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What is Red? By Susan Bowdoin.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Red? By Susan Bowdoin."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Red? By Susan Bowdoin

2 Red is stop signs and Valentine hearts
Red is stop signs and Valentine hearts. Red is a tulip in your shopping cart. Red is blood from a cut on your hand and a small crab that you find in the sand.

3 Red is loud yelling and very soft kisses and crinkly wrapped presents you open at Christmas.

4 Red is a marble, smooth and round. Red is anger shown with a frown.

5 Red is campfires and the 4th of July.

6 And red reminds you of a Christmas gone by.

7 Red is ripe cherries and cinnamon bears And love is telling someone that you really care.

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