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y x z Forces => Vectors => 2D and 3D

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1 y x z Forces => Vectors => 2D and 3D
Force System = 2 or more forces acting on a body (particle or mass) Resultant =  forces in the system R = F = F1 + F2 + F3 where R = Rxî + Ryĵ + Rzk Let’s look at three random forces and find the resultant analytically and graphically. x z y

2 F1 = 2N 30 1st quadrant F2 = 4N 150 2nd quadrant F3 = 6N -45 = 6N 315 th quadrant F1 = 2N 30 = 2 cos 30 î sin 30 ĵ = î ĵ F2 = 4N 150 = 4 cos 150 î sin 150 ĵ = (-)3.464 î ĵ F3 = 6N 315 = 6 cos 315 î sin 315 ĵ = î + (-)4.243 ĵ

3 Add like terms of these forces to get the resultant,
R = F = F1 + F2 + F3 F1 = î ĵ + F2 = (-)3.464 î ĵ + F3 = î (-)4.243 ĵ R = î (-)1.243 ĵ R = Rx î Ry ĵ Convert resultant to polar coordinates. magnitude =  (2.511)² + (-1.243)² =  2.8 N orientation = tan-1 (rise / run) = tan-1 (-1.243/2.511) =   R = 2.8 N -26.3  2.8 N 334

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