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WG11 Snapshot July 2012 Date: 16 -July-2012 Authors: Name Company

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1 WG11 Snapshot July 2012 Date: 16 -July-2012 Authors: Name Company
doc.: IEEE /0721r0 July 2012 WG11 Snapshot July 2012 Date: 16 -July-2012 Authors: Name Company Address Phone Bruce Kraemer Marvell 5488 Marvell Ln Santa Clara, CA 95054 +1 - 321 4 27 4098 marvell .com Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

2 Adrian’s Vice Chair report 11-12-0038r3
July 2012 Meeting Documents Agenda r1 Snapshots r0 Supplementary r0 Adrian’s Vice Chair report r3 Jon’s Vice Chair report r0 Treasury report r1 Publicity report r0 Newcomers material r1 IMAT for attendance r0 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

3 PAR Expiration/Renewal Schedule
July 2012 PAR Expiration/Renewal Schedule Project PAR Expiration Date Revision - MB 31-DEC-2012 AA AC AD AE 31-DEC-2013 AF AH 31-DEC-2014 AI Plan for Approval of New Revision PAR July 2012 Plan for Approval of Extension PAR July 2012 Plan for Approval of Extension PAR November 2012 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

4 July 2012 Officers Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

5 802.11 Appointments WG Secretary – Stephen McCann
July 2012 Monday Agenda Item 4.1.2 Appointments WG Secretary – Stephen McCann Treasurer – Jon Rosdahl Publicity – Stephen McCann ANA Authority – Adrian Stephens WG Technical Editors – Adrian Stephens, Peter Ecclesine Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

6 WG11 Task & Study Group Officers – July 2012
doc.: IEEE /0721r0 July 2012 WG11 Task & Study Group Officers – July 2012 Cat Group Chair Vice Chair Technical Editor Secretary WG WG11 Bruce Kraemer Jon Rosdahl Adrian Stephens Peter Ecclesine Stephen McCann TG AC Osama Aboul-Magd Menzo Wentink, Joonsuk Kim Robert Stacey David Yang AD Eldad Perahia James Yee Carlos Cordeiro -OPEN- AF Richard Kennedy Peter Ecclesine, Zhou Lan AH Dave Halasz Yongho Seok Minyoung Park Joseph Teo Chee Ming AI Hiroshi Mano Marc Emmelmann, Gabor Bajko Tom Siep Hitoshi Morioka SC WNG Clint Chaplin Jim Lansford ARC Mark Hamilton David Bagby JTC1 Andrew Myles REG SG CMMW Xiaoming Peng, Eldad Perahia ISD Bruce Kraemer, Marvell NYRQ = Not yet required, nominations are not open OPEN = Candidate Nominations are open Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

7 WG11 Task & Study Group Officers – July 2012- adj
doc.: IEEE /0721r0 July 2012 WG11 Task & Study Group Officers – July adj Cat Group Chair Vice Chair Technical Editor Secretary WG WG11 Bruce Kraemer Jon Rosdahl Adrian Stephens Peter Ecclesine Stephen McCann TG AC Osama Aboul-Magd Menzo Wentink, Joonsuk Kim Robert Stacey David Yang AD Eldad Perahia James Yee Carlos Cordeiro -OPEN- AF Richard Kennedy Peter Ecclesine, Zhou Lan AH Dave Halasz Yongho Seok Minyoung Park Joseph Teo Chee Ming AI Hiroshi Mano Marc Emmelmann, Gabor Bajko Tom Siep Hitoshi Morioka SC WNG Clint Chaplin Jim Lansford ARC Mark Hamilton David Bagby JTC1 Andrew Myles REG SG CMMW Xiaoming Peng, Eldad Perahia ISD Bruce Kraemer, Marvell NYRQ = Not yet required, nominations are not open OPEN = Candidate Nominations are open Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

8 July 2012 Status Reports Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

9 Current Membership Status - July
May 2011 doc.: IEEE /0051r2 July 2012 Current Membership Status - July Status Number Aspirant 114 Potential Voter 52 Voter 294 Definitions: Aspirant: a member who has attended 1 qualifying meeting Potential Voter: a member who has attended 2 qualifying meetings and will become a voter at the start of the next plenary they attend Data as of Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

10 July Pre-Meeting Registration
Working Group Number 802.11  258  802.3  275  802.xx  20  802.15  112  802.1  73  none  30  802.18  802.19  19  802.16  27  802.21  11  802.22  Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

11 Recent voting member history
May 2011 doc.: IEEE /0051r2 July 2012 Recent voting member history Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

12 IEEE 802.11 Standards Pipeline
May 2011 doc.: IEEE /0483r0 July 2012 IEEE Standards Pipeline 802.11z TDLS 802.11s Mesh e QoS MAC 802.11u WIEN 802.11r Fast Roam 802.11V Network Management h DFS & TPC 802.11k RRM i Security 802.11ai FILS 802.11aa Video Transport 802.11Y Contention Based Protocol IDS f Inter AP 802.11ae QoS Mgt Frames Smart Grid j JP bands 802.11p WAVE 802.11mb Revision WNG g 54 Mbps 2.4GHz CMMW ah 802.11n High Throughput (>100 Mbps) 802.11af TVWS b 11Mbps 2.4 GHz 802.11ac VHT 5GHz 802.11ad VHT 60 GHz 802.11W Management Frame Security a 54 Mbps 5GHz d PHY (’99) 2.4GHz Published Amendment Discussion Topics Study groups TG without Approved draft WG Letter Ballot Sponsor Ballot Published Standard Slide 12 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Page 12 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

13 IEEE 802.11 Standards Pipeline
May 2011 doc.: IEEE /0483r0 July 2012 IEEE Standards Pipeline MAC 802.11aa Video Transport 802.11ai FILS IDS Smart Grid 802.11ae QoS Mgt Frames WNG CMMW ah 802.11af TVWS 802.11ac VHT 5GHz 802.11ad VHT 60 GHz PHY Discussion Topics Study groups TG without Approved draft WG Letter Ballot Sponsor Ballot Published Amendment Published Standard Slide 13 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Page 13 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

14 IEEE 802.11 Standards Pipeline
May 2011 doc.: IEEE /0483r0 July 2012 IEEE Standards Pipeline MAC 802.11aa Video Transport 802.11ai FILS IDS Smart Grid 802.11ae QoS Mgt Frames WNG CMMW ah 802.11af TVWS 802.11ac VHT 5GHz 802.11ad VHT 60 GHz PHY Discussion Topics Study groups TG without Approved draft WG Letter Ballot Sponsor Ballot Published Amendment Published Standard Slide 14 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Page 14 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

15 IEEE 802.11 Revisions July 2012 802.11 -2012 May 2011
doc.: IEEE /0483r0 July 2012 IEEE Revisions 802.11z TDLS 802.11ai FILS 802.11s Mesh MAC 802.11 -2003 e QoS 802.11 -2007 802.11 -2012 802.11 -1999 802.11r Fast Roam 802.11ae QoS Mgt Frames 802.11u WIEN h DFS & TPC 802.11k RRM 802.11aa Video Transport i Security 802.11V Network Management f Inter AP 802.11Y Contention Based Protocol d Intl roaming j JP bands 802.11af TV Whitespace 802.11p WAVE 802.11ac Very High Throughput 5GHz a 54 Mbps 5GHz 802.11n High Throughput (>100 Mbps) b 11 Mbps 2.4GHz g 54 Mbps 2.4GHz 802.11ad Very High Throughput 60GHz 802.11W Management Frame Security 802.11ah <1GHz PHY Slide 15 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Page 15 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

16 Type of Groups Type of Group Description WG Working Group TG
July 2012 Type of Groups Type of Group Description WG Working Group TG Task Group SG Study Group SC Standing Committee Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

17 Groups ?? July 2012 Type Group Description Chair WG11
The IEEE Working Group Bruce Kraemer TG MB Maintenance – Revision “mb” Dorothy Stanley AA Robust video Graham Smith AC Very High Throughput (<6 GHz bands) Osama Aboul-Magd AD Very High Throughput (60 GHz) Eldad Perahia AE QoS for Management Frames Michael Montemurro AF Operation in TV Whitespace bands Richard Kennedy AH Operation in 900 MHz bands Dave Halasz AI Fast Initial Link Setup Hiroshi Mano SG C60G China 60 GHz Eldad Perahia + Xiaoming Peng ISD Infrastructure Service Discovery Stephen McCann SC WNG Wireless Next Generation Clint Chaplin ARC Architecture Mark Hamilton JTC1 ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC6 shadow committee Andrew Myles REG Regulatory Smart Grid Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

18 WG11 Editor Abstract / Agenda – July 2012
March 2010 doc.: IEEE /0990r1 WG11 Editor Abstract / Agenda – July 2012 Roll Call / Contacts / Reflector Go round table and get brief status report ANA Status / Process / What is administered Numbering Alignment process / Spreadsheet Amendment Ordering / Draft Snapshots Style Guide for Central Desktop discussion Editor backup practices Posting drafts to the store: PDF, embedded fonts Slide 18 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Page 18 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Terry Cole (AMD)

19 WNG SC – July 2012 July 2012 Review of objectives
May 2008 July 2012 WNG SC – July 2012 Review of objectives Tuesday AM1 (08:00-10:00) General Links ( ?-0wng-general link.pptx) – Donald Eastlake 3rd Related MU-MIMO – Shoichi Kitazawa Carrier-Grade WIFI for Cellular Offload – Laurent Cariou Key Centric Identity – Edward Au Tuesday Eve (19:30-21:30) 6-10 GHz Extensions to ac, Part 4 ( wng-6-10gh-extensions-to ac-part4.pptx) – Richard Edgar Compatibility of 6-10GHz Extensions with the ac PHY ( wng-compatibility-of-6-10ghz-extensions-with-the ac-phy.ppt) – Jim Landsford 6-10GHz – Jongsup Baek 6-10GHz – Vinko Erceg Wednesday PM1 (13:30-15:30) Review of OBSS Status and IEEE Solutions – Xavier Perez Costa Spectrum Efficiency for the Next Generation WLAN (11-12-xxxx-00-0wng-10Gbps-WLAN-beyond ac.pptx) – Yasuhiko Inoue Security Framework ( wng) – Paul Lambert Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Page 19

20 802.11 ARC – July, 2012 Administration
Jan 2009 doc.: IEEE /1455r0 July 2012 ARC – July, 2012 Administration Approve Agenda, Attendance, Policies 802 Overview & Architecture ballot 802 ballot closed July 6, comments here: 11-12/0756r1 If overall comments or any proposed resolutions ready, review “General links” discussion 802.1AC (MAC Service definition) update, discussion 802.1 Joint meeting (Thursday AM1) Liaisons (802, , IETF) TRILL and bridging Future sessions / SC activities Bruce Kraemer, Marvell David Bagby, Calypso Ventures, Inc.

21 Published March 28, 2012 No Meetings Awards on Wednesday
Month Year July 2012 doc.: IEEE /0721r0 doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 July 2012 TGmb - July 2012 TGmb D12.0 Received Revcom Approval January 23, 2012 Received Standards Board Approval – February 6, 2012 Published March 28, 2012 No Meetings Awards on Wednesday Slide 21 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Page 21 John Doe, Some Company Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

22 No Meetings Awards on Wednesday Goals for the Meeting:
July 2012 May 2008 doc.: IEEE /0721r0 July 2012 IEEE TGaa – July 2012 Goals for the Meeting: Submitted to RevCom Approved by RevCom Approved by Standards Board No Meetings Awards on Wednesday . Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

23 November 2010 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 July 2012 IEEE ac – July 2012 A 20-day recirculation ballot (LB 188) on draft D3.0 ended on June 25 with approval rate of 90.66% Total number of comments received is 854 comments. Almost 575 comments are technical Comment spreadsheet is available at: The focus of this meeting is to continue with the resolution of comments received on draft D3.0 A TG Ad Hoc meeting was held in San Diego during the period of July with the objective to achieve progress on LB 188 comments resolution. Ad Hoc meeting Agenda is available in document11-12/0763r0. Agenda for this meeting is available in document 11-12/0764r0. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

24 TGad – July 2012 Meeting Goals
Comment resolution on recirculation sponsor ballot Prepare for EC conditional approval Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

25 Published April 26, 2012 Awards Wednesday TGae July 2012 Status:
doc.: IEEE /0721r0 July 2012 TGae July 2012 Status: Submitted report to EC for P802.11ae REVCOM approval. Objectives: EC Approval of P802.11ae submission to REVCOM Approved by RevCom Approved by Standards Board Published April 26, 2012 Awards Wednesday Bruce Kraemer, Marvell John Doe, Some Company

26 TGaf – Meeting Goals July 2012
Approve meeting and teleconference minutes Review the results of LB171 Approve speculative draft D1.08 Review the progress since May Complete Clause 23 (PHY) and changes required in other clauses required by the addition of Clause 23 Complete all remaining LB 171 PHY comment resolutions Plan for draft D2.0 Review regulatory landscape Plan for September meeting and teleconferences Slide 26 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

27 Month Year doc.: IEEE /0587r0 July 2012 IEEE ah Snapshot July 2012 Targeting January for Internal TG Letter Ballot Primary focus Continue work on the specification framework document. Prepare to work on draft text Timeline review & Teleconference schedule David Halasz, Motorola Mobility David Halasz, Aclara

28 IEEE 802.11 FILS TGai – San Diego July 2012
May 2008 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 July 2012 IEEE FILS TGai – San Diego July 2012 Goals for the Meeting: Approve minutes of past meeting and teleconference Continue work on Spec framework documentation Finish and approve the 1st release of the Spec framework documentation Call for draft amending text for Spec text Approve Timeline Approve Teleconference schedule Approve Plan for September Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

29 May 2008 doc.: IEEE /0547r0 July 2012 IEEE JTC1 ad hoc – July 2012 The agenda items that will be addressed this week are: Review status of WG draft liaisons to SC6 Review status of ballot on IEEE by JTC1 Review draft SC6/WG1 agenda for meeting in September in Austria Appoint and empower IEEE 802 delegation to SC6 meeting Develop final responses as part of process to develop an agreement related extensions by SC6 to IEEE 802 standards Based on a 2nd round of questions & comments by Swiss & Chinese NBs Review any changes to status of proposals to SC6 related to IEEE 802 WAPI, TLSEC, TePA-AC, EUHT, etc Consider IEEE 802 response to Swiss NB input to SC6 on process improvements after WAPI experience Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

30 Regulatory Standing Committee Meeting Goals July 2012
The regulatory summaries Regulatory issues status Opening the 5350 – 5470 MHz band ETSI Liaison on 5600 to 5650 MHz in the EU Ofcom TVWS meetings outcome SRdoc on DA2GC change Critical issues actions Overall support for the 5 GHz bands for ac EU US Other Should we have a formal Regulatory liaison with the other organizations?

31 China Millimeter Wave (CMMW) Study Group – July Meeting Goals
Complete Task Group guidelines document Complete PAR and 5 Criteria TG, WG, EC approval of PAR and 5 Criteria

32 IEEE 802.11 ISD SG – July 2012 Presentations Finalise scope for the SG
March 2012 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 July 2012 IEEE ISD SG – July 2012 Presentations Finalise scope for the SG Update use case & requirements document ( r2) Start on the PAR and 5C documents Agenda for this meeting is 11-12/0757r0. Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)

33 July 2012 Recent Ballots Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

34 Recent Ballot History Year Inter meeting Period Ballots Completed WG
July 2012 Recent Ballot History Year Inter meeting Period Ballots Completed WG Sponsor 2011 Jan - Mar 3 2 Mar - May May - July 4 July - Sept Sept - Nov 1 2011/2012 Nov - Jan 6 2012 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

35 July 2012 Ballot #188 was a 20 day Working Group technical Ballot asking the question "Should P802.11ac D3.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?". The Official results are: Ballot Opening Date: Tuesday June 05, :59 ET Ballot Closing Date: Monday June 25, :59 ET RESPONSES: 300 eligible people are in this ballot group. 233 affirmative votes 24 negative votes 14 abstention votes 2 negative vote without comments === 273 votes received = 91.0 % valid returns = 5.1 % valid abstentions APPROVAL RATE: 233 affirmative votes = 90.7 % affirmative 24 total negative votes = 9.3 % negative The 75% affirmation requirement has been met, Motion PASSES. There were 854 comments received. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

36 July 2012 The third IEEE P802.11ad (Very High Throughput 60GHz) 15 day recirculation Sponsor Ballot asked the question “Should P802.11ad Draft 8.0 be forwarded to RevCom?” The official results for this Sponsor Ballot follow: Ballot Opening Date: Friday June 01, :59 ET Ballot Closing Date: Saturday June 16, :59 ET BALLOT RESULTS: 214 eligible people are in this ballot group. 170 affirmative votes 6 negative votes with comments 0 negative vote without comments 12 abstention votes ======= 188 votes received = 87.9 % valid returns = 6.4% valid abstentions APPROVAL RATE: 170 affirmative votes = 96.6 % affirmative 6 total negative votes = 3.4 % negative The motion passes. There were 47 ballot comments received. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

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