(measures set by contracts) “CI washes its face” “If its not in the contract we don’t do it”

10 Hact Survey Methodology
- 34 Respondents - Self selecting organisations and interviewees - Telephone interview in November 2011 The stage of measurement activity Size of housing association Not started any formal measurement and looking around for tools Fairly new to measuring and waiting to see what results the current tools give them Currently measuring but aware that need to make the tools / indicators better Have established measurement systems and are able to see the benefits Medium 1 Medium-Large 3 Large 4 10,000-29,999 2 5 30,000-49,999 50,000+ 7 respondents 4 respondents 10 respondents 13 respondents Uses PHd as well as hact survey NHF sizebands – ranged from 3,400 – 56,000 in stock Fieldwork – Nov 2011 Self selecting sample

11 Growing importance / drivers
“Prove we are making a difference” External Internal Wider third sector interest Shift from ‘monitoring’ to ‘impact’ High profile networks SROI Inspiring Impact Think tanks Economic climate Funders “Keeping up” with the sector Accountability Tenants Boards Validate social as well as economic value Growing importance and integration of community investment Increased desire to understand neighbourhoods …. and see if making a difference Increasing emphasis within orgs to identify effectiveness Ec climate – changed CI approach in a lot of orgs – become more focused and inwardly driven rather than responding to individual requests “If it’s not measured, it’s not done”

12 Approaches to Impact Measurement
Wide and varied approaches … in tools and methodologies Externally developed tools include: Advice Pro; Balance Scorecard; Business In The Community; CITs; CP Tracker; CR Tracker; Lamplight; Social accounting; SROI; Views (formerly SPRS) Paper based systems SROI across 4 countries

13 “What does good look like”
Common Issues Whilst doing: Resources Skills Understanding complex methodologies or tools Development of outcomes measures Development of financial proxies Confidence (or lack of) in reporting results Whilst thinking about it: No perfect off the shelf answer Different tools for different types of projects Too much choice .versus. no knowledge of the options Waiting for the golden bullet Drawing on external resources, consultants, networks Inter HA discussion “A common problem” Outcomes – Which they felt accurately captured what they are trying to achieve Overlapping

14 The Purpose of Impact Measurement
Why do it? Caveats Accountability Self evaluation Using the data for learning in bidding Layers of measurement Impact of some or all activities? Impact as whole organisation? Importance of marginal work Funders demands Use of data What is useful? Is it always appropriate and useful? To housing associations To them 63% of all respondents measured all CI activities Marginal (often pastoral) work often harder to measure but very important How do we think of Impact Measurement – as being ‘done’ to tenants – one way process or by looking inwardly also?

15 Lesson Learnt Steep learning curve Ambiguity in …
Build on what achieved, expand breadth and depth Ambiguity in … Methodology Proxy values (e.g. SROI database) Assessment does not give a definite answer But … opens up debate Tension between ‘doing’ and measuring Expectation of partners involvement Manage expectations Promotes a culture change A shared problem

16 Are you intending to change your measurement tool in the next 12 months?
Response Reason External tool users Internal tool users No Happy with current tool Waiting to see the success of the one we are currently using 8 1 Yes Looking around for alternative tool(s) Further develop the current tool(s) 2 7 Don’t know 3 TOTAL 14 12 Total Respondents: 26 hact research - Need to move towards measuring outcomes (rather than outputs) and social impact Need to keep up to date with new tools and methodologies Need to investigate the functionality of our current tools

17 Moving forward ?? Overall Strategy Resources
“Chaotic progress” Moving forward ?? Overall Strategy Demonstrating the economic as well as the social contribution of RSLs (not just community investment) More Group structures adopting a joined-up approach Resources The need for appropriate time and resources Analytical skills Specialisation of roles

18 Moving forward cont.. Methodologies An area which needs improving
Recognition that the complexity of some approaches may not fit all organisations / social enterprises Development of joint indicators Greater use of proxy indicators More methodological project planning /theory of change Arena for ‘challenges’ within projects to be addressed - The indicators would need to be appropriate for the smaller, as well as the larger, organisations; = There was concern about the resources an organisation would need to put into such a process but there was a willingness to be a ‘sounding board’; = The question of whether organisations wanted standardised measures was raised, something organisations need to consider; and = Some concern was raised about duplication of effort given that there is already a regional grouping considering this issue. Add some questions for the day Implication s of type and nature of CI for measurement What support does the sector need to take this work forward lots of different starting points areas on which useful to collaborate Social and economic value within groups

19 Questions Value of standardisation within housing sector v common approaches cross-sector? Does measurement inhibit or enable collaboration? How do aims of CI and delivery models (society led, partnership led, strategy led, market led) affect approaches to measurement? Is social impact of HAs just about CI or about whole business impact? (where are the measures of social impact of secure affordable housing?)

20 More Questions How do motivations affect type of impact measurement (external v internal drivers) Should we wait for ‘golden bullet’ to solve problems at a sector level? How can progress become less chaotic? What support resources do different types of HAs need? What can we best do together?

21 Thanks For further info on TSA study, HACT survey and PhD please contact us at TSRC:

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