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Getting sample and code

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2 Getting sample and code
Download the package tar xvf tagprobe_istep.tar .L dataanalyze.C run()

3 Data Sample Generated from MC for LHC production with ATLAS detector simulation ****************************************************************************** *Tree :data : data * *Entries : : Total = bytes File Size = * * : : Tree compression factor = * *Br 0 :ele_N : ele_N/I * *Entries : : Total Size= bytes File Size = * *Baskets : : Basket Size= bytes Compression= * * * *Br 1 :ele_PT : ele_PT[ele_N]/F * *Entries : : Total Size= bytes File Size = * *Baskets : : Basket Size= bytes Compression= * *Br 2 :ele_Eta : ele_Eta[ele_N]/F * *Entries : : Total Size= bytes File Size = * *Baskets : : Basket Size= bytes Compression= * *Br 3 :ele_Phi : ele_Phi[ele_N]/F * *Entries : : Total Size= bytes File Size = * *Br 4 :ele_Charge : ele_Charge[ele_N]/I * *Entries : : Total Size= bytes File Size = * *Baskets : : Basket Size= bytes Compression= * *Br 5 :ele_tight : ele_tight[ele_N]/I * *Entries : : Total Size= bytes File Size = * *Baskets : : Basket Size= bytes Compression= * Electron information only: Momentum Electric charge Electron ID_tight (=1, passing tight selection)

4 Data Composition Mixture of Zee process and QCD dijet process
With some small probability, jet is mis-reconstructed as electron

5 Efficiency Measurement
If directly counting the number of electrons passing the tight selection, we get Electron sample is not pure, contaminated by jet-faked electron Too low to be correct!

6 Tag&Probe Applying tag&probe
Some improvement, but still not pure enough

7 Tag&probe with background subtraction
Fit the spectrum to remove the background contribution

8 Question and Task Any way to reduce the background contribution at selection level? Narrower window around Z peak? Charge information? Is efficiency a constant? Dependence on the pseudorapidity? Dependence on the pT? Uncertainty? Statistical uncertainty? Systematic uncertainty?

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